Annotated Bibliography from Lit Search
4pages or 1200words
15 sources
Annotated bibliography of a literature search of 15 peer reviewed nursing articles on effective hand off processes and performing a learning needs assessment. Annotated bibliography should be 15 peer reviewed nursing articles (no greater than 5 years old) on effective hand off processes and performing a learning needs assessment. Should be in APA Masters level format. Please send in an APA masters level document that can be edited. If there are ANY delays to completing this assignment, so that I can make alternate arrangements. Again, peer-reviewed nursing journal articles published within the last 5 years.
Annotated Bibliography from nursing Lit Search
Please use the articles I have attached, including their doi. All must be APA, In addition, please find 2 other articles peer-reviewed nursing journal articles on conducting a learning needs assessment This list is attached, but please include 2 other peer reviewed nursign journal articles on conducting a learning needs assessment. Please make sure they include doi(digital object identifier) for all articles