NRS 440 Assignment 2 How a Bill Becomes a Law Essay
The cost of health care in the United States can be greatly reduced if insurance and billing difficulties are handled centrally. Through the Universal Statutory Health Insurance System, the central government of Japan regulates the health care system (SHIS). The law requires municipal and federal governments to set up a healthcare system that quickly delivers high-quality care (The Commonwealth Fund, 2019). Local governments, hospitals, and insurance carriers all receive subsidized help from the national government of Japan. Similar to that, it establishes and puts into effect complex requirements for service providers and insurers as well as the SHIS charge structure. The rules are put into practice by Japan’s 47 prefectural or regional governments, who also use their own funding to establish regional health care delivery systems. Due to price restriction for all services, this system has successfully implemented measures for health promotion and resulted in significant cost savings. Every year, when fees are reviewed, there are negotiations including all parties. In the US, such a system could be effective in bringing down healthcare costs.
In other states, similar legislation has been passed or introduced: Different states have filed a number of bills to rein in the rising expense of healthcare. Two of these have to do with how expensive high-quality healthcare is in the US. A measure to require the state government to set rates for healthcare services like doctor visits, hospital stays, and others was introduced in California in 2018. (Mason, 2018). This bill was created with the intention of lowering healthcare expenditures. Due to strong resistance, the law did not pass. On the other hand, lawmakers in Massachusetts have been debating a bill to regulate the cost of prescription medications. This measure makes an effort to reduce the costs of health care that are putting a strain on the state’s own budget as well as those of businesses, customers, providers, and insurers.
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As you have discovered through this course, nurses are influential members of the community and the political system. Therefore, for the purposes of this assignment you will identify a problem or concern in your community, organization, etc. that has the capacity to be legislated. You will conduct research and state a proposal. Through the legislative process, your proposal for the problem or concern may influence an idea for change into a law.
First, refer to the “How a Bill Becomes a” media.
Then, view the “Bill to Law Process” to watch the scenario.
After viewing the scenario, refer to the “Legislative Assignment.” You will need to save the document first in order to use it.
Submit the assignment to the instructor. You also reserve the right to submit your completed proposal to the respective government official. However, this is optional. If you select to submit your proposal as a
part of the legislative process, refer to “Find Your Representative” or research the contact information on your own.
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Legislative Worksheet (SBAR Format) –
- The issue is that there is an ongoing debate about policies that can make the American healthcare system more affordable. Many Americans cannot afford quality medical care even with Medicare and private healthcare programs. There have been differing views on how to improve health care for Americans. A single-payer Medicare for All system is supported by Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and others. Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, and others advocate for a phased approach that builds on the Affordable Care Act. However, candidates debating plans such as Medicare for All (Mr. Sanders) versus Medicare for All Who Want It (Pete Buttigieg) versus Medicare for America (Beto O’Rourke) versus BetterCare (John Delaney) — among many others — are having the wrong debate. Instead, they should be competing to find the best solutions to the issue of affordability, which has largely gone unaddressed. Changing some existing policies, such as harmonising the income eligibility standards for Medicaid and insurance exchanges, would allow government agencies, hospitals, insurers, and other organizations to automatically enroll people in health insurance when they seek care or other benefits such as food stamps. The issue for the remaining 295 million Americans who have some form of health insurance is high costs (Emanuel, 2019). Even when people have health insurance, high premiums, deductibles, and co-pays, unexpected hospital bills, and exorbitant drug prices prevent them from seeking care and taking their medications, threaten to deplete their savings, and even force Americans into bankruptcy. A strategy for dealing with this issue is required. This necessitates the introduction of legislation in Congress to address the affordability issue. The issue of unaffordability can be legislated because addressing it would benefit the majority of stakeholders, including the American public and the government. As a result, the current paper proposes centralizing the insurance system in order to reduce waste while maintaining its effectiveness. Assignment 2 for NRS 440 Essay on How a Bill Becomes a Law
Proposal/idea: A policy that targets wasteful insurance billing practices is required. The National Academy of Medicine estimated in 2010 that billing and insurance-related administrative activities accounted for approximately 14% of total health-care spending. The Center for American Progress estimates that the United States spends nearly $500 billion per year on billing and insurance processing (Pope, 2019). According to comparisons with other countries, roughly half of that is classified as “excess,” which is a polite way of saying waste. Thus, the most straightforward approach would be to empower an independent commission to establish a clearinghouse for processing all medical bills in uniform standardized electronic formats for all insurers. Germany and Japan, both of which have hundreds of thousands of insurance companies, have such centralized bill processing systems, which result in low billing costs. According to health economists, this could result in annual savings of more than 3% of expenditures, or approximately $90 billion.
- Financial Impact: The Center for American Progress Health reports that care providers and payers in the U.S. spend nearly $460 billion on insurance and billing-related costs (Gee & Spiro, 2019). A healthcare policy to address waste can potentially save this cost. The National Academy of Medicine reports that the U.S. spends roughly double of what is needed for billing and costs related to insurance. Currently, this administrative excess adds up to $248 billion every year, which can be saved if healthcare plans can be centralized. Health care providers – hospitals, physicians, and others – can save more and increase their revenue if such a policy is introduced because someone else will handle billing for them. The providers will not have to incur costs related to billing or insurance. NRS 440 Assignment 2 How a Bill Becomes a Law Essay
- Stakeholder groups that will potentially support this bill: The proposed bill will basically ensure affordability of health care for every American, implying that the public will generally support it. Since duplicative coverage will not be allowed in the proposed system, most legislators are likely to support the bill in the interest of the savings to the government and the majority of people who cannot afford quality medical care currently. Most medical professionals will support the bill because it enables them to focus on treating patients instead of thinking about malpractice liability, carrying out insurance procedures, and other issues. Since the bill will propose free medical services for patients, Americans can engage more in preventive care, which will reduce the cost of treating diseases. The proposed centralized program will also benefit patients with preexisting conditions, implying that they will support the bill as well.
- Groups/people Likely to oppose this Bill: This proposed bill will seek to cover more people but decrease the cost associated with billing and insurance processing. Such administrative costs amount 15-30% for private insurance companies while the same cost is about 5% for the Medicaid program. The same cost for Medicare is between 1 and 2 percent. Administrative costs, particularly for private insurance companies, include shareholders’ profits and advertising, as well as the collecting and billing costs of doctors’ offices, hospitals, X-ray facilities, and labs. These costs have been a nightmare to patients, who opt to change between insurance companies. Having a centralized system that gets rid of such costs is likely to be opposed by private insurance companies. These players will also oppose the bill because of the potential business closures, as well as loss insurance industry jobs. Some health care providers may oppose the bill because of the complex transition process characterized by the creation of new patient records, as well as the lost opportunity to bill more to patients. Health care organizations in private practice may oppose the bill because of the possibility of closure. Similarly, physicians who intend to get into private practice may choose not to support the bill. NRS 440 Assignment 2 How a Bill Becomes a Law Essay
- Based on inherent issues with affordability, there is a need to have a more centralized body that can process all insurance claims. This would eliminate the waste associated with billing and insurance processing. Thus, I plan to arrange an appointment with Assemblywoman Aileen M. Gunther of New York District 100. I will first seek her view about the need to control the issue of unaffordability in healthcare. I will ask what I need to do, including whether there is a need to get signatures from New York Residents who support this idea. I will then take the signatures to her, and she will introduce the bill to the House for consideration
Emanuel, E. (2019). Opinion | Democrats Are Having the Wrong Health Care Debate. Retrieved 8 August 2019, from
Gee, E., & Spiro, T. (2019). Excess Administrative Costs Burden the U.S. Health Care System – Center for American Progress. Retrieved 8 August 2019, from
Mason, M. (2018). An ambitious California bill would put the state in charge of controlling prices in the commercial healthcare market. Retrieved 9 August 2019, from
Pope, C. (2019). Issues 2020: Private Health Insurance Saves Americans Money | Manhattan Institute. Retrieved 8 August 2019, from
The Commonwealth Fund. (2019). Japan: International Health Care System Profiles. Retrieved 8 August 2019, from