Study Plan. A Review of my Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement Essay

Study Plan. A Review of my Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement Essay

In the previous study plan, I identified various areas of improvement based on the exam results. In this sense, understanding psychopharmacology and child/adolescent assessment approaches, understanding medications, and focusing on psychometric tools were profound areas of improvement. Consequently, I conceptualized three SMART goals and prerequisite tasks for realizing them. While reflecting on my performance regarding these goals, it is valid to argue that I have achieved some of them, although there are multiple development opportunities. For example, I successfully developed a timetable, subscribed to an online psychopharmacology review class, attempted weekly 100 psychopharmacology questions, and consulted my preceptor to guide me on reviewing books and course mnemonics. However, I am yet to realize all the SMART goals pertinent to reviewing flashcards, psychopharmacology review book, and attaining a minimum of 75-80% in weekly psychopharmacology questions. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to update the SMART goals, tasks for realizing them, and approaches for assessing the objectives for this quarter. Also, the review aims at elaborating on the resources necessary for achieving these goals.

SMART Goals, Tasks, and Assessment Approaches

Goal 1: I will form and participate in study groups to facilitate the process of reviewing psychopharmacology review books.


  • I will consult other learners and form a discussion group by the first week of the quarter
  • I will set a timetable for group discussion to enhance time management and avert the likelihood of contradicting objectives.
  • I will assess this goal by comparing learning outcomes with group effectiveness. In this sense, effective group activities should translate to improved knowledge on psychopharmacology and child/adolescent assessment approaches.

Goal 2: improve the minimum score for weekly psychopharmacology questions

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  • I will develop flashcards for all psychopharmacology definitions and concepts within the quarter’s first month.
  • I will review these concepts and discuss them with group members as well as involve my preceptor in obtaining insights into complex terminologies.
  • I will assess this goal by evaluating my performance and the minimum score for weekly psychopharmacology questions.

Goal 3: Make a list of questions missed from weekly psychopharmacology tests, study the rationales, and practice similar questions to enhance my knowledge.


  • I will utilize flashcards and study summaries to answer questions and understand concepts
  • I will make notes and create index cards for daily review and revision
  • I will assess this goal by evaluating the capability of answering similar questions and recalling concepts without referring to notes, flashcards, and index cards.

Resources for Achieving these Goals

Undoubtedly, it is essential to utilize a wide range of learning resources to achieve the updated goals for the study plan. In this sense, I will emphasize the importance of discussion groups, personal assessment tools, flashcards, and mnemonics as the primary resources for enhancing consistent improvement. According to Guerrasio et al. (2017) self-assessment tools such as checklists, rubrics, and reflection structures are vital in obtaining personalized insights and developing action plans for improving study abilities. On other hand, studies by Kadiyala (2020), Lin et al. (2018), Mocko et al. (2017), and Senzaki et al. (2017) present a consensus argument that flashcards and mnemonics are essential tools for aiding content retention and promoting information retrieval. As a result, it is essential to revise classwork and learn new concepts.

In the same breath, scholarly studies by Triyanto (2019) and Zambrano et al. (2019) reveal a positive correlation between group learning experiences and improved academic performance. While participating in discussion groups, time management, proper planning, and communication patterns play a significant role in determining the likelihood of achieving learning goals. Eventually, discussion groups will act as the platforms for sharing information, breaking down complex terms and concepts, and discussing insights from review books, mnemonics, and flashcards. As a result, they will provide an ideal avenue for capitalizing on improvement opportunities.


Study/Review Timetable

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Week 1

(14th-18th) March

Group discussion


2-3 hrs 1 hr 30 minutes 2hrs 1-2 hrs
Week 2


Group Discussion

2 hours

Development/review of flashcards

2 hrs

Course material review

3-4 hrs

Online material review (including internet-based mnemonics)

2 hrs

Review of Questions


Week 3

28-1st April

Group Discussion


Review of flashcards and documentation of complex terminologies or concepts

(2 hrs)

Course material review

(3 hrs)

Review of online materials


Review of questions


Week 4


Group discussion

2 hrs

Coursework review


PMHNP Certification manual review

3 hrs

Online material review


Answering questions


Week 5


Group discussion

2 hrs

Course material/online resources review


Making notes for course/online materials


PMHNP Certification manual review


Answering questions and reflection

(2-3 hrs)

Week 6


Group Discussion (Review of Group objectives)

(1-2 hrs)

Course material review


Online material review


PMHNP Certification manual review


Answering questions and reflecting on the results


Week 7


Group discussion


Course material review

2-3 hrs

Online material review and the development of index cards


PMHNP Certification manual review


Summary of course materials and quizzes


Week 8

2nd-6th May

Group discussion


Course material review

(2-3 hrs)

Online material review and revision of flashcards/index cards


PMHNP Certification manual review

2 hrs

Summary of course materials and answering quizzes

3-4 hrs

Week 9


Group discussion


Course material review

2-3 hrs

Internet-based material review


PMHNP Certification manual review

2-3 hrs

Summary of course materials and quizzes

(3-4 hrs)

Week 10


Group Discussion


Course material review


Online material review


PMHNP Certification manual review

(2-3 hrs)

Summary of course materials and quizzes

(3-4 hrs)

Week 11


Group discussion and assessment of goals

(2-3 hrs)

Course material review


Online material review (consolidating flashcards, mnemonics, and index cards)


PMHNP Certification manual review (final)

(3-4 hrs)

Summary of course materials and quizzes

(3-4 hrs)


A Description of Evaluating the Progress


I will evaluate the progress of each goal depending on their respective anticipated outcomes. While evaluating the first SMART goal regarding group discussions, I will assess its effectiveness by determining the group’s role improving my knowledge of psychopharmacology and various assessment approaches that proved problematic before participating in group discussions. Further, I will assess the second goal by reflecting on my performance and changes in the minimum score for weekly questions after completing the stated tasks. Finally, I will evaluate the third goal by evaluating my capability of answering similar questions and recalling concepts without referring to notes, flashcards, and index cards.


Undoubtedly, proper planning translates to improved academic performance, time management, and the plausibility of tapping on opportunities for development. Eventually, this study plan will help me to address learning weaknesses, stay focused on achieving strategic goals, and track my progress towards completing the program and passing my certification exam.



Guerrasio, J., Nogar, C., Rustici, M., Lay, C., & Corral, J. (2017). Study skills and test-taking strategies for coaching medical learners based on identified areas of Struggle. MedEdPORTAL.

Kadiyala, P. K. (2020). Mnemonics for diagnostic criteria of DSM V Mental Disorders: A scoping review. General Psychiatry, 33(3).

Lin, C., McDaniel, M. A., & Miyatsu, T. (2018). Effects of flashcards on learning authentic materials: The role of detailed versus conceptual flashcards and individual differences in structure-building ability. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 7(4), 529–539.

Mocko, M., Lesser, L. M., Wagler, A. E., & Francis, W. S. (2017). Assessing the effectiveness of mnemonics for tertiary students in a hybrid introductory statistics course. Journal of Statistics Education, 25(1), 2–11.

Senzaki, S., Hackathorn, J., Appleby, D. C., & Gurung, R. A. (2017). Reinventing flashcards to increase student learning. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 16(3), 353–368.

Triyanto. (2019). Understanding student participation within group learning. South African Journal of Education, 39(2), 1–8.

Zambrano, J., Kirschner, F., Sweller, J., & Kirschner, P. A. (2019). Effects of group experience and information distribution on collaborative learning. Instructional Science, 47(5), 531–550.


Study Plan

A study plan is critical to my success at Walden University and obtaining my National Certification as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP). Having a study plan will assist me in staying on track and being self-driven or focused as I accomplish each progress objective and assignment. A study plan will also help me remain organized, which is necessary and beneficial to my overall mental health because staying organized reduces stress caused by clutter and procrastination. This paper focuses on analyzing the practice exam that I completed on week 2, evaluating my strengths and weaknesses, and assessing my overall test-taking performance in terms of permitted time, comfort, and question structure to aid in my success towards taking the official national certification exam. My strategy for tracking my progress and the tools I intend to use throughout this program is included.

Summary of my strengths and opportunities for improvement

The exam results indicated that there are certain areas in which I excel and others in which I need to improve. I need to improve the most on psychopharmacology and child/adolescent assessment since I did not perform very well. Apart from reading and understanding medications, psychopharmacology requires memorizing the medication and how it works in the body. I will have to develop a strategy based on improving and performing better. My weakness in child and adolescent assessment is mainly because I do not have much interaction and experience with that population. However, that should not be an excuse, and I intend to focus more predominantly on some psychometric tools which are not commonly utilized. My strength mainly was to do with psychotherapy questions, which I performed very well. However, I believe it is primarily because I took the psychotherapy class last quarter, and the information is still fresh in my mind.

Smart Goals and Tasks

Goal 1: During the quarter, I will follow and study the weekly readings in my course materials, including “The Psychiatric Interview” and the “Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Manual” to help me get ready to prepare for the national certification exam.


  • I will make a timetable to help me figure out which days of the week I should study specific material.
  • Within the timetable, I will set specific hours each day for how much time I will spend studying for the National Certification exam.
  • I will utilize my preceptor throughout the quarter as my mentor to ask questions, clarify, and gain knowledge that will prepare me for the national certification

Goal 2: I will attempt 100 psychopharmacology questions every week and get a minimum of 75%-80%.


  • I will subscribe to an online psychopharmacology review class
  • I will review 20-30 psychopharmacology questions every Monday through Friday of the week to help me remember the medications
  • I will utilize mnemonics and index cards and write down a minimum of 20 common medications, which I can then carry with me and review every day.


Goal 3: I will utilize a psychopharmacology review book in the next seven weeks to help me comprehend more and perform better in psychopharmacology.


  • I will divide the chapters into seven parts and complete each piece every week for the remaining seven weeks before the quarter ends.
  • I will practice at least 100 psychopharmacology questions every week and aim to score at least 80% or more
  • I will take notes as I study to be able to review them immediately after the session and eventually make it a habit to do so by the end of the quarter
  • I will make sure I get 6-8 hours of sleep not to get burnt out and maintain my mental health.


To attain the outlined objectives, I will need sufficient resources and a well-thought-out study strategy. In addition to the study timetable, I intend to use various materials, such as review manuals, online review quizzes, and questions, including videos lectures. Guerrasio et al. (2017) assert that a self-assessment tool is critical for obtaining personalized insights and developing action plans for improving study abilities. I, therefore, intend to study and review extensively and retain as much knowledge as I possibly can to be successful not only in this class but also in my certification exam. “The Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Review Manual” (Zakhari, 2021) and “Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Review and Resource Manual” (Johnson & Vanderhoef, 2016) are some of the specific resources I intend to use for my study plan until I sit for my certification exam. The review manuals have been recommended by many individuals who have already taken the examination. For the assessment, I will continue to utilize the “Psychiatric Interview” by Carlat (2017), as it has several mnemonics regarding assessment on various mental disorders such as SIGECAPS for depression.




(Review Hours)

Tuesday (Review Hours) Wednesday

(Review Hours)


(Review Hours)


(Review Hours)

Week 1



The Psych Interview (2hrs) 3-4hrs 2hrs 3-4hrs 3-4hrs
Week 2

December 6-10

The Psych Interview (2hrs) Course Material/

online review – 3-4hrs

PMHNP Certification Review Manual Pretest – 2hrs Course

Material/Online Review

3-4 hrs

Course Material

3-4 hrs

Week 3

December 13-17

The Psych Interview (2hrs) Course Material/

online review – 3-4hrs

PMHNP Certification Review Manual 2hrs Course

Material/Online Review

3-4 hrs

Course Material

3-4 hrs

Week 4



The Psych Interview (2hrs) Course Material/

online review – 3-4hrs

PMHNP Certification Review Manual 2hrs Course

Material/Online Review

3-4 hrs

Course Material

3-4 hrs

Week 5



The Psych Interview (2hrs) Course Material/

online review – 3-4hrs

PMHNP Certification Review Manual 2hrs Course

Material/Online Review

3-4 hrs

Course Material

3-4 hrs

Week 6



The Psych Interview (2hrs) Course Material/

online review – 3-4hrs

PMHNP Certification Review Manual 2hrs Course

Material/Online Review

3-4 hrs

Course Material

3-4 hrs

Week 7



The Psych Interview (2hrs) Course Material/

online review – 3-4hrs

PMHNP Certification Review Manual 2hrs Course

Material/Online Review

3-4 hrs

Course Material

3-4 hrs

Week 8



The Psych Interview (2hrs) Course Material/

online review – 3-4hrs

PMHNP Certification Review Manual 2hrs Course

Material/Online Review

3-4 hrs

Course Material

3-4 hrs

Week 9



The Psych Interview (2hrs) Course Material/

online review – 3-4hrs

PMHNP Certification Review Manual 2hrs Course

Material/Online Review

3-4 hrs

Course Material

3-4 hrs

Week 10

Jan 31 – Feb 4

The Psych Interview (2hrs) Course Material/

online review – 3-4hrs

PMHNP Certification Review Manual 2hrs Course

Material/Online Review

3-4 hrs

Course Material

3-4 hrs

Week 11

Feb 7 – 11


The Psych Interview (2hrs) Course Material/

online review – 3-4hrs

PMHNP Certification Review Manual 2hrs Course

Material/Online Review

3-4 hrs

Course Material

3-4 hrs



The study plan created will not only help me stay focused but also be able to achieve my goals by tracking and evaluating my progress towards not only completing the program at Walden but to eventually passing my certification exam.



Carlat, D. J. (2017). The psychiatric interview (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

Guerrasio, J., Nogar, C., Rustici, M., Lay, C., & Corral, J. (2017). Study Skills and Test Taking Strategies for Coaching Medical Learners Based on Identified Areas of Struggle. MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources, 13, 10593.

Johnson, K., & Vanderhoef, D. (2016). Psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (4th ed.). American Nurses Credentialing Center

Zakhari, R. (2020). The psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner certification review manual. Springer.

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