ABC Daycare Sentinel City and Disaster Preparedness Assignment Essay

ABC Daycare Sentinel City and Disaster Preparedness Assignment Essay

Insecurity in a social institution leads to unrest in various other institutions. Some facilities can also be severely affected. Families, individuals, and reporters must be handled with care, giving accurate information to deal with their fear and anxiety. Disaster response and management teams include law enforcement and medical practitioners. Their involvement is integral in disaster management at all stages. This essay focuses on activities around disaster management in sentinel city ABD daycare center disaster.

`The hostile situation at the daycare center could have various effects on the routes, population, and services. The daycare area is flooded by cars from rescue parties. It could cause traffic congestion and blockage of the route leading to various vital services in the area. There are several people on the pathway outside the daycare center. These individuals and Jennifer Graham’s family may have been involved in the disaster. Stray bullets might hit the public heard from the area or debris from falling objects (Bruni et al., 2018). There are businesses and other services such as book stores, groceries, and general stores. The terror at the daycare center interfered with the flow of customers and services. Businesses are an area of disaster that is often closed due to the disaster and fear of getting involved (Bruni et al., 2018). Thus, the disaster affects the routes, population, and access to services in the area.

The management team members include the sentinel hospital, sentinel police department, and the fire and emergency services department. The sentinel hospital team members will help with emergency care of any casualties from the daycare center scenario. The police officers will also arrest the perpetrators, ensure justice to the children and families involved, and ensure that the individuals held captive are safe. The fire and emergency services department is also integral in rescuing patients and giving first aid to those involved if a fire arises. Each of these teams plans contingency plans for disaster management, and each prepares its resources and personnel for disaster management (McLaren & Loosemore, 2019). These teams have different vital roles which should be fulfilled for the completion of all the stages of disaster management

The social media responses are Twitter posts from individuals inside the building. The tweets are integral in giving information on the severity and characteristic of the hostage situation. Social media responses and news reports keep people updated by informing them of the state of the scenario. It also helps manage the anxiety of individuals whose family members are involved. The information also helps authorities prepare for the response and mitigation of the disaster by providing reliable data (Yan et al., 2019). However, there is a possibility of the spread of rumors. Rumors that are not true can lead to unnecessary fear and anxiety, further compromising the management of the event. Social media responses are risky because they can irritate the involved perpetrators, negatively affecting the safety of hostages. If these posts are not correctly done, the contingency plans may be under plan or waste resources in response and mitigation.

For the hospital unit, the immediate action after neutralization of the situation is triaging and providing immediate care for the casualties in disaster management’s response and mitigation stages. Referral of the ones requiring critical care is important. Reverse triaging in the hospital setting to give room for possible casualties is important. The situation may have casualties due to the shooting reported. Hospitals provide safe environments for casualties, families, visitors, and staff involved in disaster management during the recovery stage (Tavana et al., 2018). The patients can receive care without risk of further injuries. Urgent care such as surgery is also easily accessible at the hospital unit

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Hospitals also assist in disaster management through involvement in preparing contingency plans and formidable referral systems. There are several considerations in all the stages of disaster management. In the mitigation phase, the hospital should consider the degree of disaster, nature of the disaster, and the expected number and characteristics of casualties. The information helps in availing the required resources in time. In the recovery phase, considerations are patients’ security, availability of referral and tertiary services, and the health fitness of the babies to resume daycare services and adults to their duties. In the disaster preparation phase, the organization should consider the nature of the disaster anticipated, the specific resources required, and the organization’s capacity for effective disaster management (Tavana et al., 2018).

The chosen communication messages are: “We received information that there is a live hostage situation at the daycare center and dispatched our emergency response team to the area. “We have received victims from the daycare center, and they are currently receiving care at our hospital” The second message is, “We received patients from the ABC daycare center and have provided care to all patients. Two were referred to specialized hospitals for critical care. Four are still receiving care at our facility, while the rest have been discharged home.” The updates in these phases will ease anxiety. Facilitate reporting and help family members trace their loved ones (Yan & Pedraza‐Martinez, 2019).

Family members and media reporters can disrupt quality care delivery in the emergency department. The first step is giving them a safe place to stay away from the hallways and areas of care delivery (Liu et al., 2018). Reassurance of the family providers will also be important to promote their cooperation. The families of deceased patients or patients referred to other facilities will be informed. Patients who are ready for discharge will also be released to their families. For the news reporters, providing periodic news on the patients’ recovery without letting them interfere with care delivery will be integral in this situation.

An important strategy in disaster management is casualty triaging. Triaging ensures all individuals receive the care they need as fast as possible. Triaging reduces mortality and morbidity ensures time and resources are efficiently used (Bazyar et al., 2019). Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists are primary caregivers vital in this situation. These care providers collect data related to the disaster and treat patients, and their contributions are thus integral to disaster preparedness and management. Quick social media responses are important in informing patients’ families of the situation. Informing them ensures they follow-up on the care of their loved ones facilitating care processes such as consent for procedures and discharge processing (Yan & Pedraza‐Martinez, 2019). In addition, other institutions are informed of the situation, promoting overall preparedness. Quick responses can cause panic in patient families. There is also a possibility of passing the wrong information, leading to unnecessary responses, worry and apprehension, and resource wastage.

The priority communication messages are a tally of the casualties and their situation. Any mortalities, referrals, and health hazards such as exposure to radiation or chemicals are also important. This tally enables care providers to provide adequate patient care without skipping any aspect. It also enables family members to participate in the care of their loved ones. The reporters also get accurate first-hand information which prevents the spread of wrong information.


Sentinel City provides a logical simulation for disaster management. Disasters affect many social services and institutions in the area. Response teams such as the police, medical team, and fore and emergency department must have well-laid contingency disaster management plans to ensure they are ready to mitigate any disaster and reduce mortality and morbidity. Social media is a good tool in disaster management and information sharing but should be used wisely.



Bazyar, J., Farrokhi, M., Salari, A., & Khankeh, H. R. (2020). The principles of triage in emergencies and disasters: a systematic review. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 35(3), 305-313.

Bruni, M. E., Beraldi, P., & Khodaparasti, S. (2018). A fast heuristic for routing in post-disaster humanitarian relief logistics. Transportation Research Procedia, 30, 304-313.

Liu, B. F., Fowler, B. M., Roberts, H. A., & Herovic, E. (2018). Keeping hospitals operating during disasters through crisis communication preparedness. Public Relations Review, 44(4), 585-597.

McLaren, M., & Loosemore, M. (2019). Swift trust formation in multi-national disaster project management teams. International Journal of Project Management, 37(8), 979-988.

Tavana, M., Abtahi, A. R., Di Caprio, D., Hashemi, R., & Yousefi-Zenouz, R. (2018). An integrated location-inventory-routing humanitarian supply chain network with pre-and post-disaster management considerations. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 64, 21-37.

Yan, L., & Pedraza‐Martinez, A. J. (2019). Social media for disaster management: Operational value of the social conversation. Production and Operations Management, 28(10), 2514-2532.

Daycare Simulation Assignment

Access Sentinel City Simulation and log in. Travel to the ABC Day Care using the map and the bus. Once you arrive at the day care center get off the bus and click on the blue box outside of the building. Click yes on the prompt asking if you want additional information about the day care center. Click on the ABC Day Care Emergency Scenario tab and watch the video.



Within the simulation, visit the area near ABC Day Care. Observe the services, routes, and populations that may be involved with the city as a result of the hostile situation. Create a report that describes the potential public health effects and environmental hazards related to the hostile situation.

Describe the members and roles of the emergency management team and organizations (public and private) that would be activated in Sentinel City.

Reflect on the various social media responses and news reports. Present an analysis of the risks and benefits of social media responses from the area.

Select a healthcare practice setting such as an urgent care clinic, school, or hospital unit. Identify at least 3 evidence-based considerations for each phase of emergency management that should be included in the emergency management plan for your selected practice setting.

Create two communication messages for social media that would be shared during the response and recovery phases from your setting.

Explain how you would address family members or the media arriving in your department.

Consider the strategies and interprofessional team that is utilized to develop emergency preparedness and response plans. What are the risks and benefits of the quick public responses that will be shared on social media?

What are the priority communication messages to come from your practice setting to address media staff and family members?


Disaster Preparedness Assignment


The healthcare team has just been notified that there is a civic disturbance at City Hall with injuries in Sentinel City®. In this activity, learners will determine the elements to evaluate and considerations for an emergency response plan in various practice settings.


Visit City Hall in Sentinel City®. Observe the services and populations that may be involved with the city as a result of a civic disturbance.

Review Online Resources:

Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams (free online course)

Emergency Severity Index (ESI) A Triage Tool for Emergency Department Care

2017 INMED HHC Disaster Simulation 2:53 min. video

Preparing hospitals for disasters

Right One Minute, Wrong the Next. Provides questions to help verify information available via social media.


Create a report that describes the potential public health effects and environmental hazards related to the civic disturbance.

Describe the members and roles of the emergency response team and organizations (public and private) that could be activated in Sentinel City®.

Present an analysis of the risks and benefits of social media responses from the area.

Select a healthcare practice setting, such as urgent care clinic, school, or hospital unit (ER, Surgery, Critical Care, or Medical/Surgical Unit). Create two communication messages for social media that would be shared during the response and recovery phases from your practice setting. Explain how you would address family members or the media arriving in your department.

Identify at least three evidence-based considerations for each phase of emergency management that should be included in the emergency management plan for your selected practice setting. (Include citations for each consideration in APA format)

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