NSG4150 Week 6 Policy Advocacy letter Assignment

NSG4150 Week 6 Policy Advocacy letter Assignment

NSG4150 Week 6 Policy Advocacy letter Assignment

Week 6: Policy Advocacy Letter

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Points 100

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Assignment Overview:

Nurses can advocate for healthcare policies to promote justice, fairness, and health equity at facility, local, state, national, and global levels. Writing a letter of concern for or support towards a particular policy or legislation is an effective way to hold leaders accountable in their positions.

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Assignment Instructions:

In the Week 2 Policy Letter Checkpoint, you began this assignment by completing the following:

Identifying a pending healthcare bill that needs improvement or proposing a new bill recommendation relevant to your current practice, community health needs, or personal interests.

Explaining why that bill or recommendation is important.

Identifying the leader or change agent (local, state, and national leader/legislator) who is appropriate to advocate for this policy change or adoption.

Identifying the official mailing or email address of this leader. Note: Your elected officials’ email and physical addresses are available on their websites. You can find out who represents you on the HouseLinks to an external site. and SenateLinks to an external site.

For this assignment you will use the bill and leader identified in Week 2 to compose a letter or email to the leader or change agent using the following sections. Use proper letter or email format including address lines, greeting, subject line, date, salutation, and professional closing. Use this sample letterLinks to an external site.Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader as a guide. Use complete sentences with professional language and accurate grammar/sentence structure. The letter or email should be concise with a maximum of 2 pages. Use APA-recommended font.

Paragraph 1 Introduction:

Introduce yourself, your current role, and your relationship to the leader or change agent.

Summarize why this issue is important to your role.

Explain your perspective on this issue.

State your position/request/reason for writing.

Note: If your letter pertains to a specific piece of legislation, identify it accordingly as federal or state, e.g., H.R. 1234 (for a House resolution) or S.B. 234 (for a Senate bill).

Paragraph 2 Summary & History:

Summarize the pending healthcare bill or the lack there of if you chose to recommend a new bill. (Attach existing bill or link to piece of legislation to this letter.)

Outline the history or evolution of this piece of pending legislation.

Outline the policy development process at this level.

Explain your rationale for recommending a new or changed healthcare bill.

Paragraphs 3 & 4 Recommendations:

If you are supporting the recommended changes proposed by the bill, describe its impact on patient care and your nursing role at bedside, higher organizational levels, local, state, national, and global levels.

If you are recommending a new piece of legislation, describe the need for it and the impact(s) of the lack of policy on patient care and your nursing role at bedside, higher organizational levels, local, state, national, and global levels (as applicable). Draft a proposal for the new bill.

If you are recommending an improvement or additions to an existing piece of legislation, propose specific areas within the existing bill that need improvement. Refer to specifics in the existing bill or legislation and draft changes. Describe the areas that you would want to change and how they could benefit patient care, community or population health, or nursing practice at the bedside, higher organizational levels, local, state, national, and global levels (as applicable).

Provide justification and at least 2 pieces of factual evidence to support your recommendations with proper APA in text citations.

Paragraph 5 Closing:

Explain what you want the leader to do or steps you want them to take and request a response from them on the issue.

Explain how you can help facilitate this change or be involved in the policy development process.

Provide additional resources or recommendations as applicable.


On a separate page, include a 2-3 paragraph reflection on this assignment addressing the following prompts:

State if you mailed or emailed the letter and include the date it was sent.

Describe your experience, feelings, and perceptions throughout this assignment.

Do you think this is an effective way to advocate for your changes? Why or why not?

What is your expected response from your legislator or representative?

How will you follow up or what are your next steps or other actions you can take?

What are your views about the nurse’s role in healthcare policy advocacy after completing this assignment?

Assignment Submission Requirement:

Submit the assignment (letter and appendix) to dropbox as a Word document.

Send the letter or email to the leader after completing the assignment.

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Policy Advocacy Letter Assignment Rubric

Policy Advocacy Letter Assignment Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentification of Appropriate Bill and Leader
5 ptsExceptional

Both the leader and bill are appropriate and properly identified.

3 ptsDeveloping

Leader or bill are not properly identified or are inappropriate or incorrect.

0 ptsUnacceptable

Both leader and bill are not properly identified or are incorrect. Or assignment not submitted.

5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParagraph 1: IntroductionCSLO 1
10 ptsExceptional

All 4 of the following criteria are met and content is comprehensive and fully developed. 1. Introduce yourself, your current role, and your relationship to the leader or change agent. 2. Summarize why this issue is important to your role. 3. Explain your perspective on this issue. 4. State your position/request/reason for writing.

8 ptsEffective

Some (2-3) of criteria are met for topic content and/or content is not adequately developed or supported.

6 ptsDeveloping

Only one criteria is met for topic content and/or content is only partially developed or supported.

0 ptsUnacceptable

None of criteria is met for topic content and/or content is only minimally developed or supported. Or Both leader and policy not properly identified or incorrect. Or assignment not submitted. assignment not submitted

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParagraph 2: Summary & HistoryCSLO 1
10 ptsExceptional

All 3 criteria of the following are met and content is comprehensive and fully developed. 1. Summarize the current bill or lack of there of if recommending a new bill. 2. Outline the history or evolution of the piece of pending legislation or lack of policy as applicable. 3. Explain your rationale for recommending a new or changed piece of legislation.

8 ptsEffective

Only 2 of the criteria are met for topic content and/or content is not adequately developed or supported.

6 ptsDeveloping

Only one criteria is met for topic content and/or content is only partially developed or supported.

0 ptsUnacceptable

None of criteria is met for topic content and/or content is only minimally developed or supported. Or assignment not submitted.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParagraph 3 & 4 RecommendationsCSLO 5
35 ptsExceptional

Provides a substantial and in depth justification of need for new or revised policy and thoroughly explained the impact of new or revised policy on patient care, community or population health, or nursing practice at various levels (as applicable).

26 ptsEffective

Provides a brief justification of need for new or revised policy and/or adequately explained the impact of new or revised policy on patient care, community or population health, or nursing practice at various levels (as applicable) but does not go into depth.

17 ptsDeveloping

Minimally justified need for new or revised policy and/or explanation of the impact of new or revised policy is missing or unclear.

0 ptsUnacceptable

Recommendations for new or revised policy and explanation of the impact of new or revised policy are both missing or no assignment is submitted.

35 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence and Citations
10 ptsExceptional

Provides substantial justification and several pieces of factual evidence to support recommendations including proper APA in text citations.

8 ptsEffective

Provides adequate justification and/or at least one piece of factual evidence to support recommendations and/or improper APA in text citations.

6 ptsDeveloping

Justification is provided but evidence is missing, improper or under and/or APA citations are incorrect or missing.

0 ptsUnacceptable

Section is missing or assignment not submitted.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParagraph 5 ClosingCSLO 5
10 ptsExceptional

Provides a solid conclusion that comprehensively summarizes the content of the letter and includes a specific call to action and does not introduce any new information.

8 ptsEffective

Provides an adequate conclusion that somewhat summarizes the content of the letter and/or provides a limited or missing call to action or introduces new information.

6 ptsDeveloping

Provides either only a fundamental conclusion or missing call to action.

0 ptsUnacceptable

Conclusion section is missing or assignment not submitted.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppendix/ReflectionCSLO 5

1. State if you mailed or emailed the letter and include the date it was sent.
2. Describe your experience, feelings, and perceptions throughout this assignment.
3. Do you think this is an effective way to advocate for your changes? Why or why not?
4. What is your expected response from your legislator or representative?
5. How will you follow up or what are your next steps or other actions you can take?
6. What are your views about the nurse’s role in healthcare policy advocacy after completing this assignment?

10 ptsExceptional

All 6 criteria of the following are met and content is comprehensive and fully developed.

8 ptsEffective

Only 4-5 of the criteria are met for topic content and/or content is not adequately developed or supported.

6 ptsDeveloping

Only 2-3 criteria are met for topic content and/or content is only partially developed or supported.

0 ptsUnacceptable

None of criteria is met for topic content and/or content is only minimally developed or supported. Or assignment not submitted.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLetter/Email Format, Grammar, & Mechanics
10 ptsExceptional

There are no errors in spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, and punctuation. Used APA-recommended font. Email/letter format uses proper greeting, subject line, salutation, and a professional closing.

8 ptsEffective

1 or 2 errors in spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, or punctuation. Deviates from APA-recommended font. Email format has 1 or 2 errors.

6 ptsDeveloping

More than 4 errors in spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, or punctuation. Deviates from APA-recommended font. Email format has 3 or more errors.

0 ptsUnacceptable

Severe issues in spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, or punctuation. Deviates from APA-recommended font, or letter/e-mail format not used. Or no assignment submitted.

10 pts
Total Points: 100


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