Assignment: Interprofessional Interview

Assignment: Interprofessional Interview

Assignment: Interprofessional Interview
Interprofessional Interview
The provision of high-quality care is important in nursing practice. Nurses utilize interventions such as evidence-based interventions to achieve these outcomes. They also embrace interprofessional collaboration to ensure optimum care outcomes such as safety, quality, and efficiency. Team members involved in the interprofessional care should be competent in adopting behaviors and decisions that enhance the realization of common goals. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore my and nurses’ role in interprofessional teams, individual characteristics that influence the success of interprofessional teams and effective communication strategies.


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What is your understanding of your role in the interprofessional team?
I understand that I am a crucial member of the interprofessional team. My presence is crucial in the adoption of interventions that align with the diverse needs of the patients. Nurses spend most of their times than any other professionals caring patients. This provides them with in-depth understanding of the actual and potential needs of their patients. I consider myself an important member of the interprofessional team that plays several roles. They include acting as an advocate, assessor, planner, implementer, evaluator and coordinator. I act as an advocate by ensuring the adopted care interventions aim at promoting patient’s rights, health and wellbeing. I also utilize my knowledge and skills in nursing to assess patients, plan care needed, implement, monitor, and evaluate. I also coordinate the different roles in the interprofessional team to ensure efficiency in the care process (Potter et al., 2022). The coordination role also prevents issues such as task duplications and redundancies.
What is your understanding of the role of the nurse in the interprofessional team?
Nurses play crucial roles in the interprofessional roles. One of them is planning. Nurses utilize their knowledge, skills, and experience in patient assessment to diagnose and plan the care needs of their patients. They also provide crucial inputs about the care strategies that may be needed to achieve the desired care outcomes. Nurses also assign and delegate in the interprofessional team. Nurses ensure the effective use of the existing resources in the patient care through assigning appropriate care providers to patients. They also delegate some of their roles to ensure competency development among the interprofessional team members. Nurses also act as supervisors. They oversee the whole processes of care provision by the interprofessional team members. The supervision ensures the implementation of care interventions as per the developed plan. The other nurses’ role is health education. They educate patients and their significant others on the effective disease management. These roles increase the need for the consideration of the nurses’ input into the different care decisions made by interprofessional teams.
What do you think are individual characteristics that positively contribute to working in an interprofessional environment?
Individual characteristics have a significant effect on working in an interprofessional environment. Interprofessional team members often strive to ensure they adopt appropriate behaviors and interventions that would contribute positively to working in an interprofessional environment. One of these characteristics is effective communication. Effective communication among interprofessional team members to ensure effective coordination of team activities. Effective communication eliminates potential misunderstanding and conflicts among the interprofessional teams(Yoost& Crawford,2021). Strategies such as open communication, feedback provision, and transparency should be prioritized for effective working among interprofessional teams. The other characteristic is respect. Interprofessional team members should respect each other’s backgrounds, views, and concerns when providing interprofessional care. Respect makes each of the interprofessional team members feel valued for their contribution to the care outcomes. The other characteristic is goal-orientation. The interprofessional team members should be dedicated towards achieving a common goal(Potter et al., 2022). They should be proactively involved in identifying evidence-based strategies that can be used to improve outcomes.
Can you think of any instances of conflict where the interprofessional team could have affected patient outcomes?
Conflicts are a common occurrence in nursing and healthcare. Often, conflicts arise when there are differences between the expected outcomes and adopted interventions in the care process. An example of a conflict from my practice, which interprofessional teams could have solved is a value-related conflict. A physician implemented a care intervention that was contrary to the patient’s preferences and values. The nurse caring the patient noted the issue and raised to the charge nurse, creating a conflict between the physician and the nurse. The conflict could have been handled better if interprofessional teams had been involved in the care process(Yoost& Crawford,2021). The interprofessional teams would have examined the issue and weighed the available options before selecting the most appropriate intervention to promote optimum outcomes.
What do you think are some communication strategies that can be implemented to enhance teamwork?
Interprofessional team members can explore communication strategies to enhance teamwork. One of them is open communication. Interprofessional team members should be free to express their views and concerns in a team. The flow of information should be two-way between the leadership, management, and the team members. The other strategy is seeking and providing feedback. Feedback provides insights into the things that are effective and not in the implementation of interprofessional tasks. It also empowers the team members to explore innovative interventions to improve team outcomes. The last strategy is being consistent in communicating vital information to the interprofessional teams (Yoost& Crawford,2021). Consistency motivates the team members to continually adopt effective strategies to enhance team outcomes.
Nurses play crucial roles in interprofessional teams. Interprofessional teams can help minimize the risk of conflicts in the care process. Individual characteristics influence working in an interprofessional team. Effective communication strategies improve outcomes in interprofessional team roles.
Potter, P. A., Perry, A. G. G., Stockert, P. A., & Hall, A. (2022). Clinical Companion for Fundamentals of Nursing—E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Yoost, B. L., & Crawford, L. R. (2021). Fundamentals of Nursing E-Book: Active Learning for Collaborative Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.


Interprofessional Interview Directions

Initiate contact with 3 individuals, each from a different healthcare profession than nursing, who are currently active in practice at your facility (these individuals should work with nurses in their daily routine)
Ask each individual if he/she would consent to a 20-30 minute interview with you.
Assure the individual that you will not use his/her name or agency in any written or oral report.
You may provide him/her with a list of questions prior to the interview, but it is not necessary.
Meet with the individual in person or on the telephone. You should not use email to conduct this interview.
Be sure to allow adequate, uninterrupted time for the nurse to provide thoughtful answers.
Engage the nurse in a conversation and ask the nine questions below. Include a professional question of your own.
Include the questions and the interviewee’s responses below the questions.
Answer questions thoroughly in paragraph form.
Write a reflective summary, with a minimum of 3 pages, of the interview questions addressing the following:

What feelings were you experiencing during the interview?
How useful was any advice given to you by the individual? Why or why not?
How will this interview influence your professional goals?
How will this interview affect your interprofessional working relationship?
How do you think the changes to your practice can impact patient care and patient safety?
Gather information obtained from the interview and determine if there are any common themes in the responses.

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Submit a 6-8 slide (not including the title slide or references if used) PowerPoint Presentation on the importance of interprofessional collaboration and your collective findings during the interview process. The presentation should contain narration of no more than 15 minutes.

*Be sure to include your thoughtful reflection at the end after providing the questions and responses. This reflection should be 3-5 pages typed in APA format, not including the title page. For this assignment, you may use the first person as needed.

Questions For Reflection

1. What is your understanding of your role in the interprofessional team?

2. What is your understanding of the role of the nurse in the interprofessional team?

3. What do you think are individual characteristics that positively contribute to working in an interprofessional environment?

4. Can you think of any instances of conflict where the interprofessional team could have affected patient outcomes?

5. What do you think are some communication strategies that can be implemented to enhance teamwork?

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