Analysis of Position Papers for Vulnerable Populations Paper

Analysis of Position Papers for Vulnerable Populations Paper

In the world of healthcare, the problem of rising prescription drug expenses among the older population has grown significantly. The purpose of this position paper is to discuss how the health outcomes for the senior population are affected by rising drug costs. The study’s target population is seniors 65 years of age and older who depend on prescription medicines to manage their medical issues. An interdisciplinary strategy is necessary to address the problem of rising prescription drug expenditures among the senior population. Improvements for this specific issue in the target group are made possible by an interprofessional team of experts from multiple healthcare fields (Bhatt, 2022). This position paper aids in ensuring that solid data support the team’s strategies and activities, align with current research, and reflect the opinions of subject-matter experts.

Position Concerning Health Outcomes

Our position is that the rising expense of prescription medications has a negative impact on the health of the aged population. The financial strain from high drug expenses frequently results in medication non-adherence, endangering older persons’ general health (Gast & Mathes, 2019). This stance emphasizes the necessity of quick action to lessen the negative effects linked to this disadvantaged population’s access to and cost of prescription medications.

Argument and Evidence in Support:

  1. Financial strain: The rising expense of prescription medications places a heavy financial strain on seniors, especially those who rely on fixed incomes like Social Security. As a result, individuals can find it difficult to pay for necessary drugs, which could result in medication non-adherence and subsequent health issues (Gast & Mathes, 2019).
  2. Negative Health Effects: Elderly patients who do not take their prescriptions as directed may experience worsening health conditions, more frequent hospital stays, and higher mortality rates. Due to financial restrictions, effective disease management and preventive treatment are hampered, which has a detrimental influence on health outcomes (Gast & Mathes, 2019).
  3. Treatment Delays: Seniors unable to pay for their prescription prescriptions may postpone or skip crucial treatment. This delay may worsen their health issues, necessitating subsequent treatments of greater scope and possibly resulting in irreparable health problems (Hwang et al., 2019).
  4. Polypharmacy Challenges: To treat their complex medical issues, many older people need to take a number of different drugs. Due to the expensive expense of prescription medications, some people may be forced to prioritize some prescriptions above others or deviate from the recommended dosage, resulting in less-than-ideal therapeutic effects and an increased risk of harmful drug interactions (Gast & Mathes, 2019).

Role of the Interprofessional Team

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Comprehensive Needs Assessment: To comprehend the unique requirements and difficulties faced by the senior population in connection to prescription drug expenses, the interprofessional team conducts a comprehensive needs assessment. Data on access issues, cost effects on health outcomes, and the affordability of medications are being collected for this review (Vincent, 2020). The team develops a comprehensive understanding of the problem and may customize interventions by identifying and analyzing these elements. Collaborative Planning and Decision-Making: To address the issue of rising prescription drug costs, the team creates plans and actions together. Through shared decision-making, team members offer their distinct viewpoints, knowledge, and insights to develop thorough and efficient strategies. Through collaboration, interventions are made comprehensive, evidence-based, and sensitive to the particular needs of the target group.

Policy Advocacy: To address the problem systemically, the interprofessional team is essential in promoting policy changes and reforms. Team members can encourage lawmakers, policymakers, and healthcare organizations to adopt regulations that support the accessibility, affordability, and transparency of prescription pharmaceuticals for the senior population by drawing on their combined knowledge and skills (Gast & Mathes, 2019). This could entail promoting price control, increasing financing for prescription drug assistance programs, or backing legislation that would make generic medications more accessible. Education and Empowerment: The team educates and empowers older people as well as healthcare professionals. They advocate evidence-based prescribing practices that consider cost-effectiveness and educate healthcare professionals about the difficulties experienced by the elderly due to rising pharmaceutical expenses (Castañeda-Orjuela et al., 2019). To increase pharmaceutical affordability, the team also educates the older population about cost-cutting measures, prescription assistance programs, and resources for negotiating insurance coverage.

Collaborative Care Coordination: For the geriatric population, interprofessional collaboration promotes effective care coordination. The group works together to organize services, share information, and streamline communication among healthcare practitioners, chemists, social workers, and other pertinent experts. This cooperative method promotes patient adherence, medication management, and overall health results (Castañeda-Orjuela et al., 2019). Evaluation and Continuous Improvement: The interprofessional team continuously assesses the efficacy of interventions and makes the necessary modifications to enhance results. The team evaluates the results of their work, identifies areas for improvement, and makes adjustments to increase the accessibility and cost of prescription medications for the senior population through data collecting, analysis, and feedback.

Support of the Team’s Approach

Research Studies: Assessing research studies provide empirical proof that the team’s strategy is sound. Studies examining how prescription drug costs affect senior patients’ use of healthcare, medication adherence, and health outcomes can be very instructive. Studies showing a link between high prescription costs and poor medication adherence and more hospitalizations, for instance, support the need for initiatives that address financial obstacles. Expert viewpoints: In-depth insights can be gained from the professional viewpoints of academics, policymakers, and healthcare practitioners (Vincent, 2020). The team’s strategy is strengthened by analyzing position papers, recommendations, and statements from reliable organizations and professionals. To enhance medicine affordability and health outcomes for the elderly, experts may emphasize the significance of policy reforms, including price restrictions, expanded access to generic pharmaceuticals, and prescription assistance programs.

Stakeholder Positions: It is critical to consider the viewpoints of many stakeholders, including patient advocacy groups, neighborhood organizations, and business associations. These participants frequently speak about the needs and perspectives of the senior population and can offer insightful information about the difficulties they encounter (Chernew et al., 2021). The team may identify potential obstacles, put forward patient-centered solutions, and win support for their strategy by evaluating their positions. Comparative Analysis: Examining other interprofessional teams’ or healthcare organizations’ strategies to deal with comparable problems might provide important lessons and best practices. The measures the team uses to improve care quality and outcomes for the older population afflicted by high prescription drug costs can be informed by evaluating successful interventions carried out by other teams.

Economic Evaluations: Assessing cost-effectiveness studies and economic analysis can help the team’s strategy. These studies evaluate the expenses associated with various prescription medicine cost-reduction initiatives (Gast & Mathes, 2019). The team’s case for implementing these treatments can be supported by data demonstrating the efficacy of cost-effective measures like formulary optimization, drug therapy management, or value-based pricing in achieving desirable health outcomes with restricted resources.

Contrary to the Team’s Approach

Cost-Benefit Analysis: Opponents of addressing prescription drug costs may contend that the expenses of doing so outweigh any potential advantages. The argument put out by detractors is that funding other healthcare objectives would result in more significant overall gains in care quality and outcomes. It can be useful to detect potential constraints and consider other approaches to optimize resource allocation by evaluating cost-benefit assessments and economic evaluations that contradict the team’s methodology (Vincent, 2020). Market-Based Approaches: Some viewpoints may support market-based strategies, highlighting the importance of competition and market forces in reducing the price of prescription drugs. They contend that lessening governmental oversight and fostering competition among pharmaceutical firms will reduce medical costs. The team gains a wider perspective and is prompted to investigate different tactics that strike a balance between market pressures and patient-centered solutions by evaluating the facts and arguments in favor of market-based approaches.

Equity Concerns: Opposing viewpoints could prompt questions about the team’s strategy’s equity. They would contend that emphasizing certain vulnerable groups, like the elderly, could unintentionally neglect other marginalized groups (Gast & Mathes, 2019). The team is encouraged to investigate ideas that address structural imbalances in healthcare access and affordability by evaluating these stances and taking into account larger social determinants of health. Unintended Consequences: Conflicting perspectives may draw attention to potential adverse effects of the team’s activities. For instance, they would claim that price restrictions could hinder pharmaceutical sector innovation and research, potentially jeopardizing the development of new drugs. Through meticulous planning and implementation of their activities, the team can foresee and reduce unintended outcomes as a result of evaluating the data and views highlighting these concerns (Chernew et al., 2021).

Sustainability: Opposing viewpoints might question the team’s strategy’s long-term viability. They may contend that the initiatives suggested to address the expense of prescription drugs are stopgap measures that might not be practical in the long run. The investigation of alternative models, strategies, or financing sources that might guarantee the long-term impact and success of the team’s work is prompted by the evaluation of information and arguments that cast doubt on the approach used by the team.


The examination of position papers regarding the rising costs of prescription drugs among the older population reveals the major influence on seniors’ health outcomes. The research made available emphasizes the difficulties associated with polypharmacy, adverse health impacts, and treatment delays that the elderly face due to high drug prices. To solve this issue, an interprofessional team is crucial in promoting improvements through thorough needs assessments, collaborative planning, advocacy for legislative changes, education, collaborative care coordination, and ongoing evaluation. Research studies, professional opinions, stakeholder stances, and comparative analyses all support the team’s strategy. Although there are conflicting opinions, the team may address these concerns through thorough planning and implementation. These concerns include worries about cost-benefit analysis, market-based approaches, equity, unexpected consequences, and sustainability. Coordinated efforts are required to guarantee that prescription medications for the elderly population are available and inexpensive, enhancing their health outcomes and general well-being.



Bhatt, P. (2022). The Impact of Rising Prescription Drug Costs on the Elderly in the United States.

Castañeda-Orjuela, C., García-Molina, M., & De la Hoz-Restrepo, F. (2020). Is there something else beyond cost-effectiveness analysis for public health decision making? In Health Regional Issues, 23, 1–5.

Chernew, M. E., He, H., Mintz, H., & Beaulieu, N. (2021). Public payment rates for hospitals and the potential for consolidation-induced cost shifting: Study examines public payment rates for hospital care and the potential for consolidation-induced cost shifting. Health Affairs40(8), 1277-1285.

Gast, A., & Mathes, T. (2019). Medication adherence influencing factors—an (updated) overview of systematic reviews. Systematic Reviews, 8, 1–17.

Hwang, T. J., Jain, N., Lauffenburger, J. C., Vokinger, K. N., & Kesselheim, A. S. (2019). Analysis of proposed Medicare part b to part d shift with associated changes in total spending and patient cost-sharing for prescription drugs. JAMA Internal Medicine179(3), 374–380.

Vincent Rajkumar S. (2020). The high cost of prescription drugs: Causes and solutions. Blood Cancer Journal10(6), 71.



For this assessment, pretend you are a member of an interprofessional team that is attempting to improve the quality and outcomes of health care in a vulnerable population. For the first step in your team’s work, you have decided to conduct an analysis of current position papers that address the issue and population you are considering.

In your analysis, you will note the team’s initial views on the issue in the population as well as the views across a variety of relevant position papers. You have been tasked with finding the most current standard of care or evidenced-based practice and evaluating both the pros and cons of the issue. For the opposing viewpoints, it is important to discuss how the team could respond to encourage support. This paper will be presented to a committee of relevant stakeholders from your care setting and the community. If it receives enough support, you will be asked to create a new policy that could be enacted to improve the outcomes related to your chosen issue and target population.

The care setting, population, and health care issue that you use for this assessment will be used in the other assessments in this course. Consider your choice carefully. There are two main approaches for you to take in selecting the scenario for this assessment:

You may use one of the issues and populations presented in the Vila Health: Health Challenges in Different Populations media piece. For this approach, you may consider the population in the context of the Vila Health care setting, or translate it into the context in which you currently practice or have had recent experience.

You may select a population and issue that is of interest to you and set them in the context of your current or desired future care setting. While you are free to choose any population of interest, the issue you choose should fall within one of the following broad categories:

Genetics and genomics.

Sickle cell, asthma, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis.

Type 1 diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), congenital neutropenia syndrome.

Arthritis, any type of cancer or lung or heart disease, obesity.


Abuse of alcohol, prescription drugs, tobacco, illegal substances.

Emotion and mental health.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, eating disorders, psychosis.

Note: If you choose the second option, contact your faculty to make sure that your chosen issue and population will fit within the topic areas for this course.


For this assessment, you will develop a position summary and an analysis of relevant position papers on a health care issue in a chosen population. The bullet points below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your assessment submission addresses all of them. You may also want to read the Analysis of Position Papers for Vulnerable Populations Scoring Guide and Guiding Questions: Analysis of Position Papers for Vulnerable Populations [DOC] to better understand how each grading criterion will be assessed.

Explain a position with regard to health outcomes for a specific issue in a target population.

Explain the role of the interprofessional team in facilitating improvements for a specific issue in a target population.

Evaluate the evidence and positions of others that could support a team’s approach to improving the quality and outcomes of care for a specific issue in a target population.

Evaluate the evidence and positions of others that are contrary to a team’s approach to improving the quality and outcomes of care for a specific issue in a target population.

Communicate an initial viewpoint regarding a specific issue in a target population and a synthesis of existing positions in a logically structured and concise manner, writing content clearly with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.

Example assessment: You may use the Assessment 1 Example [PDF] to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.

Submission Requirements

Length of submission: 4–6 double-spaced, typed pages, not including the title and reference pages. Your plan should be succinct yet substantive. No abstract is required.

Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3–5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your initial position on the issue, as well as a minimum of 2–3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that express contrary views or opinions. Resources should be no more than five years old.

APA formatting: Use the APA Style Paper Template [DOCX] and the APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] to help you in writing and formatting your analysis.


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