Assignment: Topic 5 Evidence-Based Practice Project: Evaluation of Literature Table/NUR 550

Assignment: Topic 5 Evidence-Based Practice Project: Evaluation of Literature Table/NUR 550

Assignment: Topic 5 Evidence-Based Practice Project: Evaluation of Literature Table/NUR 550

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to provide research evidence in support of the PICOT you developed for your selected topic.

Conduct a search for 6 peer-reviewed, translational research articles published within the last 5 years that demonstrate support for your PICOT. You may include research articles from assignments completed previously in this course. Use the “Literature Evaluation Table” provided to evaluate the articles and explain how the research supports your PICOT.


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Once your instructor returns this assignment, review the feedback and make any revisions necessary. If you are directed by your instructor to select different articles in order to meet the assignment criteria or to better support your PICOT, make these changes accordingly. You will use the literature evaluated in this assignment for all subsequent assignments you develop as part of your evidence-based practice project proposal in this course and in NUR-590, during which you will synthesize all of the sections into a final written paper detailing your evidence-based practice project proposal.

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Refer to “Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal – Assignment Overview,” located in Class Resources, for an overview of the evidence-based practice project proposal assignments.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.




Rubric Criteria

Total150 points


1. Unsatisfactory

2. Insufficient

3. Approaching

4. Acceptable

5. Target



0 points

The PICOT is omitted.
6 points

6.6 points


6.9 points


7.5 points

The PICOT is clearly and accurately presented.



0 points

Required number of sources are not included. Article citations and permalinks are omitted.

12 points

Number of required sources is only partially met. Article citations and permalinks are presented. One or more links do not lead to the intended article.
13.2 points

Number of required sources is met, but some sources are outdated or inappropriate. Article citations and permalinks are presented. Article citations are presented, but there are errors.

13.8 points

Sources are current and generally appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content. Article citations and permalinks are presented. Article citations are presented, but there are minor errors.

15 points

Sources are current and highly appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content. Article citations and permalinks are presented. Article citations are accurate.

Research Question, Hypothesis, Purpose or Aim of Study

Research Question, Hypothesis, Purpose or Aim of Study
0 points

Research question, hypothesis, purpose or aim of study for one or more articles is omitted.
12 points

Research question, hypothesis, purpose or aim of study for each article is presented, but key information is consistently omitted. There are inaccuracies throughout.

13.2 points

Research question, hypothesis, purpose or aim of study for each article is presented. Key aspects are missing for one or two articles. There are minor inaccuracies.

13.8 points

Research question, hypothesis, purpose or aim of study for each article is adequately presented. Minor detail is needed for accuracy or clarity.

15 points

A discussion on the research question, hypothesis, purpose or aim of study is thoroughly and accurately presented for each article.

Study Design

Study Design
0 points

The study design for one or more article is omitted.
12 points

The study design for each article is presented, but key information is consistently omitted. There are inaccuracies throughout.
13.2 points

The study design is indicated for each article. Key aspects are missing for one or two articles. There are minor inaccuracies.

13.8 points

The study design is adequately presented for each article. Minor detail is needed for accuracy or clarity.

15 points

A thorough and accurate discussion on the study design for each article is presented.

Setting and Sample

Setting and Sample
0 points

The setting and sample are omitted for one or more of the articles.

12 points

The setting and sample are indicated for each article, but key information is consistently omitted. There are inaccuracies throughout.
13.2 points

The setting and sample are indicated for each article. Key aspects are missing for one or two articles. There are minor inaccuracies.

13.8 points

The setting and sample are adequately presented for each article. Minor detail is needed for accuracy or clarity.

15 points

The setting and sample in which the researcher conducted the study are detailed and accurate for each article.


0 points

Method of study for one or more articles is omitted. Overall, the methods of study are incomplete.
12 points

The method of study is presented for each article, but key information is consistently omitted. There are inaccuracies throughout.

13.2 points

The method of study for each article is presented. Key aspects are missing for one or two articles. There are minor inaccuracies
13.8 points

An adequate discussion on the method of study for each article is presented. Minor detail is needed for accuracy or clarity.

15 points

A thorough and accurate discussion on the method of study for each article is presented.

Analysis and Data Collection

Analysis and Data Collection
0 points

Analysis and data collection for one or more articles is omitted. Overall, the analysis and data collection are incomplete.
12 points

Analysis and data collection are presented for each article, but key information is consistently omitted. There are inaccuracies throughout.
13.2 points

Analysis and data collection for each article are presented. Key aspects are missing for one or two articles. There are minor inaccuracies.
13.8 points

An adequate discussion on the method of study for each article is presented. Minor detail is needed for accuracy or clarity.

15 points

A thorough and accurate discussion on the analysis and data collection for each article is presented.

Outcomes and Key Findings

Outcomes and Key Findings

0 points

Outcomes and key findings for one or more articles are omitted. Overall, the outcomes and key findings are incomplete.

12 points

Outcomes and key findings are presented for each article, but key information is consistently omitted. There are inaccuracies throughout.
13.2 points

Outcomes and key findings for each article are presented. Key aspects are missing for one or two articles. There are minor inaccuracies.

13.8 points

An adequate discussion on outcomes and key findings for each article are presented. Minor detail is needed for accuracy or clarity.
15 points

A thorough and accurate discussion on the outcomes and key findings collection for each article are presented.



0 points

Researcher recommendations are omitted for one or more of the articles. The recommendations described for three or more articles are inaccurate or incomplete.

12 points

Researcher recommendations are indicated for each article. The researcher recommendations described for two of the articles are inaccurate or incomplete.

13.2 points

Researcher recommendations for each article are presented. Researcher recommendations described for one article are inaccurate or incomplete.

13.8 points

Researcher recommendations for each article are accurately presented. Minor detail is needed for accuracy or clarity.

15 points

Researcher recommendations are accurately and thoroughly described for each article.

Explanation of How Articles Support Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal

Explanation of How Articles Support Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal

0 points

An explanation of how the article supports the proposed evidence-based practice project proposal is omitted for one or more of the articles. The explanation for three or more articles is inaccurate or incomplete.

12 points

An explanation for how each article supports the proposed evidence-based practice project proposal is presented. The explanation for two of the articles is inaccurate or incomplete.

13.2 points

A general explanation for how each article supports the proposed evidence-based practice project proposal is presented. The explanation for one article is inaccurate or incomplete. Support for the evidence-based project proposal is generally evident.
13.8 points

An explanation for how each article supports the proposed evidence-based practice project proposal is presented. Minor detail is needed for accuracy or clarity. Adequate support for the evidence-based project proposal is demonstrated.

15 points

A detailed explanation for how each article supports the proposed evidence-based practice project proposal is presented. Support for the evidence-based project proposal is clearly evident.

Mechanics of Writing

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use)
0 points

Errors in grammar or syntax are pervasive and impede meaning. Incorrect language choice or sentence structure errors are found throughout.

6 points

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors are present. Inconsistencies in language choice or sentence structure are recurrent.

6.6 points

Occasional mechanical errors are present. Language choice is generally appropriate. Varied sentence structure is attempted.

6.9 points

Few mechanical errors are present. Suitable language choice and sentence structure are used.

7.5 points

No mechanical errors are present. Skilled control of language choice and sentence structure are used throughout.


Literature Evaluation Table

Learner Name:


Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and Permalink or Working Link to Access Article
Article Title and Year Published


Research Questions/ Hypothesis, and Purpose/Aim of Study Design (Quantitative, Qualitative, or other)




Methods: Intervention/ Instruments


Analysis/Data Collection


Outcomes/Key Findings




Explanation of How the Article Supports Your Proposed EBP Practice Project Proposal
Zarco et al., Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Perceived benefits of a guided exercise program among older adults


Research question: what are the perceived benefits of participating in Essentrics?

The purpose of the study was to explore the experiences of adults who participated in an Essentrics program.

Foundational techniques of Essentrics include eccentric training and stretching (Esmonde-White et al., 2021; Zarco et al., 2021).

Qualitative design: it was a retrospective, qualitative study where data collection and analysis methods were primarily qualitative


Setting: Adelphi University

Sample: nine participants


  Older adults participated in a one-hour Essentrics program twice weekly for a year. The questionnaire instrument included open and close-ended questions on the motivation behind trying and continuing Essentrics and their benefits. A focus group discussion via Zoom meeting was also conducted to allow participants to expand the context of their responses. The primary researcher collected data on how Essentrics affected functional mobility, flexibility, and strength. The recorded responses via Zoom were electronically transcribed, and thematic analysis was conducted to summarize the perceived benefits of the exercises. The outcomes were changes in functional mobility, flexibility, and balance. Participants perceived Essentrics as beneficial to their physical health since it improved their functional mobility, balance, and flexibility. Other benefits included making participants feel more energized while improving their posture. Researchers recommended a large-scale mixed study to validate the experiences of Essentrics participants.








The study supports the EBP project proposal by positively linking physical exercises with improved functional performance among older adults. The improved balance and strength after the exercises are critical to improving older adults’ independence, as the PICOT states.
Kirwan et al., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Community-based exercise and lifestyle program improves health outcomes in older adults with type 2 diabetes


RQ: what are the effects of Beat It on anthropometric, physical fitness, and psychological outcomes among older adults with T2DM?

Aim: the study explored whether Beat It was effective in improving anthropometric, physical fitness, and psychological outcomes in older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Quantitative: researchers collected and analyzed data quantitively. Setting: 67 separate locations in New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory

Sample: 588 older adults with T2DM

  Participants were enrolled in Beat It over eight weeks. Beat It is a twice-weekly supervised group exercise and education program. The clinician-led program helps individuals manage diabetes and improve general health (Kirwan et al., 2022).

Height and weight measures were used to calculate body mass index (BMI), while physical parameters were assessed using arm curls or the medicine ball throw test.

Researchers collected data on anthropometric measurements and physical fitness levels at baseline and the completion of the program. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS version 24. The program’s effectiveness was examined using paired T-tests. Primary outcomes were changes in physical fitness and anthropometric measures. Researchers found a significant improvement in waist circumference and physical fitness post-program. The findings underline the significance of the program in improving the standard of healthy independent living after effective implementation.


Researchers recommended a longer-term follow-up to examine whether participants would maintain the positive changes beyond the program. The article supports the proposed project by demonstrating the link between physical exercise and healthy independent living through improved physical fitness and anthropometric measures.
Harrison et al., Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, Perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes about physical activity and exercise in urban-community-residing older adults


RQ: what are the motivators to, barriers of, and benefits associated with engaging in physical activity and exercise?

Aim: the study was conducted to determine older adults’ understanding of physical activity and exercise as well as barriers, motivators, and benefits influencing their participation.

Qualitative design: the researchers and participants discuss the topic and dominant themes summarized. Setting: Washington, DC

Sample:58 older adults enrolled in Senior Companion and Respite Aid programs

Eligible older adults who engaged in various physical activities at the community level were recruited via convenience sampling. Researchers conducted focus group sessions to explore the participants’ physical activity levels and experiences. Focus groups help researchers to collect data by exploring participants’ opinions, experiences, and perspectives (Dos Santos Marques et al., 2021). Participants completed a short survey of demographic data, physical activity and exercise levels, and food intake. In the focus groups, the moderator used a semi-structured 5-8 question script to ask questions regarding experiences with physical exercises. Primary outcomes were barriers, motivators, and benefits of physical activity and exercise. Participants identified physical activity as beneficial to health since it leads to prolonged life, increased physical energy, and a stronger body. Limited income was a significant barrier, while most participants preferred dancing for exercise. Researchers recommended policymaking centered on programs for older adults that will promote physical activity and exercise. The article supports the project proposal by confirming that physical exercises improve functional performance and independence by increasing physical energy and body strength.
Syue et al., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, The associations between physical activity, functional fitness, and life satisfaction among community-dwelling older adults



Hypothesis: older adults with higher physical activity had better functional fitness and life satisfaction.

Aim: the study explored the association between physical activity and functional fitness and life satisfaction. Authors also evaluated the existence of dose-response relationship.

Quantitative design: researchers employed a cross-sectional study design and quantified relationship between variables. Setting: 12 functional fitness and health screen stations in Chi-Yi city.

Sample: 623 older adults participated in the study.

As a cross-sectional study, older adults were observed in their respective environments in 2016 and 2017. Participants engaged in different physical activities with varying intensities. They included slow dancing, strenuous household chores, and playing basketball. Researchers used the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) form to assess the physical activity levels. Functional fitness was assessed via different tests, including the arm curl test, the chair test, the stand test, the step test, and the back scratch test. Life satisfaction was evaluated using an 11-point scale.

The authors used Spearman’s rho to test correlations between physical activity, functional fitness, and life satisfaction.

The primary research outcomes were functional fitness and life satisfaction. Syue et al. (2022) found that physical activity increases older adults’ functional fitness and life satisfaction. Researchers recommended high levels of physical activity since they were associated with high improvement in muscle strength, flexibility, endurance, and dynamic balance. The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by demonstrating the effectiveness of physical exercises in improving functional fitness.
Chang et al., Frontiers in Medicine, Effectiveness of facebook remote live-streaming-guided exercise for improving the functional fitness of community-dwelling older adults


Hypothesis: the program would improve the functional fitness of the participants

Aim: to investigate the effects of an 8-week Facebook remote exercise program on the functional fitness of community-dwelling older adults

Quantitative design: researchers conducted a non-randomized controlled design Setting: Taipei City

Sample: 73 older adults

The study was a non-randomized controlled trial with single blinding.

Participants in the experimental group (n = 39) participated in a physical exercise program twice a week for eight weeks. The control group (n = 34) continued with ordinary lifestyle.

Researchers used the Senior Fitness Test to assess limb flexibility, muscle strength, and cardiorespiratory fitness pre- and post-program. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS, version 22.0 software. The main outcome was increased functional fitness. Researchers reported that the 8-week guided exercise intervention increased lower limb flexibility, muscle strength, and cardiorespiratory fitness. These improvements are critical to improved functional fitness and independent living among older adults. Researchers recommended future studies that have clear exercise intensity using objective or subjective measurements. The article supports the proposed project by positively linking physical exercises with improved functional fitness among older adults.
López-López et al., GeroScience, Functional mobility and physical fitness are improved through a multicomponent training program in institutionalized older adults


Hypothesis: the multicomponent training program will improve functional mobility and physical fitness.

Aim: to clarify the benefits of a multicomponent training in institutionalized older adults.

Quantitative design (a randomized controlled trial) Setting: Albertia Elderly Care Center

Sample: 34 older adults

Researchers conducted a randomized controlled trial (RCT) with institutionalized older adults. The main goal of RCTs is to ascertain whether an intervention/treatment will cause a change in health or risk factors (Capili & Anastasi, 2023). In this study, the intervention group (18 participants) engaged in the multicomponent training program of muscle power training and endurance twice weekly for 12 weeks. The control group (n =16) continued with the usual mobility exercises. Researchers collected data before and after the program. They estimated independence using the Barthel index, while multiple tools were used to evaluate physical fitness and functional mobility. They included the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), hand grip strength dynamometry, and the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test. Data analysis was done using SPSS 23.0 software. Tests included Shapiro-Wilks, Levene, and the two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Primary outcomes were functional mobility and physical fitness. Researchers found that the multicomponent training program was effective in improving functional mobility and physical fitness, albeit no significant difference regarding independence among the groups was observed. The researchers recommended testing longer programs while monitoring nutrition and rest time to observe further physiological changes in the institutionalized population. The article supports the proposed project by demonstrating the effectiveness of physical exercises in improving functional fitness among older adults.


Older adults are a unique population that requires optimal health and well-being. The effects of type 2 diabetes in old age are multidimensional, hence the need for interventions to improve health and well-being. As a result, interventions seeking to improve physical fitness are essential to enhance functional mobility and independence among older adults with type 2 diabetes. The articles evaluated in this table confirm the effectiveness of physical exercises and the need to implement them in healthcare settings and at home. For high outcomes and sustained performance, older adults should be guided and assisted appropriately.


Capili, B., & Anastasi, J. K. (2023). Efficacy randomized controlled trials. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 123(3), 47-51. DOI: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000921808.23646.01

Chang, S. H., Wang, L. T., Chueh, T. Y., Hsueh, M. C., Hung, T. M., & Wang, Y. W. (2021). Effectiveness of facebook remote live-streaming-guided exercise for improving the functional fitness of community-dwelling older adults. Frontiers in Medicine, 8, 734812.

Dos Santos Marques, I. C., Theiss, L. M., Johnson, C. Y., McLin, E., Ruf, B. A., Vickers, S. M., Fouad, M. N., Scarinci, I. C., & Chu, D. I. (2021). Implementation of virtual focus groups for qualitative data collection in a global pandemic. American Journal of Surgery, 221(5), 918–922.

Esmonde-White, M. (2023). The miracle of flexibility: a head-to-toe program to increase strength, improve mobility, and become pain free. Simon and Schuster.

Harrison, E. A., Lord, L. M., Asongwed, E., Jackson, P., Johnson-Largent, T., Jean Baptiste, A. M., … & Jeffery, T. (2020). Perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes about physical activity and exercise in urban-community-residing older adults. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 11, 2150132720924137.

Kirwan, M., Chiu, C. L., Hay, M., & Laing, T. (2021). Community-based exercise and lifestyle program improves health outcomes in older adults with type 2 diabetes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11), 6147.

Kirwan, M., Chiu, C. L., Laing, T., Chowdhury, N., & Gwynne, K. (2022). A web-delivered, clinician-led group exercise intervention for older adults with type 2 diabetes: single-arm pre-post intervention. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(9), e39800.

López-López, S., Abuín-Porras, V., Berlanga, L. A., Martos-Duarte, M., Perea-Unceta, L., Romero-Morales, C., & Pareja-Galeano, H. (2023). Functional mobility and physical fitness are improved through a multicomponent training program in institutionalized older adults. GeroScience, 1-9.

Syue, S. H., Yang, H. F., Wang, C. W., Hung, S. Y., Lee, P. H., & Fan, S. Y. (2022). The associations between physical activity, functional fitness, and life satisfaction among community-dwelling older adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13), 8043.

Zarco, E. P. T., Aquino, M., Petrizzo, J., Wygand, J., & McGorry, A. (2021). Perceived benefits of a guided exercise program among older adults. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 7, 23337214211060147.

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