Assignment: Week 7 Cultivating Healthful Environments

Assignment: Week 7 Cultivating Healthful Environments

Assignment: Week 7 Cultivating Healthful Environments

 Cultivating Healthful Environments Sample

            Work environment has a significant influence on the provision of nursing care services in healthcare. However, uncivil behaviors affect the creation of a culture that promotes the wellbeing of the healthcare providers involved in the patient care process. Incivility has been defined as actions or speeches that are rude or disrespectful. It includes behaviors such as insulting remarks, violent behavior, and verbal abuse (Alquwez, 2020). The American Nurses Association (ANA) considers incivility one or more discourteous, rude, or disrespectful actions that can or cannot have a negative intention with them. Incivility often advances from a low to a high magnitude. Examples of uncivil behaviors include sarcastic comments, yelling at others, bullying, and potentially violent actions such as physical violence and intimidation (Kim, 2018). Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to examine the importance of incivility to nursing, a scenario experienced at workplace, and strategies for creating a healthful environment.


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Importance of Incivility to Nursing

            Incivility has significant effects on nurses and nursing profession. Kim (2018) examined the experiences of nursing students with uncivil behaviors in their clinical experiences. The author found that students reported extensive experiences with uncivil behaviors such as harassment, bullying, and being ignored by the experienced nurses. Their experiences affected their psychological health and wellbeing as evidenced by some of them reporting feelings of tension, failure, depression, or frustration. Uncivil behaviors also made them regret their career choices as they found it difficult to identify nurses who could act as their role models (Kim, 2018). Patel et al., (2022) asserted that nursing students who experience uncivil behaviors fail to develop a sense of belonging to the nursing profession, hence, having a distorted sense in their professional roles.

            Qualified nurses also suffer the effects of uncivil behaviors. According to Arslan Yürümezoğlu and Kocaman (2019), nurses frequently experience workplace incivility, which leads to low-quality patient care, insecure working conditions, and increased rates of medication errors in nursing practice. The authors found that workplace incivility increases nurses’ intention to leave their organizations due to the persistent psychological impacts of their experiences. Further, the authors averred that persistent exposure to uncivil behaviors trigger psychological responses that progress into withdrawal behaviors and cognition, which ultimately result in employees leaving their organizations (Arslan Yürümezoğlu & Kocaman, 2019). Besides its effect on the quality of care, incivility has been shown to cause physical symptoms such as sleep disturbances, headaches, and digestive problems as well as decrease in nurses’ subjective wellbeing (Sherrod & Lewallen, 2021). When combined, uncivil behaviors affect the dimensions of patient safety competence that include communicating effectively, managing safety risks, recognizing and responding to risks, creating safety culture, and understanding factors affecting human health (Alquwez, 2020).

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Assignment: Week 7 Cultivating Healthful Environments

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            I have experienced uncivil behaviors in my nursing practice. An example is a case where a physician constantly yelled and acted temperamentally at registered nurses working in the surgical unit. The uncivil behavior affected the psychological health of the involved nurses. They expressed their intent to avoid working with the physician. They went to an extent of reporting the issue to the nurse manager. The uncivil behaviors by the physician affected patient care in the department since there was no teamwork with nurses failing to implement some of the orders.

Strategies for Creating a Healthful Environment

            Nurses are responsible for creating a healthful environment in their workplaces. They can explore different strategies to creating an environment that promotes their health and safety in the patient care processes. One of the strategies that nurses can embrace to create a healthful environment is promoting effective, open, and transparent communication. Issues such as lack of appropriate communication with other healthcare providers often contribute to uncivil behaviors. Good, effective communication that promotes respect, openness and honesty is important in ensuring that healthcare providers contribute to the creation of a culture of safety in their organizations (Phillips et al., 2018). The other strategy is providing support to nurses and other healthcare providers. Nurses and other healthcare providers require support from the organization and management in the forms of addressing reported uncivil behaviors (Clark, 2019). Organizations should also provide training opportunities to their staff on issues related to incivility and its prevention to ensure their health and wellbeing.  

The other approach to creating a healthful environment is by the organization and management establishing clear expectations. The organization should develop clear rules as well as guidelines on employee behaviors and the consequences of uncivil behaviors. The standards should be written and communicated to all the employees to increase their awareness (Small et al., 2019). Managers should also pay attention to the way employees interact among themselves. Paying attention will help them to identify uncivil behaviors that could potentially affect their working relations and patient safety. The last approach entails creating a safe and open environment where the employees can confidently speak up on uncivil behaviors they experience in the workplace (Tecza et al., 2018). This step is important, as it helps them become comfortable and relaxed in reporting any uncivil experiences with other staff in the organization.

Strategies I will Implement in my Practice

            One of the strategies that I will adopt as an advanced practice nurse to promote a healthful environment is encouraging other nurses to speak up when they experience uncivil behaviors. Most nurses experience incivility but do not report them due to fear of unknown consequences of their actions. Failure to speak up propagates undesired behaviors in an organization, which worsens care given and experiences of the healthcare providers. As a result, I will encourage nurses to utilize the developed channels in the organization to open up about their uncivil experiences (Olsen et al., 2020). Speaking up will facilitate the adoption of responsive interventions by the organization to address incivility in the workplace.

            The second strategy that I will adopt as an advanced practice nurse to promote a healthful environment is being an advocate for other nurses. I will actively engage in activities that eliminate any form of uncivil behaviors in the workplace. I will work with other nurses and nurse managers to create policies that foster effective behaviors such as communication in the workplace. I will also advocate the creation of a system of openness and reporting of issues that affect the employees’  health and wellbeing (Phillips et al., 2018). The advocacy role will help me develop a better understanding of nurses’ influence on healthcare organizations.


            In summary, incivility entails inappropriate behaviors that could potentially affect the safety and quality of patient care as well as nurses’ health and wellbeing. Incivility affects nursing students and qualified nursing staff both physically and psychologically. Strategies such as effective communication, speaking up, and listening to the concerns of the affected stakeholders are effective in addressing incivility. I will play a proactive role in adopting strategies that promote healthful environment in my future role as an advanced nurse practitioner.


Alquwez, N. (2020). Examining the Influence of Workplace Incivility on Nurses’ Patient Safety Competence. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 52(3), 292–300.

Arslan Yürümezoğlu, H., & Kocaman, G. (2019). Structural empowerment, workplace incivility, nurses’ intentions to leave their organisation and profession: A path analysis. Journal of Nursing Management, 27(4), 732–739.

Clark, C. M. (2019). Fostering a Culture of Civility and Respect in Nursing. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 10(1), 44–52.

Kim, J.-S. (2018). Relationship between incivility experiences and nursing professional values among nursing students: Moderating effects of coping strategies. Nurse Education Today, 65, 187–191.

Olsen, J. M., Aschenbrenner, A., Merkel, R., Pehler, S.-R., Sargent, L., & Sperstad, R. (2020). A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review of Interventions to Address Incivility in Nursing. Journal of Nursing Education, 59(6), 319–326.

Patel, S. E., Chrisman, M., Russell, C. L., Lasiter, S., Bennett, K., & Pahls, M. (2022). Cross-sectional study of the relationship between experiences of incivility from staff nurses and undergraduate nursing students’ sense of belonging to the nursing profession. Nurse Education in Practice, 62, 103320.

Phillips, J. M., Stalter, A. M., Winegardner, S., Wiggs, C., & Jauch, A. (2018). Systems thinking and incivility in nursing practice: An integrative review. Nursing Forum, 53(3), 286–298.

Sherrod, J. T., & Lewallen, L. P. (2021). Workplace Incivility and Its Effects on the Physical and Psychological Health of Nursing Faculty. Nursing Education Perspectives, 42(5), 278–284.

Small, S. P., English, D., Moran, G., Grainger, P., & Cashin, G. (2019). “Mutual Respect Would be a Good Starting Point:” Students’ Perspectives on Incivility in Nursing Education. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 51(3), 133–144.

Tecza, B. M., Boots, B. K., Mains, B. C., Dryer, L. D., Oertle, D. L., Pontius, C. J., Cantu, C. L., Olney, A., McElroy, S., & Teasley, S. (2018). Incivility Toward Nursing Students in Clinical Rotations: Measuring the Incidence and Testing Interventions. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 48(11), 585–590.


Master’s-prepared advanced practice nurses participate in and demonstrate fair and unbiased interactions within all workplace settings. As a member of the nursing profession, and a leader, you are encouraged to implement strategies that promote and cultivate cultures of civility, regardless of practice setting. The purpose of this assessment is to analyze the issue of incivility and apply best practices to cultivate healthful environments.
This assessment is worth 200 points.
Submit your file(s) by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 7.
Criteria for Content
Reflect on the issue of incivility. Think of an experience in which you were directly involved or witnessed incivility in the workplace. Analyze scholarly literature related to the issue of incivility and strategies for cultivating healthful environments.
1. In a four- to six-page written paper, address the following.
a. Define and explain the issue of incivility. Use scholarly nursing literature.
b. Discuss the importance of this issue to nursing. Address the impact of incivility on individuals, microsystem work environments, and the profession of nursing. In this section, use at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources to support your work. Remember to include matching references for each.
c. Provide a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting. What was the impact on the individuals involved? How was the work environment affected?
d. Describe three strategies for creating a healthful environment. Use scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy.
e. Identify your selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). Provide two examples of strategies you will implement in your master’s-prepared advanced practice role to cultivate a healthful work environment.
f. Provide a conclusion. Include a summary on the issue of incivility, strategies to create healthful environments, specialty track, and how you will contribute to cultivating healthful environments in your future professional practice. Include a self-reflection.

Submission Requirements
1. Application: Use Microsoft Word 2013â„¢.
2. Length: The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) is at minimum four (4) pages and at maximum six (6) pages.
3. A minimum of four (4) scholarly nursing literature references must be used.
4. Submission: Submit your files: Last name_First initial_Assessment 5_Cultivating Healthful Environments.

Best Practices in Preparing the Project
The following are best practices in preparing this project.
1. Review directions thoroughly.
2. Follow submission requirements.
3. Make sure all elements on the grading rubric are included.
4. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.
5. Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.
6. Ideas and information that come from scholarly nursing literature must be cited and referenced correctly.
7. A minimum of four (4) scholarly nursing literature references must be used.
8. Abide by CCN academic integrity policy.

Category Points % Description
Introduction 10 5% Introduction includes general statements on incivility and how this issue affects nursing work environments. Identify sections of the paper. Provide support from scholarly literature.
Issue of Incivility 20 10% Define and explain the issue of incivility. Provide citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition and explanation of incivility. A dictionary may be used for ONLY for this section in addition to scholarly nursing literature.
Importance to Nursing 40 20% Discuss the importance of incivility related to nursing. Address the impact of incivility on individuals, microsystem work environments, and the profession of nursing. Provide support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources.
Storytelling 20 10% Provide a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting. What was the impact on the individuals involved? How was the work environment affected?
Creating a Healthful Environment 30 15% Describe three strategies for creating a healthful environment. Use scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy.
Practice Application 40 20% Identify your selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). Provide two examples of strategies you will implement in your master’s prepared-advanced practice role to cultivate a healthful work environment. Use scholarly nursing literature to support each example.
Conclusion 20 10% Provide a conclusion. Include a summary on incivility and the issues this creates; strategies to create healthful environments, specialty track, and how you will contribute to cultivating healthful environments in your future professional practice. Include a self-reflection. Self-reflection is written in first person.
APA Format 10 5% Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section or topic of the paper (one deduction for each type of APA style error). Ideas and information that come from scholarly nursing sources must be cited and referenced correctly. A minimum of four (4) scholarly nursing references with matching in-text citations are used.
Writing Mechanics 10 5% Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual.
Total 200 100
A quality assessment will meet or exceed all the above requirements.

Assessment Criteria Exceptional
Outstanding or highest level of performance Exceeds
Very good or high level of performance Meets
Competent or satisfactory level of performance Needs Improvement
Poor or failing level of performance Developing
Unsatisfactory level of performance

Content Possible Points = 180 Points
10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 6 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:
• General statements on incivility
• General statements on how this issue affects nursing work environments
• Identifies sections of the paper
• Provides support from scholarly literature Presentation of information is superficial and includes all of the following elements:
• General statements on incivility
• General statements on how this issue affects nursing work environments
• Identifies sections of the paper
• Provides support from scholarly literature Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements:
• General statements on incivility
• General statements on how this issue affects nursing work environments
• Identifies sections of the paper
• Provides support from scholarly literature Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:
• General statements on incivility
• General statements on how this issue affects nursing work environments
• Identifies sections of the paper
• Provides support from scholarly literature Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:
• General statements on incivility
• General statements on how this issue affects nursing work environments
• Identifies sections of the paper
• Provides support from scholarly literature
Issue of Incivility

(Note: A dictionary may be used ONLY for this section to define incivility, in addition to scholarly nursing literature.) 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 12 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:
• Defines incivility
• Explains why incivility is an issue
• Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition
• Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the explanation Presentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:
• Defines incivility
• Explains why incivility is an issue
• Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition.
• Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the explanation Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements:
• Defines incivility
• Explains why incivility is an issue
• Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition
• Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the explanation Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:
• Defines incivility
• Explains why incivility is an issue
• Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition
• Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the explanation Presentation of information in two or more following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:
• Defines incivility
• Explains why incivility is an issue
• Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition
• Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the explanation
Importance to Nursing 40 Points 36 points 32 Points 24 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:
• Discusses the importance of incivility related to nursing
• Addresses the impact of incivility on individuals
• Addresses the impact of incivility on microsystem work environments
• Addresses the impact of incivility on the profession of nursing
• Provides support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources Presentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:
• Discusses the importance of incivility related to nursing
• Addresses the impact of incivility on individuals
• Addresses the impact of incivility on microsystem work environments
• Addresses the impact of incivility on the profession of nursing
• Provides support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements:
• Discusses the importance of incivility related to nursing
• Addresses the impact of incivility on individuals
• Addresses the impact of incivility on microsystem work environments
• Addresses the impact of incivility on the profession of nursing
• Provides support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:
• Discusses the importance of incivility related to nursing
• Addresses the impact of incivility on individuals
• Addresses the impact of incivility on microsystem work environments
• Addresses the impact of incivility on the profession of nursing
• Provides support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:
• Discusses the importance of incivility related to nursing
• Addresses the impact of incivility on individuals
• Addresses the impact of incivility on microsystem work environments
• Addresses the impact of incivility on the profession of nursing
• Provides support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources
Storytelling 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 12 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:
• Provides a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting
• Discusses the impact on the individuals involved
• Explains how the work environment was affected Presentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:
• Provides a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting
• Discusses the impact on the individuals involved
• Explains how the work environment was affected Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements:
• Provides a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting
• Discusses the impact on the individuals involved.
• Explains how the work environment was affected Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:
• Provides a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting
• Discusses the impact on the individuals involved
• Explains how the work environment was affected Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:
• Provides a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting
• Discusses the impact on the individuals involved.
• Explains how the work environment was affected
Creating a Healthful Environment 30 Points 27 Points 24 Points 18 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:
• Describes three strategies for creating a healthful environment
• Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy Presentation of information is good, but superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:
• Describes three strategies for creating a healthful environment
• Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements:
• Describes three strategies for creating a healthful environment
• Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:
• Describes three strategies for creating a healthful environment
• Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy Presentation of information in the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:
• Describes three strategies for creating a healthful environment
• Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy
Practice Application 40 Points 36 Points 32 Points 24 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:
• Identifies selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics)
• Provides two examples on how strategies will be implemented to cultivate a healthful work environment in future master’s-prepared advanced practice role
• Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each example Presentation of information is good but superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:
• Identifies selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics)
• Provides two examples on how strategies will be implemented to cultivate a healthful work environment in future master’s-prepared advanced practice role
• Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each example Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements:
• Identifies selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics)
• Provides two examples on how strategies will be implemented to cultivate a healthful work environment in future master’s-prepared advanced practice role
• Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each example Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:
• Identifies selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics)
• Provides two examples on how strategies will be implemented to cultivate a healthful work environment in future master’s-prepared advanced practice role
• Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each example Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:
• Identifies selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics)
• Provides two examples on how strategies will be implemented to cultivate a healthful work environment in future master’s-prepared advanced practice role
• Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each example

(Note: Self-reflection is written in first person.) 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 12 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:
• Summarizes incivility and why it is a nursing issue
• Summarizes strategies to create healthful environments
• Identifies specialty track
• Summarizes potential contributions to cultivating healthful environments in future professional practice
• Includes self-reflection on new knowledge gained resulting from the completion of this assessment Presentation of information is good but superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:
• Summarizes incivility and why it is a nursing issue
• Summarizes strategies to create healthful environments
• Identifies specialty track
• Summarizes potential contributions to cultivating healthful environments in future professional practice
• Includes self-reflection on new knowledge gained resulting from the completion of this assessment Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements:
• Summarizes incivility and why it is a nursing issue
• Summarizes strategies to create healthful environments
• Identifies specialty track
• Summarizes potential contributions to cultivating healthful environments in future professional practice
• Includes self-reflection on new knowledge gained resulting from the completion of this assessment Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:
• Summarizes incivility and why it is a nursing issue
• Summarizes strategies to create healthful environments
• Identifies specialty track
• Summarizes potential contributions to cultivating healthful environments in future professional practice
• Includes self-reflection on new knowledge gained resulting from the completion of this assessment Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:
• Summarizes incivility and why it is a nursing issue
• Summarizes strategies to create healthful environments
• Identifies specialty track
• Summarizes potential contributions to cultivating healthful environments in future professional practice
• Includes self-reflection on new knowledge gained resulting from the completion of this assessment
Content Subtotal ___ /180 points
Format Possible Points = 20 Points
APA Format 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 6 Points 0 Points
APA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the
• title page;
• running head;
• body of paper (including citations and headings); and
• reference page.

One deduction for each type of APA format error.

0 to 1 APA error is present APA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the
• title page;
• running head;
• body of paper (including citations and headings); and
• reference page.

One deduction for each type of APA format error.
2–3 APA errors are present APA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the
• title page;
• running head;
• body of paper (including citations and headings); and
• reference page.

One deduction for each type of APA format error.

4–5 APA errors are present APA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the
• title page;
• running head;
• body of paper (including citations and headings); and
• reference page.

One deduction for each type of APA format error.

6–7 APA errors are present APA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the
• title page;
• running head;
• body of paper (including citations and headings); and
• reference page.

One deduction for each type of APA format error.

8 or greater APA errors are present
References and Page Length

Note: Students are to use at least four (4) scholarly nursing literature references current within 5 years. The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) is at minimum four (4) pages and at maximum six (6) pages. 4 Point deduction
Does not use at least four (4) current scholarly nursing literature references and/or does not meet or exceeds required page length.
Writing Mechanics 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 6 Points 0 Points
1–2 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual
3–4 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual
5–6 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual
7–8 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual
9 or greater errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual
Format Subtotal ____/20 points

Total Points ____/200 points


Week 7 Assignment: Cultivating Healthful Environments

Guidelines with Scoring Rubric


Master’s-prepared advanced practice nurses participate in and demonstrate fair and unbiased interactions within all workplace settings. As a member of the nursing profession, and a leader, you are encouraged to implement strategies that promote and cultivate cultures of civility, regardless of practice setting. The purpose of this assessment is to analyze the issue of incivility and apply best practices to cultivate healthful environments.

Total Points Possible

This assessment is worth 200 points.


Criteria for Content

Reflect on the issue of incivility. Think of an experience in which you were directly involved or witnessed incivility in the workplace. Analyze scholarly literature related to the issue of incivility and strategies for cultivating healthful environments.

  1. In a four- to six-page written paper, address the following.
    1. Define and explain the issue of incivility. Use scholarly nursing literature.
    2. Discuss the importance of this issue to nursing. Address the impact of incivility on individuals, microsystem work environments, and the profession of nursing. In this section, use at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources to support your work. Remember to include matching references for each.
    3. Provide a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting. What was the impact on the individuals involved? How was the work environment affected?
    4. Describe three strategies for creating a healthful environment. Use scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy.
    5. Identify your selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). Provide two examples of strategies you will implement in your master’s-prepared advanced practice role to cultivate a healthful work environment.
    6. Provide a conclusion. Include a summary on the issue of incivility, strategies to create healthful environments, specialty track, and how you will contribute to cultivating healthful environments in your future professional practice. Include a self-reflection.

Preparing the paper

Submission Requirements

  1. Application: Use Microsoft Word 2013™.
  2. Length: The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) is at minimum four (4) pages and at maximum six (6) pages.
  3. A minimum of four (4) scholarly nursing literature references must be used.
  4. Submission: Submit your files: Last name_First initial_Assessment 5_Cultivating Healthful Environments.

Best Practices in Preparing the Project

The following are best practices in preparing this project.

  1. Review directions thoroughly.
  2. Follow submission requirements.
  3. Make sure all elements on the grading rubric are included.
  4. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.
  5. Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.
  6. Ideas and information that come from scholarly nursing literature must be cited and referenced correctly.
  7. A minimum of four (4) scholarly nursing literature references must be used.
  8. Abide by CCN academic integrity policy.


Grading Criteria

Category Points % Description
Introduction 10 5% Introduction includes general statements on incivility and how this issue affects nursing work environments. Identify sections of the paper. Provide support from scholarly literature.
Issue of Incivility 20 10% Define and explain the issue of incivility. Provide citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition and explanation of incivility. A dictionary may be used for ONLY for this section in addition to scholarly nursing literature.
Importance to Nursing 40 20% Discuss the importance of incivility related to nursing. Address the impact of incivility on individuals, microsystem work environments, and the profession of nursing. Provide support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources.
Storytelling   20 10% Provide a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting. What was the impact on the individuals involved? How was the work environment affected?
Creating a Healthful Environment 30 15% Describe three strategies for creating a healthful environment. Use scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy.
Practice Application 40 20% Identify your selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). Provide two examples of strategies you will implement in your master’s prepared-advanced practice role to cultivate a healthful work environment. Use scholarly nursing literature to support each example.
Conclusion 20 10% Provide a conclusion. Include a summary on incivility and the issues this creates; strategies to create healthful environments, specialty track, and how you will contribute to cultivating healthful environments in your future professional practice. Include a self-reflection. Self-reflection is written in first person.
APA Format 10 5% Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section or topic of the paper (one deduction for each type of APA style error). Ideas and information that come from scholarly nursing sources must be cited and referenced correctly. A minimum of four (4) scholarly nursing references with matching in-text citations are used.
Writing Mechanics 10 5% Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual.
Total 200 100 A quality assessment will meet or exceed all the above requirements.

Grading Rubric

Assessment Criteria Exceptional


Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement


Poor or failing level of performance



Unsatisfactory level of performance


Content Possible Points = 180 Points



10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 6 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

·         General statements on incivility

·         General statements on how this issue affects nursing work environments

·         Identifies sections of the paper

·         Provides support from scholarly literature

Presentation of information is superficial and includes all of the following elements:

·         General statements on incivility

·         General statements on how this issue affects nursing work environments

·         Identifies sections of the paper

·         Provides support from scholarly literature

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements:

·         General statements on incivility

·         General statements on how this issue affects nursing work environments

·         Identifies sections of the paper

·         Provides support from scholarly literature

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

·         General statements on incivility

·         General statements on how this issue affects nursing work environments

·         Identifies sections of the paper

·         Provides support from scholarly literature

Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

·         General statements on incivility

·         General statements on how this issue affects nursing work environments

·         Identifies sections of the paper

·         Provides support from scholarly literature

Issue of Incivility



(Note: A dictionary may be used ONLY for this section to define incivility, in addition to scholarly nursing literature.)

20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 12 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

·         Defines incivility

·         Explains why incivility is an issue

·         Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition

·         Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the explanation

Presentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:

·         Defines incivility

·         Explains why incivility is an issue

·         Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition.

·         Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the explanation

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements:

·         Defines incivility

·         Explains why incivility is an issue

·         Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition

·         Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the explanation

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

·         Defines incivility

·         Explains why incivility is an issue

·         Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition

·         Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the explanation

Presentation of information in two or more following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

·         Defines incivility

·         Explains why incivility is an issue

·         Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition

·         Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the explanation

Importance to Nursing 40 Points 36 points 32 Points 24 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

·         Discusses the importance of incivility related to nursing

·         Addresses the impact of incivility on individuals

·         Addresses the impact of incivility on microsystem work environments

·         Addresses the impact of incivility on the profession of nursing

·         Provides support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources

Presentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:

·         Discusses the importance of incivility related to nursing

·         Addresses the impact of incivility on individuals

·         Addresses the impact of incivility on microsystem work environments

·         Addresses the impact of incivility on the profession of nursing

·         Provides support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements:

·         Discusses the importance of incivility related to nursing

·         Addresses the impact of incivility on individuals

·         Addresses the impact of incivility on microsystem work environments

·         Addresses the impact of incivility on the profession of nursing

·         Provides support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

·         Discusses the importance of incivility related to nursing

·         Addresses the impact of incivility on individuals

·         Addresses the impact of incivility on microsystem work environments

·         Addresses the impact of incivility on the profession of nursing

·         Provides support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources

Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

·         Discusses the importance of incivility related to nursing

·         Addresses the impact of incivility on individuals

·         Addresses the impact of incivility on microsystem work environments

·         Addresses the impact of incivility on the profession of nursing

·         Provides support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources

Storytelling  20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 12 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

·         Provides a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting

·         Discusses the impact on the individuals involved

·         Explains how the work environment was affected

Presentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:

·         Provides a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting

·         Discusses the impact on the individuals involved

·         Explains how the work environment was affected

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements:

·         Provides a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting

·         Discusses the impact on the individuals involved.

·         Explains how the work environment was affected

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

·         Provides a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting

·         Discusses the impact on the individuals involved

·         Explains how the work environment was affected

Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

·         Provides a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting

·         Discusses the impact on the individuals involved.

·         Explains how the work environment was affected

Creating a Healthful Environment 30 Points 27 Points 24 Points 18 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

·         Describes three strategies for creating a healthful environment

·         Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy

Presentation of information is good, but superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:

·         Describes three strategies for creating a healthful environment

·         Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements:

·         Describes three strategies for creating a healthful environment

·         Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

·         Describes three strategies for creating a healthful environment

·         Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy

Presentation of information in the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

·         Describes three strategies for creating a healthful environment

·         Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy

Practice Application 40 Points 36 Points 32 Points 24 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

·         Identifies selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics)

·         Provides two examples on how strategies will be implemented to cultivate a healthful work environment in future master’s-prepared advanced practice role

·         Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each example

Presentation of information is good but superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:

·         Identifies selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics)

·         Provides two examples on how strategies will be implemented to cultivate a healthful work environment in future master’s-prepared advanced practice role

·         Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each example

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements:

·         Identifies selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics)

·         Provides two examples on how strategies will be implemented to cultivate a healthful work environment in future master’s-prepared advanced practice role

·         Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each example

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

·         Identifies selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics)

·         Provides two examples on how strategies will be implemented to cultivate a healthful work environment in future master’s-prepared advanced practice role

·         Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each example

Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

·         Identifies selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics)

·         Provides two examples on how strategies will be implemented to cultivate a healthful work environment in future master’s-prepared advanced practice role

·         Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each example




(Note: Self-reflection is written in first person.)

20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 12 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

·         Summarizes incivility and why it is a nursing issue

·         Summarizes strategies to create healthful environments

·         Identifies specialty track

·         Summarizes potential contributions to cultivating healthful environments in future professional practice

·         Includes self-reflection on new knowledge gained resulting from the completion of this assessment

Presentation of information is good but superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:

·         Summarizes incivility and why it is a nursing issue

·         Summarizes strategies to create healthful environments

·         Identifies specialty track

·         Summarizes potential contributions to cultivating healthful environments in future professional practice

·         Includes self-reflection on new knowledge gained resulting from the completion of this assessment

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements:

·         Summarizes incivility and why it is a nursing issue

·         Summarizes strategies to create healthful environments

·         Identifies specialty track

·         Summarizes potential contributions to cultivating healthful environments in future professional practice

·         Includes self-reflection on new knowledge gained resulting from the completion of this assessment

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

·         Summarizes incivility and why it is a nursing issue

·         Summarizes strategies to create healthful environments

·         Identifies specialty track

·         Summarizes potential contributions to cultivating healthful environments in future professional practice

·         Includes self-reflection on new knowledge gained resulting from the completion of this assessment

Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

·         Summarizes incivility and why it is a nursing issue

·         Summarizes strategies to create healthful environments

·         Identifies specialty track

·         Summarizes potential contributions to cultivating healthful environments in future professional practice

·         Includes self-reflection on new knowledge gained resulting from the completion of this assessment

Content Subtotal ___ /180 points
Format Possible Points = 20 Points
APA Format 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 6 Points 0 Points
APA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

·         title page;

·         running head;

·         body of paper (including citations and headings); and

·         reference page.


One deduction for each type of APA format error.


0 to 1 APA error is present

APA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

·         title page;

·         running head;

·         body of paper (including citations and headings); and

·         reference page.


One deduction for each type of APA format error.

2–3 APA errors are present

APA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

·         title page;

·         running head;

·         body of paper (including citations and headings); and

·         reference page.


One deduction for each type of APA format error.


45 APA errors are present

APA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

·         title page;

·         running head;

·         body of paper (including citations and headings); and

·         reference page.


One deduction for each type of APA format error.


67 APA errors are present

APA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

·         title page;

·         running head;

·         body of paper (including citations and headings); and

·         reference page.


One deduction for each type of APA format error.


8 or greater APA errors are present

References and Page Length


Note: Students are to use at least four (4) scholarly nursing literature references current within 5 years. The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) is at minimum four (4) pages and at maximum six (6) pages.

4 Point deduction
Does not use at least four (4) current scholarly nursing literature references and/or does not meet or exceeds required page length.
Writing Mechanics 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 6 Points 0 Points
1–2 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual


3–4 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual


5–6 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual


78 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual


9 or greater errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual
Format Subtotal ____/20 points

Total Points ____/200 points



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