BHA-FPX4108 Assessment 3 Paper Instructions: Recommend a Strategy

BHA-FPX4108 Assessment 3 Paper Instructions: Recommend a Strategy

BHA-FPX4108 Assessment 3 Paper Instructions: Recommend a Strategy

Create a 12-18-slide presentation for community stakeholders in which you recommend a strategy to address a community health need.


As the needs of the patient population change, the United States health care system remains relatively unchanged. Episodes of care are still relatively low in frequency and high in acuity (Nash, Fabius, Skoufalos, & Clarke, 2016). Models of care must be changed. Treatments of chronic health conditions and preventative strategies require more frequent visits at a lower intensity (Nash, Fabius, Skoufalos, & Clarke, 2016). Continuity


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of care and care transitions maintain an ongoing, consistent contact with patients throughout their lives, not only when they are ill (Nash, Fabius, Skoufalos, & Clarke, 2016). A population health perspective that focuses on chronic health conditions and prevention is needed to improve care transitions (Nash, Fabius, Skoufalos, & Clarke, 2016). Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs) are two models emerging from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that help focus on chronic diseases and population health (Nash, Fabius, Skoufalos, & Clarke, 2016).

An underlying assumption in version population and patient-centered models is that patients will adhere to the plan they develop with their provider; however, some behaviors may be difficult for patients to change. Unhealthy behaviors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, and drug use have negative implications for health. Although many patients want to change their diet and exercise behaviors, many find it extremely difficult to do so. Health care providers must work with patients to understand what causes patients to exhibit certain behaviors and how they can be motivated to change these behaviors (Nash, Fabius, Skoufalos, & Clarke, 2016).

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The American Marketing Association (AMA) (2017) defines marketing as the processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging products and services for key stakeholders and society in general. The “4 Ps”—product, place, price, and promotion—are the primarily elements of marketing. Unlike a traditional consumer product such as an automobile, a health care “product” is more difficult to define.

In population health, an example of a product could be training health care providers to reduce obesity across the population. The place refers to where the health care service will be provided, such as an office, the home of a patient, or a community health center.

The price consists of two components: 1) the actual out-of-pocket price the consumer must pay for the service and 2) the opportunity cost, such as convenience. Finally, promotion refers to the method that is used to disseminate the message such as radio, TV, print and, most recently, social media and the Internet (Nash, Fabius, Skoufalos, & Clarke, 2016). To achieve the goals of population health, community needs must first be assessed and the health care “marketing mix” tailored to the needs of that community.


American Marketing Association (AMA). (2017). About AMA: Definition of marketing. Retrieved from Marketing.aspx

Nash, D. B., Fabius, R. J., Skoufalos, A., & Clarke, J. L. (2016). Population health: Creating a culture of wellness (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.


Demonstration of Proficiency

Competency 1: Integrate principles of epidemiology, population health, and community engagement to plan interventions.

Assess the target audience for recommended community health strategies.

Recommend strategies to mobilize community engagement including a promotion strategy and use of social media and information technology.

Competency 3: Create an action plan to promote wellness and disease management in a diverse population.

Define SMART goals for implementation of a community health need intervention. Analyze collaboration required to implement a community health strategy.

Recommend potential sources of funding and other resources.

Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.

Employ appropriate written and visual communication to convey content to an intended audience. Write following APA style for in-text citation, quotes, and references.

Note: It is recommended that you complete the assessments in this course in the order they are presented.


In this assessment, you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation to deliver to one or more groups of community stakeholders. You will recommend

a strategy to address the community health need you have been working with throughout the Analyze Community Health Needs and Potential Community Health Interventions assessments. You will focus on the strategy that best fits the needs of the target population within the context of the community and organization you have been using as the setting for your assessments.

To help prepare yourself to be successful when creating your PowerPoint, it is recommended that you complete the following:

Determine the single, best strategy to implement in your community. This should be one of the two interventions you identified and wrote about for your Potential Community Health Interventions assessment.

Determine which community stakeholders would be the best target audience for the PowerPoint.

Think about which populations or groups within the community will be receiving the intervention. Think about which stakeholders are vital for successful implementation of your chosen intervention.

Ensure you have an understanding on how to create a quality PowerPoint presentation. Capella’s Microsoft Office Software help page offers a number of guides and resources.

Contact Disability Services to request accommodations if you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in these activities.


Create an 8–12 slide PowerPoint to inform and create buy-in from the stakeholder groups you have determined are key to your chosen intervention’s success. These groups include those who influence decisions for funding and implementation, as well as those who would take direct roles in implementation.

As you work to determine the single, best strategy to implement for your chosen health need in the identified population (or populations) in your community, focus on how this presentation can narrow the focus from a broad population need to specific, actionable tasks that community stakeholders must consider before creating an action plan. In your presentation, be sure to consider factors such as educational outreach, financial considerations, and information technology.

Consult the scoring guide to ensure that you are addressing all criteria at the level to which you desire. In your PowerPoint, be sure to complete the following.

Assess the target audience for recommended community-health strategies. Define SMART goals for implementation of a community-health need intervention.

You may wish work through the Evidence-Based Strategies and SMART Goals activity to check your understanding about the various

characteristics of well-written SMART goals.

Analyze collaboration required to implement a community-health strategy.

Recommend strategies to mobilize community engagement, including a promotion strategy and use of social media and information technology. Recommend potential sources of funding and other resources.

Employ appropriate written and visual communication to convey content to an intended audience. Apply proper APA formatting and style.

One potential way you could organize your PowerPoint would be as follows:

Title slide: On the first slide of the PowerPoint, include:

A descriptive title of approximately 5–15 words. Stir interest while maintaining professional decorum. Professional Development for [enter the institutional context for your presentation].

Your name.

Your specialization. Course number and title. Capella University.

Instructor’s name.

Your Stakeholder Analysis in the notes section below.

Note: If this presentation were made in a professional context, the entries under your name would be replaced by your job title, the name of your organization, and (perhaps) your contact information.

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