Cancer Prevention and Management Intervention/Analysis Essay

Cancer Prevention and Management Intervention/Analysis Essay

Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrollable proliferation of cells, affecting the body tissues where the proliferation occurs. Cancer is one of the public health concerns globally, nationally, and locally. The burden of cancer continues to increase, with new cancer cases being diagnosed and many more undiagnosed. Cancer significantly impacts patient safety, care quality, and costs for the individual and the healthcare system. The global cancer burden is higher in developing countries. Cancer affects various health populations differently, with minority and vulnerable populations bearing an enormous burden. According to the National Cancer Institute, disparities exist in cancer prevalence and incidence, with higher rates among African Americans, although not in all cancer types (NCI, n.d.). The high prevalence causes high mortality and poor life quality in these populations. Therefore, there is a need to develop solutions/interventions to address the problem among African Americans. A cancer prevention and management intervention was developed as a solution to cancer among African Americans. The intervention will be delivered to the population in groups since the population is large, and the intervention is required to serve as large a population as possible. In this essay, an analysis of the intervention and the factors that guided the development of the intervention will be explored in detail.

Cancer Prevention and Management Program

The solution to addressing the problem of cancer in care among African Americans is a cancer prevention and management program intervention. The program will teach the population about best-practice cancer management and monitoring. They will also be encouraged to participate in cancer screenings and early detection programs, to enhance primary and secondary prevention. Awareness creation of the available insurance covers will also be a priority. The care providers will also be provided with recommendations on cancer treatment and management best practices and evidence-based practice recommendations to enhance care coordination, patient safety, and care quality.

Role of Leadership and Change Management in Addressing Cancer among African Americans

Leadership is one of the most critical aspects in addressing any health concern. Leaders play a significant role in galvanizing resources for implementing an intervention and seeking stakeholders’ participation and buy-in into implementing the intervention. Similarly, leadership strategies were considered in developing this intervention to ensure that all players in the cancer care field are actively involved. Leadership strategies include collaborative leadership and transformational leadership to influence organizational structures and processes. A collaborative leadership approach was applied to enhance the involvement of all stakeholders in the development of the intervention. The primary stakeholders in the cancer prevention and management intervention include cancer patients, other members of the African American population, nurses, oncologists, physicians, healthcare institution leaders, community health workers, and community resources leaders. According to Herlitz et al. (2020), collaborative leadership enhances the sustainability of healthcare interventions across different settings since the needs and considerations of all stakeholders are factored into the intervention.

Furthermore, the transformational leadership approach was applied to influence change in organizational processes and structures in implementing the developed intervention. Transformational leadership involves identifying desired change and developing a vision to guide the realization of the desired change. The leadership approach guided the collection of information from different stakeholders by including information on the change they would want to experience in addressing cancer in the African American population. The information was thereafter included in the development of the intervention, thus ensuring the needs of all stakeholders were included.

Change management also plays a significant role in developing and implementing healthcare interventions. The change management approaches that were used included planning for change and open and free communication among intervention stakeholders. Kraus et al. (2021) note that effective change management enhances easy implementation and reduces stakeholder resistance. Additionally, high ethical standards were maintained while involving the target population members. Ethical principles such as informed consent and autonomy were maintained since African Americans were allowed to participate freely and were informed on why the information was being collected.

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Communication and Collaboration Strategies to Improve Cancer Care Outcomes

The main aim of developing the solution/intervention was to improve cancer care outcomes among African Americans by enhancing cancer prevention and effective treatment and management. It was integral to gather the input of the members of the health population on improving cancer care and outcomes. Their input helped understand their view and perspective on the cancer problem. From the information gathered, the African Americans recognized that cancer is a major health problem, and there was a need to find a lasting solution.

Given that the proposed intervention will require the input of various stakeholders to succeed, adequate communication and collaboration strategies are integral. The best practice communication and collaboration strategies to improve cancer care outcomes include involvement in decision-making and post-decision interaction for effective communication and role clarity for effective collaboration (Anderson et al., 2019). It is important to involve African Americans in decision-making for the intervention since they are the primary population of focus. Anderson et al. (2019) note that involvement in decision-making is not enough, and achieving patient outcomes requires post-decisions interaction to brief on the intervention’s progress and acquire feedback that can be used to improve the intervention. Additionally, it is essential for all players in the intervention to be clear on their roles, responsibilities, and their expectations to contribute to the success of the implementation of the interventions. For instance, nurses in this intervention are expected to carry out health promotion on cancer prevention and offer adequate patient education on cancer management to cancer patients.


Influence of State Board Nursing Practice Standards and Governmental/Organizational Policies in the Development of the Intervention

Every healthcare intervention must be developed in line with the relevant state board nursing practice standards and governmental and organizational policies while considering the promotion of care outcomes as the overall aim. The state board of nursing practice standards regulate the nurses’ scope of practice and outlines restrictions in care provision for nurses. Additionally, the board regulates the professional standard for nursing practice. Similarly, these standards guided the development of the intervention by ensuring that the roles that the nurses were assigned in the intervention fall under their scope of practice based on the particular qualifications and the roles they were allowed to play.

Additionally, the Affordable Care Act, which encourages the use of affordable insurance covers to increase the accessibility of care, especially special care such as cancer treatment, also influenced the development of the intervention. The act stipulates that regular health insurance covers such as Medicaid and Medicare should also include coverage for vital health services such as cancer screening, treatment, and follow-up. The policy informed the intervention to include teaching/awareness creation on the health insurance plans available and accessible for African Americans, thus increasing cancer care accessibility and affordability, hence improving patient outcomes.

The HIPAA guidelines on patient information also influenced the development of the intervention since they ensured the intervention had put in place privacy and security safeguards to protect patient information and maintain patient confidentiality. Research shows that the above-discussed policies have shown effectiveness in contributing to better cancer outcomes for cancer patients across populations. Adamson et al. (2019) note that by the increased accessibility of healthcare insurance through the affordable care act, cancer care disparities have been reduced considerably. Increased access to quality cancer care tremendously improves outcomes among minority populations such as African Americans.

The Proposed Interventions Influence on Addressing Cancer by Improving Care Quality, Enhancing Patient Safety, and Reducing Costs to the Individual and System

The proposed cancer prevention and treatment program/intervention aim to improve the life quality of cancer patients among African Americans and improve wellness in the community since it is a high-risk community with high cancer prevalence and incidences. The intervention aims at promoting care quality by informing the care providers and other cancer service provider players on best-practice recommendations on cancer care, including technology use and current treatment and management interventions.

The intervention also aims to improve patient safety by teaching African Americans and care providers the best cancer management practices. The care providers will be taught how to avoid cancer-related patient safety issues such as drug interactions and medication errors. Most importantly, the patients will be guided n how to take care of themselves by monitoring various cancer aspects and seeking treatment as soon as they are diagnosed with cancer, thus preventing the disease progression, effective treatment, and improving patient outcomes.

One of the ways how the intervention aims to reduce individual costs is by encouraging African Americans to get insurance covers, thus catering to cancer treatment costs effectively. The costs of cancer to the healthcare system will be reduced by encouraging healthcare institutions to embark on health promotion programs focusing on early cancer detection. According to Liou et al. (2020), the earlier cancer is diagnosed, the fewer costs are incurred in treatment and management. Therefore, the proposed intervention will help promote patient safety and care quality and contain cancer-related costs.

Technology, Care Coordination and Utilization of Community Resources in Addressing Cancer Among African Americans

Addressing the cancer problem in this population relies heavily on technology, care coordination, and community resources. Technology that will be applied to address the problem includes telehealth and the use of imaging technology to help with the diagnosis and detection of cancer in early detection screenings. Telehealth has been found to be effective in providing remote care to cancer patients and enhancing follow-ups and technology-based health promotion initiatives (Burbury et al., 2021). Imaging technology will also enhance the early detection of cancer in screenings and early detection programs, thus encouraging early treatment and management.

Coordination of care among the various interprofessional team members involved in cancer care and the patient/families will help address the problem by promoting holistic care and providing more efficient and effective cancer care. Care coordination can be applied in cancer prevention and management interventions by setting distinctive roles for the various interdisciplinary team members and ensuring clarity of goals and expectations towards improving health outcomes for the patient.

Community resources are also integral in addressing the target population’s cancer. First and foremost, they provide information that cancer patients can use to improve self-management and monitoring of cancer symptoms. They also offer social and emotional support to cancer patients through cancer support groups. More so, health promotion initiatives focusing on cancer prevention and management can be delivered to African Americans through these community resources through increasing reach, hence contributing to improved cancer outcomes, health, and wellness in the population.


            Cancer prevention and management intervention is the proposed solution to addressing cancer among African Americans. Different health populations are affected by health problems differently, and thus the need to assess the problem from the population level and develop solutions/interventions to address it. The interventions analyzed above have been developed in consideration of leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and care coordination strategies. Various nursing practice standards and governmental policies also influenced the development of the intervention.


Adamson, B. J., Cohen, A. B., Estevez, M., Magee, K., Williams, E., Gross, C. P., Meropol, N. J. & Davidoff, A. J. (2019). Affordable Care Act (ACA) Medicaid expansion impact on racial disparities in time to cancer treatment. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 37(18).

Anderson, R. J., Bloch, S., Armstrong, M., Stone, P. C., & Low, J. T. (2019). Communication between healthcare professionals and relatives of patients approaching the end-of-life: A systematic review of qualitative evidence. Palliative Medicine33(8), 926-941.

Burbury, K., Wong, Z. W., Yip, D., Thomas, H., Brooks, P., Gilham, L., Piper, A., Solo, I. & Underhill, C. (2021). Telehealth in cancer care: during and beyond the COVID‐19 pandemic. Internal Medicine Journal51(1), 125-133.

Herlitz, L., MacIntyre, H., Osborn, T., & Bonell, C. (2020). The sustainability of public health interventions in schools: a systematic review. Implementation Science15(1), 1-28.

Kraus, S., Schiavone, F., Pluzhnikova, A., & Invernizzi, A. C. (2021). Digital transformation in healthcare: Analyzing the current state-of-research. Journal of Business Research123, 557-567.

Liou, J. M., Malfertheiner, P., Lee, Y. C., Sheu, B. S., Sugano, K., Cheng, H. C. & El-Omar, E. M. (2020). Screening and eradication of Helicobacter pylori for gastric cancer prevention: the Taipei global consensus. Gut69(12), 2093-2112.

National Cancer Institute. (n.d.). Cancer Disparities.



Seth Parker   

Assessment 5 Instructions: Intervention Presentation and Capstone Video Reflection


Present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group and record a 10-15 minute video reflection on your practicum experience, the development of your capstone project, and your personal and professional growth over the course of your RN-to-BSN program. Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Capella Academic Portal Volunteer Experience Form.


Baccalaureate-prepared nurses have many opportunities to reflect on their contributions to patient care outcomes during clinical experiences. Research suggests that creating and sharing video reflections may enhance learning (Speed, Lucarelli, & Macaulay, 2018).

For this assessment, you’ll present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group and reflect on various aspects of your capstone practicum experience. Such reflection will give you a chance to discuss elements of the project of which you are most proud and aspects of the experience that will help you grow in your personal practice and nursing career.


Speed, C. J., Lucarelli, G. A., & Macaulay, J. O. (2018). Student produced videos—An innovative and creative approach to assessment. Sciedu International Journal of Higher Education, 7(4).


Complete this assessment in two parts: (a) present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group and

(b) record a video reflection on your practicum experience, the development of your capstone project, and your personal and professional growth over the course of your RN-to-BSN program.

Part 1


Present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group. Plan to spend at least 3 practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family, or group. During this time, you may also consult with subject matter and industry experts of your choice. Be sure you’ve logged all of your practicum hours in Capella Academic Portal.

The BSN Capstone Course (NURS-FPX4900 ) requires the completion and documentation of nine (9) practicum hours. All hours must be recorded in the Capella Academic Portal. Please review the BSN Practicum Campus page for more information and instructions on how to log your hours.

Use the Intervention Feedback Form: Assessment 5 [PDF] as a guide to capturing patient, family, or group feedback about your intervention. You’ll include the feedback as part of your capstone reflection video.

Part 2

Record a 10–15 minute video reflection on your practicum experience, the development of your capstone project,


and your personal and professional growth over the course of your RN-to-BSN program. A transcript of your video is not required.

You’re welcome to use any tools and software with which you are comfortable, but make sure you’re able to submit the deliverable to your faculty. Capella offers Kaltura, a program that records audio and video. Refer to Using Kaltura for more information about this courseroom tool.

Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in these activities, please contact to request accommodations. If you’re unable to record a video, please contact your faculty as soon as possible to explore options for completing the assessment.


The assessment requirements, outlined below, correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, note the additional requirements for supporting evidence.

Assess the contribution of your intervention to patient or family satisfaction and quality of life.

Describe feedback received from the patient, family, or group on your intervention as a solution to the problem.

Explain how your intervention enhances the patient, family, or group experience.

Describe your use of evidence and peer-reviewed literature to plan and implement your capstone project.

Explain how the principles of evidence-based practice informed this aspect of your project.

Assess the degree to which you successfully leveraged health care technology in your capstone project to improve outcomes or communication with the patient, family, or group.

Identify opportunities to improve health care technology use in future practice.

Explain how health policy influenced the planning and implementation of your capstone project, as well as any contributions your project made to policy development.

Note specific observations related to the baccalaureate-prepared nurse’s role in policy implementation

and development.

Explain whether capstone project outcomes matched your initial predictions.

Discuss the aspects of the project that met, exceeded, or fell short of your expectations. Discuss whether your intervention can, or will be, adopted as a best practice.

Describe the generalizability of your intervention outside this particular setting.

Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Capella Academic Portal Volunteer Experience Form.

Assess your personal and professional growth throughout your capstone project and the RN-to-BSN program.

Address your provision of ethical care and demonstration of professional standards.

Identify specific growth areas of which you are most proud or in which you have taken particular satisfaction.

Communicate professionally in a clear, audible, and well-organized video.


Additional Requirements

Cite at least three scholarly or authoritative sources to support your assertions. In addition to your reflection video, submit a separate APA-formatted reference list of your sources.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:


Competency 2: Make clinical and operational decisions based upon the best available evidence.

Describe one’s use of evidence and peer-reviewed literature to plan and implement a capstone project. Competency 3: Transform processes to improve quality, enhance patient safety, and reduce the cost of care.

Explain whether capstone project outcomes matched one’s initial predictions and document the practicum hours spent with these individuals or group in the Capella Academic Portal Volunteer Experience Form.

Competency 4: Apply health information and patient care technology to improve patient and systems outcomes.

Assess the degree to which one successfully leveraged health care technology in a capstone project to

improve outcomes or communication with a patient, family, or group.

Competency 5: Analyze the impact of health policy on quality and cost of care.

Explain how health policy influenced the planning and implementation of one’s capstone project, as well as any contributions the project made to policy development.

Competency 7: Implement patient-centered care to improve quality of care and the patient experience.

Assess the contribution of an intervention (capstone project) to patient, family, or group satisfaction and quality of life.

Competency 8: Integrate professional standards and values into practice.

Assess one’s personal and professional growth throughout a capstone project and the RN-to-BSN program.

Communicate professionally in a clear and well-organized video.


Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.




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