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Teaching Demonstration Proposal: Dialectical BehTeaching Demonstration Proposal: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) for Adults with Unresolved Childhood Traumaavioral Therapy (DBT) for Adults with Unresolved Childhood Trauma Student Full Name Institution Affiliation Course Full Title Instructor Full Name Due Date Teaching Demonstration Proposal: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) for Adults with Unresolved Childhood Trauma Unresolved childhood trauma is the primary cause of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD in adults. In the same breath, PTSD in adults is a profound concern for counselors and psychologists, considering its association with multiple adverse consequences. According to Petkus et al. (2018), childhood traumatic events such as the death of a parent, sexual abuse, and significant public health problems like injuries and diseases result in multiple ramifications, including poor brain health, psychiatric distress, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) among adults. Apart from these consequences, unresolved childhood trauma can affect individual cognitive performance, contribute to behavioral disorders, and impede academic performance (Thomas et al., 2019, p. 423). Finally, childhood traumatic events like sexual abuse negatively affect adults’ social interactions and relationship competencies by perpetrating defensiveness, negativity, low self-esteem, high-level emotional intensity, and unstable relationships (Nielsen et al., 2018, p. 1718). As a result, it is essential to equip future psychologists, clinicians, and counselors with the necessary knowledge and awareness of evidence-based strategies for addressing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adults perpetrated by unresolved childhood trauma. Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is a mode of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) that remains a profound approach for enabling adults to cope with unresolved childhood trauma. Collectively, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) seeks to change negative appraisals and trauma memories, removing problematic behavioral aspects and addressing guilt-associated perceptions by involving the affected adults in cognitive restructuring, imaginal exposure, and other active learning strategies (Watkins et al., 2018, p. 5). While DBT emerges as a profound strategy for addressing post-traumatic stress disorder in adults with unresolved childhood trauma, future counselors, clinicians, and psychologists should demonstrate knowledge and awareness of the prerequisites and thresholds for applying this therapeutic intervention. Therefore, the primary focus of this teaching demonstration proposal is to propose an evidence-based education program for adult learners (future clinicians, counselors, and psychologists) regarding the implementation of dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) in addressing PTSD in adults. The proposal obtains insights from current scholarly literature. It emphasizes active learning strategies, critical thinking, high order thinking skills (HOTS), and elements of andragogy consistent with Malcolm Knowles’ principles and assumptions of andragogical instructions. Literature Review The plausibility of managing post-traumatic stress disorder using dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) obtains backing from the current literature. According to Watkins et al. (2018), PTSD is a chronic mental health disorder emanating from past traumatic events, including sexual assault, natural disasters, and untimely deaths of a loved one. Petkus et al. (2018) argue that approximately 47% of older adults in the United States report encounters with unresolved childhood trauma. Childhood trauma is the primary cause of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) if left unattended. In the same breath, adults experiencing childhood trauma are susceptible to adverse health consequences, including physical and psychiatric distress, mood disorders, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (Petkus et al., 2018, p. 2). These issues contribute to declined cognitive functioning and affect social relationships. Amidst the ramifications of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among adults with unresolved childhood trauma, implementing dialectical behavioral therapy obtains backing from the current literature as one of the most profound DBTmodels that can improve cognition and transform negative thinking patterns. According to Bhandari (2022), dialectical behavioral therapy attempts to change and eliminate negative thinking patterns by providing opportunities for change and acceptance. Often, adults with unresolved childhood trauma are susceptible to self-destructive behaviors such as suicidal thoughts (Bhandari, 2022). Therefore, the primary focus of DBT is to enhance individual skills to cope with and change negative cognition patterns and unhealthy behaviors. Steil et al. (2018) argue that Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (DBT-PTSD) emphasizes various treatment priorities, including suicide attempts and treatment-interfering behaviors like dissociation. Further, the researchers argue that this therapeutic model entails five profound stages: a collection of anamnestic information, psychoeducation, the definition of treatment aims, introduction to mindfulness, and the development of an individualized model for PTSD management (Steil et al., 2018, p. 2). Besides the five stages of DBT-PTSD, the model enables therapists to implement exposure-based techniques to control patients’ intensity of memory activation and balance the vividness of trauma memories with the awareness of being in a safer present (Seil et al., 2018). Further, the DBT-PTSD therapy enables therapists to enhance clients’ behavioral flexibility through individual therapy, telephone skills coaching, skills group, and consultation teams to motivate clients and discuss care interventions (Toms et al., 2019). Therefore, it is valid to argue that dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is ideal for improving health and bolstering the coping capacity of adults with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) perpetrated by unresolved childhood trauma. Learning Objectives (LOs) The desired outcome of this teaching program is to enhance students’ knowledge and awareness of signs, symptoms, and clinical manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) emanating from unresolved childhood trauma, equipping them with the prerequisite knowledge of using Dialectical behavior therapy as the most profound counseling methodology. Enable students to identify the signs, symptoms, and manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) perpetrated by unresolved childhood trauma in adults using the learned tools. The primary focus of this learning objective is to enhance students’ knowledge and awareness of how unresolved childhood trauma affects adults in their relationships and careers. After completing this lesson: 1. Students will identify the five components of dialectical behavioral therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (DBT-PTSD). 2. The learners will effectively develop a typical DBT-PTSD consistent with the five stages of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). 3. Students can coherently elaborate on the effectiveness of dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) in improving clients’ coping capacity, changing negative cognition patterns, and averting self-harm behaviors like suicidality. Active Learning Strategies Active learning strategies shift ye control of learning processes from teachers to the learners. According to AlRuthia et al. (2019), these learning approaches require students to participate in high-order thinking activities that facilitate cooperative learning. Further, the researchers contend that active learning methods enable learners to obtain information through case-and-problem-based education. The proposal includes the following active learning strategies: Think-Pair-Share Approach This approach entails dividing learners into pairs, asking questions, and allowing them to demonstrate opinion diversities. Cooper et al. (2020) argue that this approach enables students to apply critical thinking and effectively share their responses with colleagues to facilitate cooperative learning. Further, this strategy will allow learners to collectively analyze evidence sources and develop recommendations for using dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in PTSD management. The instructor will use this method to assess individual knowledge and awareness of learned concepts and identify areas for improvement. Case-Based Learning Case-based learning (CBL) entails obtaining knowledge and insights from contexts and analyzing experiences. In medical education, this approach involves four profound objectives: to integrate clinical and scholarly/scientific learning, promote patient-centered interventions, encourage teamwork and collaborative skills, and enhance student-driven learning (James et al., 2022). To facilitate the implementation of case-based learning, the learners will review a video and scholarly resources supporting DBT’s plausibility in PTSD management. This strategy will enable students to familiarize themselves with different contexts that prompt the use of DBT in PTSD management and improve competencies for future implementation. Group Discussion and Jigsaw Like the Think-Pair-Share approach, group discussion and jigsaw strategies promote collaborative learning by allowing students to generate ideas and communicate them to colleagues. According to Jainal & Shahrill (2021), incorporating a jigsaw approach in learning environments improves the perceptions of working together in structured groups to facilitate social and collaborative learning. Consequently, the instructor will provide opportunities for group discussion and jigsaw by developing structured groups and allowing learners to consolidate their responses to form a comprehensive framework for implementing DBT in PTSD management. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) This teaching session aims to improve students’ knowledge and awareness of DBT’s effectiveness and applicability in PTSD management. As a result, it is essential to incorporate learning approaches that trigger creativity, critical thinking, reasoning, argumentative skills, and problem-solving competencies (Serevina et al., 2019). The standards for higher order thinking skills (HOTS) enshrine creativity and critical thinking. The teaching proposal entails applying the following elements of higher order thinking skills (HOTS): analyze, evaluate, and create (Serevina et al., 2019). The instructor will improve learners’ analytical skills by providing scholarly materials and case study videos and requiring students to analyze them to obtain insights into the topic. In this sense, learners will appraise the value of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in PTSD management and understand theoretical concepts surrounding the case. Secondly, the instructor will require learners to advance their evaluation skills by assessing and critiquing scholarly materials that support the application of DBT in PTSD management. This process will extend beyond the identifying themes in scientific sources to include deeper insights regarding the topic. Finally, the instructor will ask questions to assess the degree of knowledge acquisition and the learner’s self-efficacy with the subject. Eventually, the instructor will require learners to develop frameworks and evidence-based recommendations for applying DBT in managing post-traumatic stress (PTSD) caused by unsolved childhood trauma. This strategy aims to enhance students’ skills and competencies for conceptual frameworks for using dialectical behavior therapy (CBT) in future counseling sessions. Elements of Andragogy The teaching proposal incorporates elements of andragogy consistent with Malcolm Knowles’ andragogical principles and assumptions. Loeng (2018) defines andragogy as “the total embodiment and expression of a philosophy of education adults” (p. 4). Malcolm Knowles contributed massively to popularizing andragogy by developing various assumptions, including the perception that adults are self-directed, internally motivated, and more competent than children. Also, he advanced the perspective that adult learners can learn through experiences that form a rich resource for learning (Loeng, 2018). Further, Knowles believed that adults are always ready to learn and can effectively engage in self-directed learning. These concepts form the basis of the teaching proposal. For instance, the instructor will promote self-directed learning by providing learning materials and allowing them to take control of the learning processes. It is essential to note that students have previous experience in trauma theories and mental health conditions perpetrated by traumatic events. Therefore, they will approach this topic with background experience and knowledge. Further, it would be essential to organize teaching methods to focus on the problem area instead of the subject. This aspect differentiates between andragogy and pedagogy. Finally, collaborative learning is vital in adult education because learners can effectively participate in classwork and are internally motivated to learn (Loeng, 2018). The instructor will capitalize on this aspect by engaging learners in active learning strategies such as jigsaw, group discussion, and the Think-Pair-Share approach. Lesson Table Time Allotted Teaching Strategy Rationale and LO Linkage 5-8 minutes Introducing learners to the topic: Professor’s introduction: Class Participants’ introduction: Class participants are scholars aspiring to become future clinicians, counselors, and therapists in the counseling and psychology departments. An overview of the topic The focus of introducing students to the topic is to enable them to familiarize themselves with the effects and clinical manifestations of PTSD caused by unresolved childhood trauma. The teaching strategies for introducing learners to the topic include PowerPoint presentations with visuals and auditory information. Learning Outcomes: • Students will identify the five components of dialectical behavioral therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (DBT-PTSD). • The learners will effectively develop a typical DBT-PTSD consistent with the five stages of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). • Students discuss the effectiveness of dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) in improving clients’ coping capacity, changing negative cognition patterns, and averting self-harm behaviors like suicidality. PowerPoints with visuals and auditory information is a profound strategy for enhancing learning. According to Uzun & Kilis (2019), PowerPoints are easy to use and can facilitate learning by accommodating visual and auditory information that aids visualization and verbalization. This strategy will enable learners to understand learned concepts and support realizing the learning objective (LO1). 15-20 minutes Reviewing research and scholarly content that supports incorporating dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in managing post-traumatic stress disorder in adults. 1). I will provide copies of scholarly articles and give a brief lecture on the origin of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) as a therapeutic intervention for addressing PTSD 2). We will review short videos from YouTube or TEDx that elaborate on the effectiveness of DBT in PTSD management. 3). Students will summarize information from scholarly articles and short videos to form the basis of the next session. Learning Outcomes 1. Learners will acquire skills and knowledge of reviewing evidence sources to support the topic 2. Students will make notes based on scholarly recommendations regarding the effectiveness of DBT in PTSD management. 3. Learners will use evidence to develop evidence-based interventions for improving PTSD management. Reviewing evidence sources and giving a brief lecture are essential strategies for promoting knowledge acquisition and improving students’ awareness. Further, checking a TEDx or a YouTube video on the effectiveness of DBTin PTSD management is a profound approach to promoting contextualized learning. According to Khadka (2020), context-based education is one of the most effective andragogical learning methods that transform knowledge acquisition for adult learners. 10-22 minutes Discussing insights from evidence sources and a video regarding the effectiveness of DBT in PTSD management. Strategies: Think-Pair-Share, group discussion, and jigsaw: learners will respond to questions by thinking about the reviewed literature and the video. They will participate in group discussions and share insights into the topic to compare answers to the questions. Finally, they will consider their responses to form team-based suggestions inspired by scholarly articles. Learning outcomes: 1). Learners will gain knowledge of collaborative learning strategies. 2). Jigsaw strategy will enable students to assemble their responses and provide team-based suggestions on the topic 3). Collaborative learning will enhance learning by providing opportunities for learners’ equal participation in discussions. Implementing active learning strategies like Think-Pair-Share, group discussion, and jigsaw enhance learning by allowing learners to demonstrate the diversity of opinions and responses. According to Cooper et al. (2021), the Think-Pair-Share approach is profound in allowing all students to think and talk about ideas on the studied topics. This strategy improves engagement and enhances learning. 5-10 minutes Conclusion: 1). Asking learners to demonstrate what they have learned and how they would apply the acquired knowledge in future counseling sessions involving adults with PTSD. 2). Setting a “takeaway” assessment question that requires learners to write a 2-page reflection paper on the effectiveness of using DBTin PTSD management. Desired outcomes: 1). Learners will assess their knowledge of the topic and ability to apply it in future counseling sessions. 2). The assessment question will enable me to assess learners’ knowledge and References AlRuthia, Y., Alhawas, S., Alodaibi, F., Almutairi, L., Algasem, R., Alrabiah, H. K., Sales, I., Alsobayel, H., & Ghawaa, Y. (2019). The use of active learning strategies in healthcare colleges in the Middle East. BMC Medical Education, 19(1). Bhandari, S. (2022, April 1). Dialectical behavioral therapy. WebMD. Cooper, K. M., Schinske, J. N., & Tanner, K. D. (2021). Reconsidering the share of a think–pair–share emerging limitations, alternatives, and opportunities for research. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 20(1), 1–10. Jainal, N. H., & Shahrill, M. (2021). Incorporating a jigsaw strategy to support students’ learning through action research. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences, 3(2), 252–266. James, M., Baptista, A. M. T., Barnabas, D., Sadza, A., Smith, S., Usmani, O., & John, C. (2022). Collaborative case-based learning with programmatic team-based assessment: a novel methodology for developing advanced skills in early-years medical students. BMC Medical Education, 22(1). Khadka, J. (2020). Andragogy: Process and context-based (PCB) model for adult learners. International Journal of African and Asian Studies, 63, 27–34. Kress, V. E., Seligman, L., & Reichenberg, L.W. (2021). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: Systems, strategies, and skills. Pearson. Loeng, S. (2018). Various ways of understanding the concept of andragogy. Cogent Education, 5(1), 1–15. Petkus, A. J., Lenze, E. J., Butters, M. A., Twamley, E. W., & Wetherell, J. L. (2018). Childhood trauma is associated with poorer cognitive performance in older adults. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 79(1), 1–20. Serevina, V., Sari, Y. P., & Maynastiti, D. (2019). Developing high-order thinking skills (HOTS) assessment instrument for fluid static at senior high school. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1185, 012034. Steil, R., Dittmann, C., Müller-Engelmann, M., Dyer, A., Maasch, A.-M., & Priebe, K. (2018). Dialectical behavior therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder related to childhood sexual abuse: a pilot study in an outpatient treatment setting. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 9(1), 1–9. Thomas, M. S., Crosby, S., & Vanderhaar, J. (2019). Trauma-Informed practices in schools across two decades: An interdisciplinary review of research. Review of Research in Education, 43(1), 422–452.×18821123 Toms, G., Williams, L., Rycroft-Malone, J., Swales, M., & Feigenbaum, J. (2019). The development and theoretical application of an implementation framework for dialectical behavior therapy: A critical literature review. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation, 6(1), 1–16. Uzun, A. M., & Kilis, S. (2019). Impressions of pre-service teachers about the use of PowerP

Teaching Demonstration Proposal: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) for Adults with Unresolved Childhood Trauma Unresolved childhood trauma is the primary cause of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD in adults. In the same breath, PTSD in adults is a profound concern for counselors and…

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