Community Action Plan Paper

Community Action Plan Paper

Community Action Plan Paper

Numerous variables influence community health and well-being, and its maintenance and improvement need contributions from a wide range of community members and organizations. The findings from various studies suggest there is a need for a structure within which a community can take a holistic approach to health maintenance and improvement by analyzing its health requirements. Identifying assets and resources used for health promotion, formulating an action plan, and assigning accountability for the plan’s outcomes are essential. Each community faces unique health issues, assets and resources, political and socioeconomic perspectives, and conflicting requirements that must be considered when designing a health improvement program (Afza et al., 2021). This paper aims to develop a community action plan based on Mr. Alfredo’s case study.

Identifying The Priority Community Health Issues

Primary and secondary data are often used to identify priority community health issues. Surveys, focus groups, interviews, and in-depth observations are all examples of primary data collection methods. Information that is considered secondary has been gathered by a different organization or for a different function. Indicators are studied secondary information that can be compared in terms of frequencies or variations of important community clinical outcomes and their underlying factors. There are three primary steps in the problem recognition and prioritization process: establishing a community health group, gathering information for a community health profile, and highlighting critical health concerns. The community’s health group must identify the issues affecting the area and establish specific plans for any health improvement efforts (Novick et al., 2019). In order to determine which actions are most likely to be successful in achieving targeted health objectives, it is necessary to analyze the health problem and determine its general root causes and influencing variables, as well as how they work in that particular community.

The priority community health issue for the community in the scenario is obesity. Mr. Alfredo’s wife has a BMI of 36, and both his children are overweight. There are very few sidewalks in the neighborhoods and only a few sidewalks lining the downtown main street in the business district. Furthermore, there are no gyms in the community for exercise to reduce body weight. Surveys effectively gather a lot of data about the available community resources. A community must also evaluate the extent to which it has the means to address a health problem. Volunteers and community groups are examples of what can be found within a given area to help accomplish the necessary goals. Preventive factors that already function in a community are another sort of community resource that can lessen the severity of the effects of unfavorable circumstances. In the scenario, Gina, one of the community resources, has been reducing the number of processed foods high in calorie density in her diet and replacing them with fresh fruit and vegetables as much as possible or as available at the local grocery store. Other available community resources available for the community are hiking trails and a few sidewalks. These community resources can play a significant role in handling health issues.

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Analyzing The Priority Community Health Issue

Community stakeholders are crucial to addressing obesity in the Alfredo community. Their involvement improves decision-making and ensures the creation of an effective and efficient community action plan. The key stakeholders in Mr. Alfredo’s community are representatives of the state, the senator, Gina, local business vendors, community members, and community leaders. The stakeholders, such as local vendors, will be consulted on ways to increase the community’s supply of fruits and vegetables. Gina will be key to providing educational guidance to the community about the effects of obesity and ways to prevent it through exercise and a healthy diet. The senator and the representative will be consulted in building up a gym and more sidewalks in the community.


For the successful completion of the project, sequential steps in community engagement to project completion is essential. The first step is to inform the community about the community action needed to tackle the issue of obesity. This will include the potential outcomes of the proposed actions. Consultation is the next step. This will involve the provision of feedback on the suggested action and having the recommendation to the community action plan. Collaboration with the community will also be essential to accomplish the project. Working together with the community will be important to tackling obesity using the available community resources (Young et al., 2020). Lastly, co-creation will be essential to ensure that obesity is eventually eradicated. This will involve coordinating available resources, services, and personnel for the benefit of the community.

Measuring The Progress of The Community Action Plan

Including performance monitoring in the suggested health improvement approach is essential for establishing oversight. Since health problems are multifaceted and can be handled by many parts of society, it will be necessary to employ sets of indicators to assess progress accurately. For Mr. Alfredo, community-specific metrics to measure change include an increase in the number of fruits and vegetables in the grocery store, the availability of a gym in the community, increased exercise by the community members, reduced BMI (less than 25), and increased hiking activities. The data from the community action plan can be utilized in the quality improvement process of community healthcare. The action plan included ways to lower obesity in the community, with is associated with various health conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. By eliminating a risk factor associated with various health conditions, the quality of healthcare in the community can be improved by having healthy individuals in the community.

The iterative process is essential in the development of community health activities. The process allows for continuous improvement and achievement of desired outcomes. It also allows stakeholders to collaborate to ensure healthcare activities (Sawyer, 2021). In the scenario, the community healthcare worker could collaborate with Gina and others in the development of an exercise program that will promote the well-being of the community members. Furthermore, it allows the community members to respond to changes and new findings. The community can use the iterative process to develop evidence-based activities based on new research findings, allowing for optimal health.


The priority health condition for Mr. Alfredo’s community is obesity. The community action plan will address obesity by developing exercise programs and a healthy diet through increased fruits and vegetables in the grocery store. The stakeholders involved in developing and implementing the community action plan include a state representative, a senator, Gina, local business vendors, and a community leader. Specific metrics to measure change include an increase in the number of fruits and vegetables in the grocery store, the availability of a gym in the community, increased exercise by the community members, reduced BMI (less than 25), and increased hiking activities.


Afzal, M. M., Pariyo, G. W., Lassi, Z. S., & Perry, H. B. (2021). Community health workers at the dawn of a new era: 2. Planning, coordination, and partnerships. Health Research Policy and Systems19(3), 1-17.

Novick, M. B., Wilson, C. T., & Walker-Harding, L. R. (2019). Potential solutions for pediatric weight loss programs in the treatment of obesity in rural communities. Translational Behavioral Medicine9(3), 460–467.

Sawyer, R. K. (2021). The iterative and improvisational nature of the creative process. Journal of Creativity31, 100002.

Young, R., Chen, W., Quazi, A., Parry, W., Wong, A., & Poon, S. K. (2020). The relationship between project governance mechanisms and project success: An international data set. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business13(7), 1496-1521.


Instructions for 121 22

In order to be successful in promoting health for patients and populations across the life span, nurse practitioners need to develop and utilize key skills related to leadership, collaboration, innovation, advocacy, and policy creation. Additionally, these skills are utilized in the process of promoting community-driven health plans.

For this task, you will develop a community action plan, community health policy proposal, or innovative business plan that addresses a community health issue. The community action plan, community health policy proposal, or innovative business plan should be written in such a way that a diverse healthcare team comprised of interprofessional and inexperienced can easily understand the justifications for and interventions of the plan.
Additional Social History

Alfredo, his wife, and two children live in a lower-middle income neighborhood situated in a rural community of 800 people. The main source of income for the community is farming commodity crops, with yearly swings in value and profits. Very few high school graduates attend college, with the majority of children taking over farming duties from aging parents. Those that do leave for college rarely return to the community. The nearest state college is 300 miles away. There is a local branch of the regional community college system that two dozen recent college graduates and other adults attend throughout the year. Within this community there are four churches, one small grocery store with limited availability of fresh fruit and vegetables, a high variety of canned and processed foods, and a large selection of sugar-sweetened and alcoholic beverages. There are very few sidewalks in the neighborhoods, and only a few sidewalks lining the downtown main street in the business district. There is no gym and one city park that is crowded with teenagers after school hours. There are four hiking trails within a 10-minute drive from the center of town (two trails are beginner trails, one is for intermediate hikers, and the last is rated as difficult). The rate of obesity in town is higher than the state average for adults and children. Alfredo’s two teen children—David, 16, and Paula, 14—are both overweight, drink one–two sugar-sweetened beverages per day, and eat mostly processed foods. Alfredo’s wife, Gina, who works as a teacher at the local elementary school, has type 2 diabetes, a BMI of 36, and chronic right knee pain. Gina, who you see in the clinic, has been reducing the amount of processed foods that are high in calorie density in her diet and replacing them with fresh fruit and vegetables as much as possible or as available at the local grocery store.

The rural town that Alfredo, Gina, and their children live in is situated in the northwestern part of the state. The state capital is over 500 miles to the southeast. The state senator who represents the town lives in a larger town 200 miles away. The representative of the state house who represents the town lives 60 miles away in a larger town. The towns in which the state senator and representative live in are similar to Alfredo’s town, although due to their slightly larger size, they have increased amenities that include a larger grocery store, local gyms, and small health-promotion programs sponsored by the state leaders. The state in general has higher obesity (10th highest in the nation), poverty (15th highest in the nation), and lower literacy rates (25th lowest in the nation) than most states. The state economy is driven by commodity farming and mining. Mining’s impact on the state economy is diminishing due to reduced demand for coal and other mined minerals. The state government has severely underfunded the state retirement system and is looking to increase taxes as a mechanism of balancing the state budget. Additionally, social systems programs are seeing funding cut or frozen until state funds stabilize.
No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).

Select one of the following three options to create for this task:
• community action plan
• community health policy proposal
• innovative business plan

A. Identify the priority community health issues for the community in the scenario by doing the following:
1. Explain how using community health data allows you to identify priority community health issues.
2. Describe the process of determining the priority community health issues from the community’s perspective.
3. Propose how you would assess the available community resources to address the priority community health issues.

B. Analyze a priority community health issue from part A by doing the following:
1. Explain the process by which you will engage with key community stakeholders to create the community action plan, community health policy proposal, or innovative business plan that is focused on the priority health issue.
2. Describe the sequential steps needed to take your idea from community engagement to project completion.

C. Describe how you will measure the progress of your community action plan, community health policy proposal, or innovative business plan by doing the following:
1. Describe the specific metrics you will use to measure change for your chosen priority community health issue.
2. Explain how you would use the data from the community action plan, community health policy proposal, or innovative business plan in the quality improvement process of community healthcare.
3. Explain the importance of the iterative process in delivering community health activities.

D. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

E. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
File Restrictions
File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – _ . * ‘ ( )
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RUBRIC for 121 22


The explanation of how using community health data allows for the identification of priority community health issues is accurate.


The description of the process of determining the priority community health issues from the community’s perspective is relevant and logical.


The proposal for how available community resources would be assessed to address the priority community health issues is persuasive and logical.


The explanation of the process of engaging with key community stakeholders to create the community action plan, community health policy proposal, or innovative business plan is both convincing and logical.


The description of the sequential steps needed to take the idea from community engagement to project completion is relevant and includes all key information in the described steps.


The description of the specific metrics used to measure change for the chosen priority community health issue is logical, and the metrics are directly related to the data used to determine the priority community health issue.


The explanation of how data would be used in the quality improvement process of the community’s healthcare is logical and persuasive.


The explanation of the importance of the iterative process in delivering community health activities is plausible and rational.


The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and demonstrates a consistent application of APA style.


Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding.


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