Cost Component to Health Care Discussion

Cost Component to Health Care Discussion

Cost Component to Health Care Discussion

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Caitlin Breidt

RE: Discussion – Week 3

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As a nurse, I got into the profession to help others and have never been focused or driven on the cost component to health care. After last week’s discussion post, where I chose to look at the previous 3 presidents and chose to look at health insurance, my eyes were opened to the Affordable Care Act and the later attempted repeal of this legislation, and have begun to focus my attention more on the monetary component to health care. Unfortunately, health care is driven largely by politics and cost. Obamacare “aimed to eventually slow the growth of US healthcare spending, which is the highest in the world.” Additionally, Obama Care also helped over 25 million Americans obtain health care. With good intention in mind, and an opposing political party who took office after Obama, it was only as matter of time before changes would be made to the ACA.

Politicians run for a seat in their respective positions and propose legislation repeal and reform based on how they feel the general public will respond to and vote for them. In the case of the Trump election, Obama had enacted the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that was later repealed under the promise of Trump while he was running for office. After Trump got into office “congressional Republicans last year finally succeeded in repealing the Obamacare requirement that people buy health insurance or pay a tax penalty.” Obama worked to decrease healthcare costs and imposed a penalty if you did not carry insurance. the Trump administration removed the penalty if you did not carry health insurance as part of the ACA.

The ACA afforded more people with things like pre-existing conditions and low-income families to obtain health insurance, so this population benefitted from the legislation. The long-term goal of the ACA was to lower healthcare spending in the US. While both Trump and Obama have the same goal in mind, it is making one look better than the other in true political fashion. As we are currently in in election year, another political candidate, Bernie Sanders, is proposing free healthcare/ Medicare for all, by increasing taxes. Ultimately, choosing your presidential candidate comes down to which politician steers closest to our individual beliefs.


Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). Contemporary Issues in Public Health Policy with Joel

Teitelbaum [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Obamacare: Has Trump managed to kill off Affordable Care Act? (2019, March 29). Retrieved from

Willison, C. E., & Singer, P. M. (2017, August). Repealing the Affordable Care Act Essential Health

Benefits: Threats and Obstacles. Retrieved from…

16 hours ago

Emmanuel Oguno

RE: Discussion – Week 3


According to In-Brief (2016), Repealing and or replacing the ACA will increase the number of uninsured persons by 24 million, Medicaid coverage will be lower by 14.5 million persons, and fewer health care services provided to modest and low-income families. The Affordable Care Act(ACA) addresses several key issues, including health insurance coverage, preventative care, coverage for preexisting conditions, and healthcare costs. The ACA expands health insurance coverage using public options at both the federal and state levels (Sicheman, 2019). If efforts to repeal and replace the Patient Portability and Affordable Care Act (ACA) are successful, an estimated 20 million citizens will lose their healthcare coverage, and Some states may lose about $135 billion in Medicaid and subsidies paid into the healthcare marketplace. Insurance companies may deny or delay coverage to people living with chronic illnesses disease or preexisting conditions, and as many as 1.2 million Americans could lose their jobs (Sicheman, 2019).

Policymakers find it very tempting to take a stance on repealing or replacing the ACA, and it is even harder when the rival political party controls some of the policy-making body. Moreover, each participant reacts to the perceived biases of the others. Trump administration has not appeared willing to acknowledge that it has chosen policies that fail a cost-benefit analysis. Instead, it has responded in several different ways. In a few cases, he has proposed implausible benefit analyses that do not survive serious scrutiny. It has also erected procedural barriers to regulation via executive order (Jonathan et al., 2020).

So far, the ACA has reduced healthcare spending by $2.3 trillion (In-Brief, 2016). For such money, Americans can save more or spend on goods and services that increase the quality of life—repealing/replacing the Affordable Care Actis a dangerous proposition for many. However, citizens can genuinely make a difference by weighing what they have to a loss against what they stand to gain; this helps them to make decisions to vote for their representatives. The political fallout from the consequences would be devastating. When it comes to the casting of votes, enough Republicans will conclude that repeal The ACA is a bad idea and will join the Democrats to sustain the basic structure of the healthcare reform or to vote for the new wave of Medicare for all as proposed by Senator Sanders.

Sometimes the choices made by legislators are “tragic” in that they decide not just who shall live but who must die. Policies made by elected officials sometimes leave some innocent people in life-threatening risks; Policymakers seeking reelection usually use the cost-benefit analysis appraisal method to support making their decisions about projects and policies. Policies and decisions made by policymakers may well affect their reelection; therefore, they use the results of cost-benefit analysis to arrive at a well-founded evaluation of their decisions and policies (Mouter, 2019).


Aaron, H. (2017). Why Republicans cannot and will not – repeal Obamacare

Jonathan S. Masur & Eric A. Posner, (2020). Chevronizing Around Cost-Benefit Analysis: Deregulation in the Trump Administration.

Mouter, N. (2019). The Politics of Cost Analysis. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.1007
Sicherman, S. (2019). Repealing the Affordable Care Act & The Effects It Can Have.

Cost Component to Health Care Discussion

Cost Component to Health Care Discussion

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