Course Definition And Alignment Table Essay

Course Definition And Alignment Table Essay


Program Offering

Program Description

A Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program is an advanced academic pursuit that empowers seasoned nurses with specialized proficiencies for elevated clinical practice, leadership, and research. Anchored on a bachelor’s degree in nursing, the MSN curriculum hones critical thinking and expertise to address intricate healthcare scenarios. Graduates exhibit advanced clinical acumen, adeptly navigating diverse patient populations and intricate healthcare settings. The program cultivates leadership dexterity, encompassing strategic planning, interdisciplinary collaboration, and resource management, facilitating graduates’ roles in transformative healthcare administration (Hajbagheri & Sharifi, 2020). Moreover, MSN candidates acquire adeptness in applying research insights to clinical judgments, contributing to evidence-based practices that advance nursing knowledge. As advocates, MSN holders analyze healthcare policies, championing equitable care and patient-centeredness. They also embrace educational responsibilities, mentoring and educating future nursing cohorts with innovative pedagogical approaches. This comprehensive skill set underscores the MSN program’s goal to produce nursing trailblazers capable of elevating patient care, research, policy, and education.

Program Outcomes

  1. Expert Clinical Practice: Apply advanced nursing skills for comprehensive patient care in diverse settings.
  2. Strategic Leadership: Lead interdisciplinary teams and drive healthcare improvements through effective management.
  3. Research Integration: Utilize evidence to inform clinical decisions and contribute to nursing knowledge advancement.
  4. Policy Advocacy: Analyze healthcare policies, promote equitable care, and influence positive system changes.
  5. Effective Education: Mentor and educate future nurses using innovative approaches, enhancing professional development.

Course Title: Advanced Nursing Informatics

Course Description, Vision, and Rationale

This course is a 10-week advanced study focusing on nursing informatics concepts, technology integration, and data-driven healthcare decision-making. It is designed for Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) students who seek to enhance their understanding of healthcare informatics and its impact on nursing practice, research, and leadership. The course carries 3 credits and is delivered online, providing flexibility for busy nursing professionals. The Advanced Nursing Informatics course envisions a future where nursing professionals leverage cutting-edge technologies and data-driven insights to revolutionize patient care. By mastering informatics principles, our graduates will lead transformative changes in healthcare, seamlessly integrating innovative solutions, enhancing collaboration, and spearheading evidence-based practices (Booth et al., 2021). With a deep understanding of ethical considerations and technological advancements, our students will champion a new era of nursing excellence, where informatics empowers every aspect of nursing practice, research, and leadership, ultimately improving the well-being of patients and communities worldwide.

Nursing informatics is pivotal for optimal patient care, safety, and efficient workflow in today’s digitized healthcare landscape. The Advanced Nursing Informatics course equips MSN students with essential skills to harness technology and data for evidence-based decision-making, fostering innovation in nursing practice (Booth et al., 2021). This course empowers future nursing leaders to navigate evolving healthcare technologies, enhance interdisciplinary collaboration, and drive improvements in healthcare quality and patient outcomes.

Course Learning Objectives

  1. Analyze healthcare data to improve patient outcomes and nursing practice.
  2. Evaluate technology systems for efficient healthcare information management.
  3. Integrate informatics solutions to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration in healthcare settings.
  4. Implement ethical standards in managing and protecting health information.
  5. Apply informatics principles to drive evidence-based nursing research.
  6. Lead informatics initiatives to enhance healthcare quality and patient safety.

Evaluation and Assessment Strategies and Examples

To ensure a comprehensive understanding and application of nursing informatics concepts, the course will employ a variety of evaluation and assessment strategies. These strategies will encompass both formative and summative assessments, providing students with continuous feedback and opportunities for skill refinement.

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  1. Quizzes and Knowledge Checks: Regular quizzes will assess foundational knowledge of informatics theories and concepts, ensuring students grasp core principles.
  2. Case Study Analysis: Assignments involving real-world healthcare scenarios will evaluate students’ ability to apply informatics solutions to complex problems.
  3. Technology Project: Students will undertake a technology implementation project showcasing their skills in integrating informatics tools for improved patient care.
  4. Discussion Participation: Engaging in online discussions will evaluate students’ critical thinking and collaborative skills in applying informatics to nursing practice.
  5. Informatics Simulation: Simulated scenarios will assess students’ decision-making in utilizing informatics solutions to enhance interdisciplinary teamwork and patient outcomes.
  6. Final Portfolio: A comprehensive portfolio will showcase students’ achievements, including their project outcomes, reflective essays, and evidence of applying informatics concepts in various contexts.

These assessment strategies align with the course’s vision of producing informed, tech-savvy nursing leaders capable of effecting meaningful change in healthcare through adept informatics integration.


Alignment Tables

Table One: Course Learning Objectives to Assessments and Domains of Learning

Number Course Learning Objectives Assessments Domains of Learning
1 Analyze healthcare data for improved outcomes Case Study Analysis

Reflective Essay on Ethical Considerations



2 Evaluate technology systems for efficient management Technology Project Cognitive
3 Integrate informatics for interdisciplinary teamwork Group Presentation on Collaboration Benefits Affective
4 Implement ethical standards in health information Quizzes on Ethical Guidelines

Role-playing Exercise on Ethical Decision-making



5 Apply informatics for evidence-based research Final Portfolio Cognitive
6 Lead informatics initiatives for healthcare quality Informatics Simulation Psychomotor


Table Two: Course Learning Objectives to Program Outcomes

Number Course Learning Objectives Program Outcomes
1  Analyze healthcare data to improve patient outcomes  Advanced clinical proficiency

Evidence-based practice

Healthcare policy and advocacy

2  Evaluate technology systems for efficient management Advanced clinical proficiency

Leadership and management

3  Integrate informatics for interdisciplinary teamwork  Leadership and Management

Effective Education

4 Implement ethical standards in health information Advanced clinical proficiency

Evidence-based practice

5 Apply informatics for evidence-based research Advanced clinical proficiency

Evidence-based practice

6 Lead informatics initiatives for healthcare quality Leadership and management

Healthcare policy and advocacy

Effective education

Table Three: Course Learning Objectives to External Standards

    Course Learning Objectives
    Analyze healthcare data to improve patient outcomes and nursing practice.


Evaluate technology systems for efficient management. Integrate informatics for interdisciplinary teamwork Implement ethical standards in health information Apply informatics for evidence-based research Lead informatics initiatives for healthcare quality
Course Learning Objectives to External Standards (example)
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) (Altmiller & Hopkins-Pepe, 2019) Use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to improve the quality and safety of healthcare systems continuously. X X     X X
Integrate best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for delivery of optimal health care. X X     X X
Function effectively within nursing and interprofessional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care.     X X    
American Nurses Association (ANA) (Tluczek et al., 2019) Adhere to ethical and legal principles related to privacy, confidentiality, security, and data integrity in the collection, access, use, and disclosure of patient information.   X   X   X
Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to ensure health information technologies support safe, high-quality patient care. X   X   X  




Altmiller, G., & Hopkins-Pepe, L. (2019). Why quality and safety education for nurses (QSEN) matters in practice. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing50(5), 199–200.

Booth, R., Strudwick, G., McMurray, J., Chan, R., Cotton, K., & Cooke, S. (2021). The future of nursing informatics in a digitally enabled world. Introduction to Nursing Informatics, 395–417.

Hajbagheri, M., & Sharifi, N. (2020). Graduate nursing management curriculum: A comparative study of Iranian universities and UC Davis University of California. Research in Medical Education12(1), 44-51.

Tluczek, A., Twal, M. E., Beamer, L. C., Burton, C. W., Darmofal, L., Kracun, M., … & Turner, M. (2019). How American nurses’ association code of ethics informs genetic/genomic nursing. Nursing Ethics26(5), 1505-1517.

Choose an existing Nursing Program (Academic or Professional Development) and briefly describe it. List the Program Learning Outcomes for the entire program. Develop a new course or module to add to the program. Construct a 1-2 page course definition for the new course to add to this program that includes the length, purpose, audience, credit, location, and rationale for adding the course. Develop course learning objectives for this new addition. Complete a table that links the course objectives to the program outcomes, and include examples of assessments for the course. Link the course objectives to any external standards or regulatory guidelines related to the justification of the course.


Assessing and evaluating program effectiveness requires you to understand the entire alignment of a course, from the way it is presented to potential learners to the final analysis of aggregated data.

While there are many similarities in the development of curricula for Academic versus Professional Development, there are also many differences.

In Academia, the curriculum is guided by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing and either the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) or Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) accreditation, or the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials. As part of the accreditation process, the guidelines are clearly stated and the connection between the curriculum and standards is easy to process according to the level of the program.

In Professional Development, there are several different processes although the concepts are the same. Professional Development courses and curricula fall under the categories of Orientation (including Nurse Residency Programs or Preceptor Development), Competency Management and Inservice (to assess skill competencies and the use of new equipment), and Continuing Education (or Professional Development Credits). Regulatory and Accreditation standards must be met, with some examples being The Joint Commission, State Board of Nursing, Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), and State and National laws.

In both Professional Development and Academia, the three domains of learning must be addressed in the curriculum assessment and evaluation (Cognitive, Psychomotor, and Affective). While each assessment may not involve all three domains, it is important they are addressed elsewhere in the course.

Whenever you begin the process of designing a course, it is important to begin with the end in mind. Assessment and evaluation strategies are key elements of the design process.

How will the course fit in with a larger organizational outcome or continuing educational requirement?

What do you want your learners to know or do after they have completed the course?

How will you determine whether your learners have met your learning objectives?

Program outcomes and learning objectives create a framework to help you determine the learning activities and the types of assessment that will best tell you whether your objective has been met.


As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

What is the difference between assessment and evaluation?

What are the differences between formative and summative evaluations?

How would you address each of the following domains, when designing assessments and evaluations of learner skills and knowledge?




To learn more about APA style and formatting, and to view a sample paper in APA format, go to the Capella Writing Center’s Evidence and APA page.


Imagine that you are a nurse educator in a local organization. You have been asked to create a new course for your nurse education program. You have been given latitude to select both the topic and the learner population. The organization can be a college or university, or a hospital or clinic.

Your supervisor would like you to create a course definition document that includes the following elements:

A course title and course description (including length, credit, didactic, lab, clinical).

The student learning objectives for the course.

The related program description and program outcomes.

Alignment of the assessment plans with the appropriate domains of learning.

Describe the assessment plan and the alignment of the external standards or regulatory guidelines that pertain to the course offering or course objectives. The assessment and evaluation of the course should demonstrate that course learning objectives and program outcomes are met. The external national nursing standards will demonstrate that the course is evidence-based.

This year, the department is asking all nurse educators to map new courses to assessment strategies and learning domains.

In addition, leadership has recognized the importance of evidence-based practice and standards of care. To that end, at least one external national nursing standard should be aligned with the objectives for your assessment (can be AACN Essentials, QSEN competencies, or Standards from the appropriate specialty organization).

Course Definition and Alignment Table

Identify a specific health care issue, setting, and learner audience.

Start by giving your organization a brief summary of the following:

A description of the program offering (including the educational setting).

The program outcomes.

Next, your course definition should consist of the following:

Course description, vision, and rationale.

The course learning objectives.

The evaluation and assessment strategies, including examples of assessment and evaluation tasks.

Use a table to show the alignment of assessment and evaluation strategies. Include the following in your table:

Alignment of learning objectives to program outcomes.

Alignment of learning objectives to assessment strategies and domains of learning.

Alignment of program outcomes to external standards.

You may (but are not required to) use the Course Definition and Alignment Table Template [DOCX]. You are also welcome to review the Sample Course Definition and Alignment Table [PDF] to see an example of a completed template.

Additional Requirements

Follow the formatting and style guidelines in Evidence and APA. In addition, your assessment should meet the following requirements:

APA format: Use correct APA style and formatting for the rationale, paying particular attention to citations and references.

References: Include at least three peer-reviewed scholarly resources from the last 5 years.


Course definition: 1–3 pages (not including cover page and reference list).

Alignment table: No page limit.

Font and font size: Any approved APA fonts, 12 point.

Compile your course definition and alignment table into one document before submitting. We highly recommend saving your document in Landscape, rather than Portrait, so your tables fit properly.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Apply principles of assessment and evaluation for use in nursing education programs.

Construct a course description that clearly supports the educational program outcomes.

Align course learning objectives to existing program outcomes.

Describe assessment and evaluation strategies used in a nursing education course, including the appropriate domains of learning.

Competency 4: Evaluate the achievement of learning outcomes.

Align appropriate professional standards and/or regulations to learning objectives in a nursing education course.

Competency 6: Communicate as a practitioner-scholar, consistent with the expectations for a health care professional.

Convey purpose of the assessment in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence using APA style citations and references, and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards.

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