DeVry ETHC 232 Week 1 Discussion 1
Importance and Value of Ethics (graded)
Let’s begin our class discussion with an overarching conversation about the importance of ethics. Why are ethics important? How do they affect our decision making? What are the consequences if we do something unethical?
DeVry ETHC 232 Week 1 Discussion 2
Deontological Ethics (graded)
Our first TCO asks us to consider the deontological ethical approach given certain ethical dilemmas that may arise in the professional world. You may want to review this week’s lecture as you think about the following topic for discussion. Consider a situation in which a company is planning to implement a surveillance policy to monitor its employees. What kinds of ethical duties do you think this company has that would be involved in this decision? You may talk about duties to its shareholders, customers, employees, and others. Why do these duties exist? How should they impact the decisions made in this context?
ETHC 232 Week 1: Importance of Ethics
DeVry ETHC 232 Week 2 Discussion 1
Utilitarianism (graded)
Last week we considered deontological ethics in the discussion thread, and this week we will consider the alternative approach of utilitarianism. How would a utilitarian approach cause someone to make a different decision in certain cases. Can you think of cases in which a decision made would be different based on the ethical approach a person takes?
DeVry ETHC 232 Week 2 Discussion 2
Societal Norms vs. Workplace Standards (graded)
Societal norms, in essence, are those rules for how people should act in society. Although these norms are accepted, there will be times in which a societal norm runs contrary to a workplace standard. What is an example of when such a situation can arise? How do you decide the ethical choice when faced with such a dilemma?
ETHC 232 Week 1: Importance of Ethics
DeVry ETHC 232 Week 3 Discussion 1
Laws and Privacy (graded)
One of the important areas of law and ethics in business relates to privacy rights. Several laws have been passed that direct businesses to respect privacy. In this thread, let’s consider how HIPAA, GLB, and COPPA laws can help ensure people’s privacy. What is their ethical justification? Is there gray area in these laws? How do some businesses try to find their way around these laws?
DeVry ETHC 232 Week 3 Discussion 2
Industry Standards (graded)
Some industries and businesses have their own uniquely applicable laws and standards. In this thread, let’s share our own experiences with industry standards. What field are you in? Are there specific laws and standards associated with this industry? Why are they in place? Are these laws and standards consistently followed?
ETHC 232 Week 1: Importance of Ethics
DeVry ETHC 232 Week 4 Discussion 1
Organization Culture (graded)
What are some examples of organizational culture? Where does organizational culture come from? How do we learn it? How do we know when we have violated it?
DeVry ETHC 232 Week 4 Discussion 2
Ethical Ambiguity (graded)
Consider the following scenario: You are aware of a problem that is costing your company productivity. This problem is caused by a fellow employee who refuses to use current technology. This employee has asked you to keep the situation to yourself, since he is one year from retirement and does not want to lose his job or have to endure new training. This employee is also very popular with everyone at the company. You have just been asked by your superiors why you think your division is not as productive as it could be. Do you tell the truth? What are the ethical considerations involved in this decision? How should one deal with this kind of ethical ambiguity?
ETHC 232 Week 1: Importance of Ethics
DeVry ETHC 232 Week 5 Discussion 1
Profit vs. Public (graded)
Businesses are intended to make money, and sometimes this means keeping business practices secret. What kind of information does the public have a right to know? What kind of information does a business have a right to keep secret? How do we make these decisions?
DeVry ETHC 232 Week 5 Discussion 2
Insider Knowledge (graded)
In a business world where information is usually the key to making money, sometimes information that is not available to the public can be considered legally and ethically improper to use in making business decisions. What is insider information? Why are there laws against it being used to make investment decisions?
ETHC 232 Week 1: Importance of Ethics
DeVry ETHC 232 Week 6 Discussion 1
Corporate Responsibility (graded)
Corporate responsibility is a controversial issue that involves many industries, companies, and ethical considerations. Consider one or more of the following examples, and comment on if and how you think the industry has an obligation to society.
• McDonalds considering the overall health of society
• Nike considering its responsibility for running sweatshops to produce its apparel
• Oil companies for developing alternative energies
DeVry ETHC 232 Week 6 Discussion 2
Whistleblowers (graded)
If you are an employee of a business, and learn that it is violating the law, what would you do in this situation? What are your ethical obligations? Under what conditions would you report the illegal activities? Under what conditions would you keep quiet?
ETHC 232 Week 1: Importance of Ethics
DeVry ETHC 232 Week 7 Discussion 1
Personal Morality (graded)
Can you think of a situation in which personal or religious beliefs might conflict with something that may be asked of you professionally? What should you do in this situation?
DeVry ETHC 232 Week 7 Discussion 2
Cultural Differences (graded)
What are some examples of cultural differences around the world that can affect business practices? Should a business change practices based on cultural sensitivities? Why or why not?