Discussion: Nursing should not borrow theories from other disciplines Refute this statement by providing specific examples from your current nursing practice. Describe the importance of increased nursing collaboration with other disciplines

Discussion: Nursing should not borrow theories from other disciplines Refute this statement by providing specific examples from your current nursing practice. Describe the importance of increased nursing collaboration with other disciplines

Discussion: Nursing should not borrow theories from other disciplines Refute this statement by providing specific examples from your current nursing practice. Describe the importance of increased nursing collaboration with other disciplines

 Many healthcare professionals disagree with the statement that nursing should not borrow theories from other disciplines. Nursing should borrow theories from other disciplines. A nurse’s role is to provide care for patients, and in order to do that effectively, healthcare professionals must draw on the best knowledge and evidence available (Jensen, 2019). There are countless examples from my current nursing practice where borrowing theories from other disciplines has been instrumental in providing quality care for my patients (Fernandez & Zahavi, 2020). For example, when assessing a patient’s risk for falls, I might use a theory from the fields of biomechanics or gerontology to help me identify factors that contribute to falls. Or, when developing a plan of care for a patient with dementia, I might use a theory from the field of psychology to help me understand the patient’s behavior and create interventions that will improve the quality of care.


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Theory provides a framework for understanding human behavior and can help guide the development of interventions and care plans for patients with dementia. One theory that is particularly relevant to dementia care is the self-efficacy theory of motivation. According to this theory, people are more likely to engage in activities when they believe that they are capable of succeeding at those activities (Fernandez & Zahavi, 2020). This theory can be used to help caregivers develop interventions that increase patients’ sense of self-efficacy and encourage them to participate in activities. Another important psychological theory for dementia care is the Theory of Planned Behavior. This theory posits that people’s behavior is guided by their intentions, which are in turn determined by their attitudes towards an action and their perceptions of the social norms.

There are a number of theories from other disciplines that could be beneficial to nursing. For example, the Theory of reasoned action from social psychology could help nurses better understand patients’ behaviors and how to change them. The ergonomic theory from engineering could help nurses create work environments that are safer and more comfortable for their patients (Fernandez & Zahavi, 2020). And the communication theories from linguistics could help nurses improve their interactions with patients and their families. Each of these theories has something valuable to offer nursing, and by borrowing from them, nurses can become even more effective at delivering quality care to their patients.

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Discussion: Nursing should not borrow theories from other disciplines Refute this statement by providing specific examples from your current nursing practice. Describe the importance of increased nursing collaboration with other disciplines

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Nursing collaboration with other disciplines is important because it allows nurses to gain a holistic view of the patient and their care. By working with doctors, pharmacists, and other members of the healthcare team, nurses are able to develop a treatment plan that meets the patient’s needs both physically and emotionally. Additionally, nursing collaboration ensures that patients receive the best possible care by allowing nurses to share their expertise with other members of the healthcare team (Midtbust et al., 2018). This teamwork approach also promotes better communication among all members of the healthcare team, which can lead to improved patient outcomes.

 It is essential for nursing to collaborate with other disciplines because effective collaboration results in better patient care. By sharing knowledge and working together, nurses can develop a more holistic view of the patient and create treatment plans that take all of the patient’s needs into account. Collaboration also allows nurses to learn from other professionals and gain new insights into their field (Midtbust et al., 2018). Nurses can also share their own expertise with other disciplines, which helps to improve overall patient care. In short, increased collaboration between nurses and other disciplines leads to better outcomes for patients.


Fernandez, A. V., & Zahavi, D. (2020). Basic empathy: Developing the concept of empathy from the ground up. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 110, 103695. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103695

Jensen, K. T. (2019). Nursing research: A marriage of theoretical influences. Nursing Open, 6(3), 1205-1217. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.320

Midtbust, M. H., Alnes, R. E., Gjengedal, E., & Lykkeslet, E. (2018). A painful experience of limited understanding: healthcare professionals’ experiences with palliative care of people with severe dementia in Norwegian nursing homes. BMC Palliative Care, 17(1), 1-9. https://bmcpalliatcare.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12904-018-0282-8


Discussion Question:
Nursing should not ‘borrow€™ theories from other disciplines’€ Refute this statement by providing specific examples from your current nursing practice. Describe the importance of increased nursing collaboration with other disciplines.

Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook.

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Discussion: Nursing should not borrow theories from other disciplines Refute this statement by providing specific examples from your current nursing practice. Describe the importance of increased nursing collaboration with other disciplines

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