Discussion Paper Framework Assignment Paper: Preparation of the Discussion Paper
Plan and develop a discussion paper framework/draft with relevant discussion points (Including introduction, main content – 3 sections & conclusion – 5 marks) and check with respective tutorial lecturer to ensure the discussion paper is on the right track. Prepare and completing the discussion paper according to the weekly Assignment Progression Schedule (Week 1 to Week 4 Tutorial).
Introduction of the Discussion Paper (5 marks): The introductory contents clearly indicate the main theme/ purpose of the discussion paper
Structure of the Discussion Paper (10 marks): The overall contents of the discussion paper are organised in sequential and systematic manner. The grammar and spelling of the contents are correct.
Main content of the discussion paper:
Section 1 (20 marks)
- Define, explore and elaborate about the selected subtopic – : The concept of the selected subtopic is well defined and is relevant to the main topic of the assignment given. The facts or information of the selected subtopic is accurate. The contents of the selected subtopic are clearly explained. The applicability of the selected subtopic are indicated and critically analysed with clear sense of scope or valid discussion points.
Section 2 (20 marks)
- Main content of the discussion paper – Analyse and discuss about the positive and negative impacts/ effects of the selected subtopic to the palliative care outcomes – The statistical data, facts/evidences or appropriate examples are used to affirm the selected subtopic as the essential influencing factor to the main topic of the assignment given. The positive impacts/ effects of the selected subtopic to the main topic of the assignment given are clearly identified and explained. The negative impacts/effects of the selected subtopic to the main topic of the assignment given are clearly identified and explained. The key discussion points on how to utilise/ implement the positive influences of the selected subtopic to enhance the quality palliative care outcomes are critically analysed.
- 2 Category Descriptions SCORE (Assign a score according to the assessment rubric guide) Main content of the discussion paper.
Section 3 (20 marks): Discussion Paper Framework Assignment Paper
- Explore and discuss the feasible problem solving strategies to overcome the identified challenges/barriers of the selected subtopic in order to achieve quality palliative care outcomes – The challenges/ barriers that resulting in the negative influences of the selected subtopic to the palliative care outcomes are clearly identified and explained. The possible causes of the challenges/ barriers that are related to the negative influences of the selected subtopic to the palliative care outcomes are clearly discussed by using logical reasoning approach. The feasible problem solving strategies to overcome the identified challenge/ barriers that are related to the negative influences of the selected subtopic to the palliative care outcomes are clearly analysed and discussed. The problem solving strategies (measuring tools/ feedbacks) used to overcome the identified challenge/ barriers that are related to the negative influences of the selected subtopic to the palliative care outcomes are evaluated.
Conclusion of the Discussion Paper (5 marks)
The key discussion points are clearly indicated and reinforced so that the reader can clearly remember it. Referencing (10 marks) The in-text and end-text referencing are correctly cited according to APA (American Psychology Association) style. There is evidence of references from the following categories:
– (a). Library e-database (McGraw Hill Education ebook, ScienceDirect, Springerlink, Access-Pharmacy)
(b). Credible palliative care journals
(c). Palliative care etextbooks, and (d). Any other credible references.