Discussion: Week 2 The Death System/BEHS 380
Discussion: Week 2 The Death System/BEHS 380
According to this week’s resources, elements of the death system contribute to enhancing social stability. In this week’s discussion post, discuss the following:
What is a “death system?”
Explain two or three specific ways in which funeral ceremonies may contribute to maintaining social order — for families, for the larger society, or both. In your response, indicate any specific components of the death system (people, time, place, symbols) that are part of your answer.
Discuss the kinds of losses and experiences of grief associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
An excellent response will be at least 3-4 paragraphs in length, using complete sentences and concise language. Please cite at least 2 of this week’s Learning Resources in your response.
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Please be sure to use APA citations in your text and to include your reference list. When you refer to and/or discuss any resources, you need to include a citation for that source, such as: (Braincraft, 2015). For more info on APA style, visit the APA Citations and Style module in this online classroom.
Grading Rubric and Participation Requirements
One primary post (New Topic) as your initial discussion post thread – min. 200 words/post
Two secondary responses (Respond) to classmates – min. 100 words/post
All posts are to be substantive responses reflective of the reading content.
Each post will be graded per the overall grading rubric for content and adherence to the performance guidelines
Primary post earns up to 5 points
Responses to peers earn up to 5 points
Posting Tip:
Posting is not just posting what every other student posts, but about bringing out original and insightful ideas on, in this case, the discussion board. Therefore, you should strive each week to improve your posting skills by offering thorough and clear writing by bringing up fresh perspectives on the given topic.
Due Date:
All discussion submissions must be entered by 11:59 pm EST Sunday as specified in the course schedule, with the initial post due on Sunday.
No late submissions will be accepted or graded.
Other Requirements:
Discussion questions must meet the APA formatting meaning you cannot just copy information from a website.
Use scholarly peer-reviewed resources to support your viewpoints.
Use a minimum of one resource to support your position.
Do not write the website address as your reference (www.abc.com), but write the resource meeting the APA formatting. (Examples were provided under the announcements).
DO NOT use resources such as Wikipedia, eHow, WiseGEEK, Wikihow, About… If in doubt please ask.
The purpose of the discussions is to discuss the topic(s) and further the discussion. It is a best practice when responding to your peers to:
Write an overview of what the student stated
Provide your original thoughts and opinion
Utilize supporting resources
Follow up with a question
The Death System
The death system is a fundamental concept established by Robert Kastenbaum that provides a framework for appropriate practices within society during the demise of an individual. The death system defines the interpersonal, sociocultural, and symbolic matrix that arbitrates a person’s death and its effects on society and social order (MacMurray et al., 2021). This system highlights pertinent issues in contemporary death management practices with the provision of appropriate integrative solutions that considers aspects of an individual’s life such as culture. These considerations may impact decision-making regarding end-of-life care and practices.
The death system is composed of four distinct elements. These include people who play different roles during death, time which describes the exact day of death and reflection from subsequent anniversaries, the place of death and other places which involve the deceased, and symbols that encompass objects associated with death (MacMurray et al., 2021). There is an inevitable interaction of these components during the funeral and send of ceremonies. Funeral ceremonies play a critical role in enhancing social order in several ways. They are integral in the provision of support to the family, showing respect to the deceased and their families, extending community-based social relationships, and resolution of guilt and loss-related stress (Kim et al., 2019). Funeral ceremonies also form the grounds for the social exchange of duties and responsibilities as well as enhance social mutual partnerships (Shimane et al., 2019). The contemporary death system is, however, leading to the disengagement of societal roles in funeral ceremonies with the commercialization and professionalization of these services.
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic wrought devastating effects on the livelihoods of many individuals. The types of losses that were experienced include untimely demise and threatened loss of loved ones, loss of physical contact and social networks, loss of livelihoods from unemployment and financial insecurity, and loss of pre-Covid normal ways of life (Walsh et al., 2020). The loss of loved ones is an agony to the bereaved families and friends. The grieving process was marred with shock, disbelief, anger, and sorrow made worse by the limitations in interactions between the infected individuals, their families, and society at large.
Kim, K., Churilov, L., Huang, A., & Weinberg, L. (2019). Bereavement practices employed by hospitals and medical practitioners toward attending the funeral of patients. Medicine, 98(36). https://doi.org/10.1097/md.0000000000016692
MacMurray, N., & Futrell, R. (2021). Ecological Death Reform and Death System Change. Omega, 83(4), 859–883. https://doi.org/10.1177/0030222819869485
Shimane, K. (2018). Social bonds with the dead: How funerals transformed in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 373(1754), 20170274. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2017.0274
Walsh, F. (2020). Loss and resilience in the time of Covid‐19: Meaning-making, hope, and transcendence. Family Process, 59(3), 898–911. https://doi.org/10.1111/famp.12588