Emerging Areas Of Human Health
You will be creating a case study in stages over four course topics. Use an example from your own personal practice, experience, or own personal/family (however, simulated cases are not acceptable for practice hours and therefore not acceptable for this assignment).
Examples might include a patient with Duchesne\’s muscular dystrophy. Huntington\’s disease, Down\’s syndrome, sickle-cell anemia, BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 mutations, or another genetic disorder that you or the organization in which you practice may specialize in treating.
For this assignment (Part 1 of the Case Study), write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) incorporating genetics information
1. Description of the disease, its prevalence, and its incidence.
2. Discussion of laboratory testing that is possible.
3. Guidelines and reasons behind the FDA regulations for introducing new pharmaceutical agents (policy).
4. The role that money and grants play in scientific advances; the economics of health care (capitalism).
5. The role and involvement family plays in the health care decision.