Zoloft Patient Education

Hello Sir. Welcome to our chat on your illness. In this session, I will discuss your illness and how best to manage it. Feel free to interrupt and ask questions when something is unclear. Okay.

What you have is called depression. Depression is a common mental illness that makes you feel sad persistently and sometimes makes you not enjoy or find pleasure in activities you once found pleasurable. Sometimes, depression can make you feel tired or have poor concentration. In most people, depression can cause a problem with their appetite or sleep. Therefore, they can sleep a lot, eat a lot, or lack an appetite for food. The world health organization says that 5 in every 100 adults worldwide suffer from this condition. In some, the symptoms can be mild, while others suffer severe symptoms that can interfere with their functioning or quality of life. In severe cases, someone can feel suicidal. Some feel guilt or are preoccupied with thoughts of death. All these happen because the levels of chemicals responsive to communication between your brain cells are deranged.

Depression depending on the severity, can be managed by medication or therapy. Medication plays an important role in managing depression because they help reduce the symptoms of depression rapidly and elevate your mood. However, there is a risk of causing mania or suicidal thoughts. Mania occurs because your mood has been mood from sad or depressed to too much happiness. Therefore, you feel too full of energy and have decreased need for sleep. One of these most commonly used medications is Zoloft. Zoloft belongs to a group of medications that prevent the movement of a chemical called serotonin into your brain cells, thereby keeping your mood elevated. Zoloft takes about four to six weeks to take full effect. However, you may start feeling better after one to two weeks depending on how your body is responding to this medication. A recent study showed that when used for depression, this medication may take longer than six weeks to take effect (Lewis et al., 2019). So you will visit and have an appointment again after four weeks for reassessment. Other medications work the same way as Zoloft but have different safety profiles. If the medications in the group, including Zoloft do not work for you, other medicines from a different group can be added or substituted to achieve good outcomes. Additionally, counseling and talk therapy play important roles in promoting good outcomes of treatment. Where and when possible and indicated, you can be enrolled in a counseling session, of course with your consent, to participate in counseling or talk therapy sessions to improve your response to treatment. That’s all and thank you. Do you have any questions for me?



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Lewis, G., Duffy, L., Ades, A., Amos, R., Araya, R., Brabyn, S., Button, K. S., Churchill, R., Derrick, C., Dowrick, C., Gilbody, S., Fawsitt, C., Hollingworth, W., Jones, V., Kendrick, T., Kessler, D., Kounali, D., Khan, N., Lanham, P., … Lewis, G. (2019). The clinical effectiveness of sertraline in primary care and the role of depression severity and duration (PANDA): a pragmatic, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial. The Lancet. Psychiatry6(11), 903–914.

World Health Organization. (n.d.). Depression. Retrieved November 16, 2022, from


Select a specific SSRI. (zoloft) and discuss starting this medication with your newly diagnosed 48 y.o. male pt. using the following criteria:
What is depression–how do we explain it as a disease?
The role of meds in depression
Significant side effects to report (especially that may represent mania)
Time required for onset of SSRI medication effect including length of use for first time depression
Mention availability of other medications if needed
Role of counseling in addition to meds.

this is a video but only needs to be one page

Content: opens conversation with clarity, states purpose of education, key understandable facts presented. Medication purpose, time to action, possible SEs, duration, NP assessment of progress & adjustments, counseling

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