Genre Analysis Practice Essay
This paper analyzes a nursing journal article that addresses nurses and hopes to provide a structure, process, and content framework for the bedside handing over. Recently, emphasis has been laid on bedside handover compared to handing it over at the nurses’ desk. The researchers are flexible and base their arguments on existing evidence. The article provides a framework for structure, content, and process for bedside handing over for the nurses. The primary intention of handing over at the patient’s bedside is to improve patient participation and reduce errors, thus promoting patient safety. The article provides the patients with evidence promoting their ability to support their views. The article is an online text, and conflicting and supporting evidence is available on various databases such as Cochrane Library and CINAHL.
The text is well organized, with various subheadings that follow the nursing research format. It also has a clear title that automatically tells an individual what the article contains. The thesis is the aim of the study, and in this article, it is to describe the structures, processes, and content of bedside handover at the change of nursing shift in an acute-care context. It is located at the beginning of the study. It provokes expectations, such as comprehensively explaining the best practices (processes and structures) and the actual activities during a bedside handover (Forde et al., 2020). The researchers used data from observing 30 clinical handovers. The data was analyzed for congruence presented using the study framework (Who, Where, what, how, and when), meeting the thesis and aim of the study.
The article’s audience is nursing professionals, and the article identifies the audience from its title. The article expects the nurses to know that there are various handing over methods, including bedside and handing over at the nurses’ desk. Handing over is a vital aspect of nursing, and hence the article assumes the audience (nurses) has basic knowledge in handing over (Forde et al., 2020). The scope of the research is indicated in the introduction by explaining the importance of proper nursing handing-over. The research gap is also presented as an explanation of the structure, process, and content that promote patient safety. It is revealed in the literature review that none of those studies provided a clear framework on the structure, process, and content of the bedside handing over (Forde et al., 2020).
The research identifies a lack of explicit instruction on nursing handover structure, process, and content (Forde et al., 2020). The researcher takes no position but attempts to provide clear and evidence-based instructions on these components of bedside handing over. The researchers then indicate that the observations and the audio recording will provide a framework that will help inform besides handing over.
The study reviews over 30 research studies and focuses on analyzing the themes of patient safety, structure, process, and content associated with bedside handing over. The study uses data from 30 handing over observed and audio-recorded reports, increasing the data’s reliability. The data also entails mixed quantitative and qualitative data to improve the applicability and usability of the data generated. The researcher identifies congruence between qualitative and quantitative data, ensuring the credibility of the evidence generated.
Forde, M. F., Coffey, A., & Hegarty, J. (2020). Bedside handover at the change of nursing shift: A mixed‐methods study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(19-20), 3731-3742.
For this activity, you can choose one of artifacts in NURSING(pieces of writing/genre) that you will be analyzing for your paper. This might be an memo, academic journal article, blue-print, drawing, political cartoon, etc. Keep in mind, you are choosing a sample from a particular genre in your discourse community (NURSING) and analyzing that sample piece of writing. Ideally, choose one that you will use for writing your paper. We are going to practice analyzing it.
Second, you will answer the following questions about it (also, keep in mind, for the major assignment due in a few weeks this will be in essay/paragraph form– here it can just be raw notes).
Analyzing the Genre in general:
Who is the audience(s) for the genre (type of writing you are analyzing), and how does audience shape the genre?
What social actions does the genre achieve for the dis- course community?
What are the conventions of the genre?
How much flexibility do authors have to vary the conventions of the genre?
Have the conventions of the genre changed over time? In what ways and why?
To what extent does the genre empower members of the discourse community to speak, and to what extent does the genre marginalize or silence members of the discourse community?
Where can a new discourse community member find models of the genre?
Rhetorical Analysis of the actual piece of \”writing\” that you are looking at.
• Structure
How is the text organized, and how is that structure made apparent to readers?
How are sections and sub-sections labeled?
What is the thesis and where is it located? What expectations does it set up? How does the text deliver on those expectations?
How does the structure guide and support the thesis?
How is the structure used to develop the argument?
When and how are terms defined?
• Audience
â—¦ Where and how is the audience indicated?
â—¦ Is it clear what the audience can be expected to already know or believe? â—¦ How does the text engage with its target audience?
• Purpose
Where and how is the overall purpose indicated?
Identify moves in the introduction.
â–ª Where and how is the scope of the research indicated?
▪ Where and how is the writer’s position established? How is the research gap indicated? ▪ Where and how does the writer indicate how the gap will be filled by this research
Identify moves in other sections of the paper. What is the author doing (as opposed to saying)?
• Support (Data & Literature)
â—¦ How are claims stated and supported?
â—¦ How much context or background is provided?
â—¦ Is data presented using charts, tables, figures, etc.?
â—¦ What type and amount of evidence is used, and how is it used? â—¦ How is the credibility of the evidence indicated?