Leadership and Management in Complex Healthcare Systems

Leadership and Management in Complex Healthcare Systems

Master of Science, Nursing Core Clinical Practice Experience (CPE) Record

CPE nciivi7iesare imR•^‹f‹R^eR^^^‹••*’t ‹• Successfully complete the  course.

By submitting this CPE Record to Evoliiotion tvitli yocir ttonie and completion r/«/e,

you nttesl tliut you completed all required Plinse I, Plitise 2, mil Phase 3 activities.

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 Student First & Last Name:                                                         

Course Instructor  Name:                                                              

Course: Leadership and Management in Complex Healthcare Systems

Welcome to ie Clinical Practice Experience (CPE) for this comse. The CPE for the Master of Science in Nwsing program core cowses consist of a variety of semi-structured activities. By completing all ie activities and evidence listed within this document, and earning a grade of “Competent,” you will earn 35 indirect CPE hows for Gis cowse.

CPE Objectives:

In this CPE you will explore ie role of ie nurse executive by inteviewing and spending time wit a nuse executive in any healthcare setting. During this time, you will identify the education, experience, and skills required to perform this role successfully. For the purpose of this CPE, a nurse executive is defined as a nurse who focuses on various aspects of heallcare administration.

In this CPE, you will experience the role of a graduate degree prepared nurse in three phases:


  • Phase l: You will create a guide to prepare for an interview with a nurse
  • Phase 2: You will interview a nurse executive, evaluate yow interviewing perfomance, and examine

lessons learned during the  interview.

  • Phase 3: You will synlesize the interview experience through an executive summary of key points on ie characteristics, competencies, primary responsibilities (budgeting, project management, etc.), education, experience, and skills required for ie role of a nwse

Student Instructions:

As you are completing this CPE, you will be working though the materials in the cowse of study fat will assist

you wit each phase, The cowse of smdy has a check point for each phase of ie CPE to be completed.


Complete aza:I date ldc required wtivitiw

+    Type ia your name azxt dale at th top of tbis form.

  • Type in tic same of your faulty of record for this course tyour signed insowin).
  • Stlbmit lim cotDPleted CPE Record M a operate Word ‹kmfincnt or PDF xvicn you Summit yoiff

e-portfolio link containing the Inquired ‹ieliverchles for eval

  • °u cann ‘ ‹*Pen rrsuuices ^ith thr web tinks in this dc<umrnt, o(a:n a mu brox•sei tab and copy aixl paste the I’Rt. into your brewer’s igldresg         .





•          Review of/ tfc Hivity and Tvifi•:in:o tequirenwnts for thu CPS,

i‹=i •iios            i.           2.  «i          3.









•          Review th titer xe< azxl cm:tiblc tatoucs               fts iofwozatioo oa tbc


















anü ma)’ not follow the pxpued questions.


discussing your Phnsc 1 CPI nctivitirï,

  • Wdich two peers’ *ideus md prus’ide wrilten


  • WŃtù ü brief” kcÈe«tion Ëuoæary ul* t›ur l’kiæ I ti‹›Xcu«t

u    Insights gainvd as you reÖt thn›ugh thr poweïs i›l’ cwiirchirig uml

1a. CPE Schedule Tøble:

I b. Sources

Tabłe:                                                                                                                                                            4

Ie. WriCen Rejection Summary of your Phase 1 experience:

  • Include insights you gained from researching and planning the nine executive


  • Describe ie steps you took to learn more about the nwse executive leader’s
  • .-c –         –



Review & Correct Table

– – –                    •     Intemiew the nwse executive in person, or virtually, using a Lee

Conduct                   application like Skype or Zoom.

Interview            •     Use %e intemiew guide you created in Phase l and take notes during

the intemiew, informing yow intemiewee of such.

  • If you want to record ie intemiew, ask for permission

Tip: A recording may help when you are writing the intemi#w summary.

  • Write yom Intemiew Summary:
    • In yow e-portfolio journal, write each question fat you asked

dwing ie  intemiew.

  • Below each question, write a summary of yow intemiewee’s



2d.. .


Write your Interview Self-Assessment:

At the end of the interview summaiy, include:

  • Role and/or title of the interviewee (names ue not needed)
  • Yow perceptions of the interview Challenges you faced
  • What you might do differently to prepare and conduct interviews

in the futwe.


  • Ask for permission to observe yow interviewee for a short period of time, as they manage daily tasks.

If yow interviewee is unavailable, arrange to spend some time with any nurse who has administrative responsibilities. These observation experiences can be with the same nurse or different nurses and can be completed during times that are convenient for you and the nurse(s) you observe.

There are no set hours required for this activity; however, you should spend enough time to be able to describe a typical day for an administrator

Write your Observations Reflection including lessons learned during your observations regarding a “typical day for an administrative

  • Record and post a 3—5 minute GoReact

s://l s.w          edu/ revision/173986867 (CTRL+ Click to open link»J video reflection of what you accomplished and learned from yow Phase 2 experiences.

  • Watch Lo peers’ videos and provide written constructive
  • Take a screenshot of your video and two of your peers’ videos with yow comments.

Write a brief Reflection Summary of yow Phase 2 GoReact

s.-//1 s.w       .edu/ rovision/l 73986867 ( TRL+ Click to open limb)

o    video reflection including insights gained from the interview and observation experiences including any preconceived ideas you had regarding the role prior to the interview and how these may have


!-!R!*ad the following deliverables into your E-ROrtłolio.-


2a. Interview Summary

ORDER: Leadership and Management in Complex Healthcare Systems 

  • Written interview summary or transcript of the interview you conducted with a nurse

2b. Interview Self-Assessment:

  • Written interview self-assessment summary of your interviewing performance in addition to what you might do differently next time.
  • Include role and/or title (names not required).

2c. Observation Reflection:

  • Include written observations reflection on lessons learned during your observations regarding a “typical day for 8n administrative nurse.”

2d. Three (3) Ser¢tppbpts from your GoReact activities

  • Include one screenshot of your
  • Include two screenshots of your peer’s videos with your

2e. Written Reflection Summary of your Phase 2 experience:

  • Describe the insights gained from the interview and observation Discuss any reconceived ideas you had regarding the role prior to the interview and how these may have


•          Review the CPE Schedule tuble created in Phase 1 to ensure you are

still making progress towards meeting your timelines.

+    Adjust the schedule table if necessary.

u    Research professional organizations that offer certtficatlons in

nursing leadership roles (e.g. AONL, AACN, ANCC).

+    Download information on test content outlines, competencies, essentials, etc. that relate to the knowledge, skills, and attributes of nursing leaders.







  • Write Executive Summ6mary:
  • Use the information gathered tï‹›in yoiif jftluf VÎcsV illld lÏOlTl

reviewing professional nursing leadership organisations.

  • Synthesize this information into a two-page executive sunm6mary of the characteristics, competencies, primary responsibilities, education, experience, and skills required for the role of a nurse executive.
  • For organizations that provide this information in list form online (e.g. test content outlines, essentials, etc.), refer the reader to the site for information by including the link in your executive summary.
  • Record and post a 3-5 minute GoReact


dhuo s: /     s      u                s on/173986867 (ci nr+ c’lich to open link)

video reflection of what you accomplished and learned from your Phase 3 experiences.

  • Watch two peers’ videos and provide written constructive
  • Take a screenshot of your video and two of your peers’ videos with your comments.



3c.            •   Write a brief Reflection Summary of your Phase 3 experience, including:

  • Insights you gained in forming your nurse executive interview and “Grand Rounds”.
  • How successful you were in meeting the CPE objectives, lessons learned, and

Upload the ï’oflowing deliverables info your E-poztfo/io:


3a. Executive Summary:

  • Include a written executive summary of key points on the characteristics, competencies, primary responsibilities, education, experience, and skills required for the role of a nurse This should be no more than a two-page paper. You can create this document in a word processing software and then put it in your e-portfolio.


3b. Three (3) screenshots from your GoReact activities:

  • Include one screenshot of your
  • Include two screenshots of your peer’s videos with your


3c. Written Reflection Summary of your Phase 3 experience:

  • Describe your overall insights gained from the interview and


7/29/22, 5:22 PM                                                                                          WGU Performance Assessment






7064.1.1: Determine Leadership Skills and Approaches

The learner determinesthe electiveleadership skills and 2pproachesrequired to navigate a diverse staff in a changing healthcare environment.

7064.1.2: Create Communication and Change Management Plans

The learner creates communication and change managemenŁ ylans to fostGĆ cQ CUIture of innovation.

7Oó4.1.3: Analyze Data for ProgressIndicators

The learner analyzes data to measure progress in meeting organizational performance indicators in complex


7064.1.4 : Determine Support Factors for lnterprofessional Teams

The learner determines system-level factors necessary to support and empower interprofessional teams.

7064.1.5 : Validate Performance Measurement

The learner validates key performance indicators to measure the impact of nursing care on patient and population outcomes.

7064.1.6: Propose Strategic Plan

The learner proposes a strategic business plan to start a nurse-managed practice.

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To fulfill the clinical practice experience (CPE) requirements for this course, you will complete the attached “Clinical Practice Experience (CPE) Record.” You will need to electronically sign and date the record. Finally, you must upload the“CPE Record” as a separate attachment and the required deliverables from that record to your e-por%olio. You should complete this task and the “CPE Record” before submitting UUM1Task 1.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% ofa submission can be directly quoted orcloselyparaphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. Use the report provided when submitting your task as a guide.


You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. EaCh requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevantportions of the course.


https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/010203426/course/26100009/task/2249/overview                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1/3


7/29/22. 5 22 PM                                                                                           WGU Performance Assessment


  1. Upload your completed and signed “CPE Record” for evaluation as a separate The record should include the following:
    • the date each activity was completed
    • your electronic signature verifying that a// activities have been completed


Note: The “CPE Record”should be uploaded as a separate attachment and should not be included in your e-portfolio.


  1. Upload a//of the following required deliverables to your e-portfolio:
    • CPE schedule table of tasks and timelines
    • sources table including sources reviewed and summary descriptions for each source
    • interview guide created for an interview with a nurse executive
    • three screenshots to document your Phase 1 GoReact video reflection, that includes an image of your reflection video and an image for each of your peer responses
    • written reflection summary of your Phase 1 video reflection below your screenshot
    • written interview summary or transcript of the interview you conducted with a nurse executive
    • written observations reflection on lessons learned during your observations regarding a “typical day for an administrative nurse”
    • written interview self-assessment of your interviewing performance in addition to what you might do differently next time
    • three screenshots to document your Phase 2 GoReact video reflection, that includes an image of your

reflection video and an image for each of your peer responses

  • written reflection summary of your Phase 2 video reflection below your screenshot
  • written executive summary of key points on the characteristics, competencies, primary responsibilities, education, experience, and skills required for the role of nurse executive
  • three screenshots to document your Phase 3 GoReact video reflection, that includes an image of your

reflection video and an image for each of your peer responses

  • written reflection summary of your Phase 3 video reflection below your screenshot


File Restrictions


File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – .” ‘ ( ) File size limit: 200 MB

File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z





Not applicable.




The “Clinical Practice Experience (CPE) Record” is not provided. Or 1 or more of the required activities were not completed, or any of the activi-


The “Clinical Practice Experience (CPE) Record” is uploaded and all required activities are com- pleted, and each activity is dated.


hItps1/tasks.wgu.edu/student/010203426/course/26100009/task/2249/overview                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2/3

7/29/22, 5:22 PM

ties are not dated. Or the verifi- cation of activities being com- pleted is not signed by the candidate.



WGU Performance Assessment

The form is signed by the candidate.


GoReact Instructions.docx CPE Record.docx





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