NR 305 Discussion: Reflection on the Nurses Role in Health Assessment

 NR 305 Discussion: Reflection on the Nurses Role in Health Assessment

NR 305 Discussion: Reflection on the Nurses Role in Health Assessment



The purpose of this reflection is for learners to reflect on the nurse’s role in health assessment in various care settings.

Course Outcomes

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This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 1: Demonstrate a head to toe physical assessment. (PO 1)

CO 3: Describe physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual influences on an individual’s health status. (PO 1)

Due Date


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During the assigned week (Sunday the start of the assigned week through Sunday the end of the assigned week):

Posts in the discussion at least two times, and

Posts in the discussion on two different days

Total Points Possible

50 points


Reflection is an activity that involves your deep thought into your own experiences related to the concepts of the week. Answers should be detailed. In reflections students:

Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week

Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates and/or instructor

Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner

Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.

Scholarly sources are NOT required for this reflection

Best Practices include:

Participation early in the week is encouraged to stimulate meaningful discussion among classmates and instructor.

Enter the reflection often during the week to read and learn from posts.

Select different classmates for your reply each week.

Reflection Questions

Reflect on your current or prior practice setting.

Paragraph One: Briefly describe the type(s) of nursing health assessments you commonly perform.

Explain how your nursing health assessments are focused or comprehensive.

Provide examples of key subjective and objective data collected by nurses in this setting.

Paragraph Two: Describe the typical patient population in your practice setting.

What are some special considerations that you have used for obtaining an accurate health history and physical assessment in this patient population?

Examples may include age, lifestyle, financial status, health status, culture, religion, or spiritual practices.


To view the grading criteria/rubric, please click on the 3 dots in the box at the end of the solid gray bar above the discussion board title and then Show Rubric. See Syllabus for Grading Rubric Definitions



Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Answer Post

•Answers the reflection question(s) in a detailed manner applying one or more weekly concept(s),

•Incorporates own experiences relating to weekly concept(s), and

•Reflects about specified time frame indicated in question

28 pts

100% Excellent

Meets all criteria: •Answers the reflection question(s) in a detailed manner applying one or more weekly concept(s), •Incorporates own experiences relating to weekly concept(s), and •Reflects about specified time frame indicated

25 pts

88% Good

Includes all three criteria but answer is not detailed.

22 pts

80% Fair

Meets two of three criteria

11 pts

38% Poor

Meets one of three criteria

0 pts

0% Missing

Does not answer the discussion question(s).
28 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Reply Post

•Replies to a classmate’s and/or instructor’s post,

•Reply post provides additional information or clarification, and

•Reply post adds excellent depth to the discussion.
14 pts

100% Excellent

Replies to a classmate’s and/or instructor’s post by providing additional information or clarification. Reply post adds excellent depth to the discussion.

12 pts

88% Good

Replies to a classmate’s and/or instructor’s post by providing additional information or clarification. Reply post adds good depth to the discussion.

11 pts

80% Fair

Replies to a classmate’s and/or instructor’s post. Limited information or clarification provided. Brief reply post adds fair depth to the discussion.

5 pts

38% Poor

Replies to a classmate’s and/or instructor’s post. Reply does not provide additional information or clarification. Brief reply post does not add depth to the discussion.

0 pts

0% Missing

No reply post to classmates or instructor.
14 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Communicates Professionally

All posts:

•are clear and concise,

•are respectful, civil, and caring, and

•contain excellent English grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
8 pts

100% Excellent

All posts are clear, concise, respectful, civil, and caring. Posts contain excellent English grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.

7 pts

88% Good

All posts are clear, concise, respectful, civil, and caring. Posts contain good English grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.

6 pts

80% Fair

All posts are respectful, civil, and caring but are not clear or concise. Posts contain fair English grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.

3 pts

38% Poor

All posts are not clear and concise, AND contain poor English grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.

0 pts

0% Missing

All posts are not respectful, civil, and caring.

8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Participation

During the assigned week (Sunday the start of the assigned week through Sunday the end of the assigned week):

•Posts in the discussion at least two times, and

•Posts in the discussion on two different days
0 pts

No Points Deducted

During the assigned week (Sunday the start of the assigned week through Sunday the end of the assigned week): •Posts in the discussion at least two times, and •Posts in the discussion on two different days

0 pts

Points Deducted (-5 Points)

During the assigned week (Sunday the start of the assigned week through Sunday the end of the assigned week): •Does NOT post in the discussion at least two times AND/OR •Does NOT post in the discussion on two different days

0 pts

Total Points: 50


A Sample Of This Assignment Written By One Of Our Top-rated Writers

Reflection on the Nurse’s Role in Health Assessment

Nursing assessment is an important component of nurses’ work in caring for different populations. We perform several types of nursing assessment in my current practice setting. They include initial assessment, focused assessment, time-lapsed assessment, and emergency assessment. Initial assessment helps the nurse to understand the nature and origin of the problem. Focused assessment entails full analysis and treating of a patient’s problem. The nurse monitors the patient closely and addresses emerging health problems as needed.

Time-lapsed assessment entails the evaluation of the patient’s reaction to the developed treatment plan. Nurses perform emergency assessment during emergency procedures to promote optimum functioning (Egilsdottir et al., 2019; Fusner et al., 2020). The nursing health assessments are comprehensive. They focus on the different health factors that may contribute to the patient’s problem and recovery. They not only focus on the disease but also other factors such as culture, lifestyle, behaviors, and social support systems that influence recovery. Some of the subjective data include presenting complaint, history of the presenting illness, medical and surgical histories, and family history of heritable conditions (Tan et al., 2021). Objective data include vital signs and information obtained through inspection, palpation, auscultation, and percussion.

The typical patient population in my practice site is the middle-aged adults aged between 40 and 60 years. This population seeks healthcare services for a range of health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, pneumonia, and injuries among others. The population is mainly middle-income earners with mixed ethnic backgrounds. It is also educated, employed, and has medical insurance coverage. Some of the special considerations that I have used to obtain an accurate health history and physical assessment in this population are being aware of its cultural values, beliefs, and practices. I strive to understand the different cultural influences that must be incorporated into the treatment plan. The other consideration is ensuring their active participation in their assessment (Burgener, 2020). Active participation builds their confidence and empowers them to examine and manage their health problems.


Burgener, A. M. (2020). Enhancing Communication to Improve Patient Safety and to Increase Patient Satisfaction. The Health Care Manager, 39(3), 128.

Egilsdottir, H. Ö., Byermoen, K. R., Moen, A., & Eide, H. (2019). Revitalizing physical assessment in undergraduate nursing education – what skills are important to learn, and how are these skills applied during clinical rotation? A cohort study. BMC Nursing, 18(1), 41.

Fusner, S. M., Moots, H., O’Brien, T., & Sinnott, L. T. (2020). Faculty Perceptions of the Importance of Physical Assessment Skills Taught in Prelicensure Nursing Education. Nurse Educator, 45(5), 248.

Tan, M. W., Lim, F. P., Siew, A. ling, Levett-Jones, T., Chua, W. L., & Liaw, S. Y. (2021). Why are physical assessment skills not practiced? A systematic review with implications for nursing education. Nurse Education Today, 99, 104759.

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