NRS 428 Community Teaching Plan on Obesity Teaching Experience Analysis Paper

NRS 428 Community Teaching Plan on Obesity Teaching Experience Analysis Paper

NRS 428 Community Teaching Plan on Obesity Teaching Experience Analysis Paper

This disease prevention and health promotion series was accomplished in tandem with the developed teaching and health education plan. This event focused on the Alma Atta’s Health for all Global initiative of prevention of illness and promotion of wellness. The focus was on the prevention of hypertension with the key audience being young adults of age 21-30 years. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the valuable experiences and challenges during the enlightenment of the audience on a healthy hypertension-free lifestyle. The paper will reiterate the pertinent issues highlighted in the teaching work plan and gauge the impact on the session by highlighting responses from the audience. This will help spur an improvement in the subsequent community teaching sessions.


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Summary of the Teaching Plan

Proper planning and adequate preparation are steps in the right direction toward delivering an impactful lesson. The teaching plan was meticulously drawn with the main focus being on the young adults who were the target audience. The project was planned to take 45 minutes at the local community social hall. The budget was USD 35 mainly to be used for printing teaching materials like pamphlets. The target audience was 21-30-year-old young adults because the prevalence of hypertension increases with age. The teaching plan shows a clear epidemiological rationale for the selection of the target audience.

The plan identifies the connectivism learning theory as the most appropriate for this audience as it ignites interaction with the teacher, and spurs individualized critical thinking as one is stimulated to identify their deficiencies and feed their curiosity. It was generally a learner-centered teaching process. The teaching plan shows the goals, planned evaluation of objectives, outcomes, and the teaching process. Readiness to learn assessment was planned to be through the attendance, knowledge exuded, and the emotional capacity of the audience. It offers the modality of delivering the project focusing on the communication and expected challenges during the process. The presentation involved the audience identifying the risk factors for hypertension, exploring the role of diet and exercise in the prevention of hypertension, the symptoms, and the implications of hypertension at an individual level, community level, and national level. This teaching plan aims at inducing critical thinking and gauging the audience’s interaction with their environment and participation in the teaching process. The plan emphasized therapeutic communication that aimed at using both verbal and non-verbal cues to drive points while captivating the attention and the understanding of the audience.

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Epidemiological Rationale for Topic

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of morbidity, mortality, and disability worldwide (Roth et al., 2020). Hypertension is considered a major risk factor for stroke and Ischemic Heart Disease which are the major causes of mortality. Close to half of the US adult population is afflicted directly by high blood pressure. This proportion represents an absolute value of approximately 116 million US citizens (CDC, 2020). Hypertension in itself is a major contributor to mortalities (CDC, 2020). Among the cases of hypertension, 76% of the cases have poorly controlled blood pressure (CDC, 2020). Hypertension has previously been described as a silent killer because it shows no symptoms and most people are often caught unawares both in the early stages of hypertension and even the advanced stages in a few of the cases (Kalehoff & Oparil, 2020). This calls for regular blood pressure monitoring in all the risk groups as regular as yearly for people with high risk (Muntner et al., 2019). The non-modifiable risk factors for hypertension include the black race, advancement in age (age >65 years), and family history. The modifiable factors are influenced by an individual’s environment. They include cigarette smoking, alcohol use, obesity, high salt intake, lack of physical exercise, diabetes, and excessive consumption of refined sugars which may, directly and indirectly, lead to hypertension (Princewel et al., 2019). The incidence and prevalence of obesity and diabetes are exponentially rising among young adults in the US due to the adoption of unhealthy lifestyles with excessive consumption of junk and sedentary lifestyles. This project aims at educating the public on this health issue to promote well-being.

Evaluation of Teaching Experience

The evaluation of the experience is looked into from two perspectives. The subjective position involves my reflection and the objective perspective which looks into the response to the teaching and the audience’s valuation of the experience through the anonymous questionnaire and comments. First, I had postulated an audience of 30 people but had a pleasant surprise of 57 attendees which was awesome. Secondly, the majority of my audience were active. They listened actively by asking questions and contributing ideas for lifestyle modification. The audience exuded adequate knowledge of the subject matter. The experience of handling young adults can be both exciting and depressing. The audience grasped the concepts so fast. The 45 minutes that I had planned for this teaching project seemed too little as I had to rash the program towards the end. There were however a small group of rowdy young people who came in drunk. They asked provocative questions and made a lot of noise making others feel insecure. This is the downside of working with a relatively young audience. However, I was able to handle fairly the rowdy group who showed little interest in learning and getting in control of the situation. Apart from these sideshows, the teaching was able to proceed as scheduled. Generally, the audience was able to understand hypertension from its risk factors, symptoms, and strategies for the prevention of hypertension. When I asked questions at the end, they were able to reproduce this knowledge. One week after the teaching project, during the evaluation of the impact of the teaching project within the community, I noted an increase in the number of community members enrolment in the local gymnasium. There were 18 new enrolments. I also noted an increase in the average purchase of groceries from one of the local grocery stores. This I was able to confirm through the manager who allowed me to access and compare the amount sold per day before and after the teaching project. From the analysis of the anonymously filled online questionnaires, a large proportion of the attendees were very satisfied with the presentation and applauded the clarity of the presentation. They also noted that they learned a lot of things that would positively impact their lifestyle. A majority also saw a need to modify their lifestyles by cutting junk food, embracing organic food, and establishing weekly exercise schedules. All the objectives of the teaching program were achieved.

Community Response to Teaching

            Lack of prior knowledge on the subject matter by the audience was my most feared barrier to effective teaching when I was developing my teaching plan. However, this proved not to be a challenge as I used a systematic and expansive approach to explain the points. The audience also applied knowledge they had gained through their interaction with the environment. Interacting with peers proved so easy as they were able to concentrate and contribute to the discussion until the end. They were enthusiastic to learn about hypertension and were happy to receive the pamphlets. A majority showed interest in adopting an exercise routine and healthy eating habits. The anonymous evaluation questionnaires showed a very high level of satisfaction among the audience in the manner the topic was delivered with clarity. Although not everyone in the audience commented or gave feedback, the majority expressed that the session was very enlightening and profitable.

Areas of Strengths and Areas of Improvement

            I approached the sessions very well prepared with knowledge of hypertension and having studied my audience. I perused through literature that gave me a proper shape-up on presentation skills. I also prepared materials like leaflets and pamphlets for the audience. These materials provided a visual aspect of the topic and enhanced understanding among the audience. I was able to maintain decorum with appropriate language and temper in the face of the rowdy behavior exhibited by a group of young men. I generally excelled based on my knowledge of the topic, presentation skills, and emotional intelligence. Using the local community social hall as opposed to a church or any other religious facility proved to be a strength as it freely allowed people from all walks of faith to attend without feeling intimidated.

            Despite excelling in the presentation, I noticed some weaknesses that caused hitches. Despite having adequate knowledge of the topic, I still find it challenging to plan my presentation. I slotted-only 45 minutes for the topic. This proved to be too little to adequately tackle this health issue. We ended up spending two hours in the discussion. Time management is something I should improve on. I still feel some kind of social anxiety just before starting the presentation. This made me a little confused and almost threw me off balance. Although I was able to adjust, this is something I should work on. I also noticed that there are particular points I must give adequate time and extra attention to help bring out a critical concept. Although there is nothing wrong with settling on young adults as the target audience, I believe a mixed audience would also be appropriate because this knowledge needs to be understood by all ages. Next time I would want to try a mixed audience and capitalize on my strengths while improving on my weaknesses to actualize another community teaching project.


            This paper provides a summary of my experience during the community teaching project. The topic discussed was the prevention and the risk factors of hypertension with the target audience being young adults. The paper provides an evaluation of the teaching response and shows the response of the audience to the teaching. This evaluation provides me with a template that I can use to improve both my practical skills in teaching and theory skills in the acquisition of medical knowledge. This was one of my first presentations of this kind and I enjoyed it as much as I learned valuable skills. I have learned about my strengths and weaknesses which I will use to invent potential strategies that would improve my teaching. Remember a nurse is a teacher and I must continually work towards the realization and the perfection of this important gift.


CDC. (2020, February 25). Facts About Hypertension. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Kalehoff, J. P., & Oparil, S. (2020). The Story of the Silent Killer. Current Hypertension Reports, 22(9).

Muntner, P., Shimbo, D., Carey, R. M., Charleston, J. B., Gaillard, T., Misra, S., Myers, M. G., Ogedegbe, G., Schwartz, J. E., Townsend, R. R., Urbina, E. M., Viera, A. J., White, W. B., & Wright, J. T. (2019). Measurement of Blood Pressure in Humans: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Hypertension, 73(5).

Roth, G. A., Mensah, G. A., Johnson, C. O., Addolorato, G., Ammirati, E., Baddour, L. M., Barengo, N. C., Beaton, A. Z., Benjamin, E. J., Benziger, C. P., Bonny, A., Brauer, M., Brodmann, M., Cahill, T. J., Carapetis, J., Catapano, A. L., Chugh, S. S., Cooper, L. T., Coresh, J., & Criqui, M. (2020). Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risk Factors, 1990-2019: Update From the GBD 2019 Study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 76(25), 2982–3021.


Note: This is an individual assignment. In 1,500-2,000 words, describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. The written portion of this assignment should include:

1.Summary of teaching plan
2.Epidemiological rationale for topic
3.Evaluation of teaching experience
4.Community response to teaching
5.Areas of strengths and areas of improvement
You are required to cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines 7th edition
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