NRS 434 Environmental Factors And Health Promotion Pamphlet
Injuries to children and teenagers are not always unavoidable. Accidents and the injuries they inflict do not happen at random. There are injury patterns that take into account a person’s age, the environment in which children and teenagers live, and the activities they engage in. A better understanding of the sources of damage can help in the development of effective preventive strategies. Injuries can be reduced by a variety of educational, environmental, and regulatory initiatives. We must take advantage of these chances to save lives and improve the health of children and young people in the UK.
Given the importance of injuries to this age group for worldwide public health, it is remarkable that so few feasible remedies have been thoroughly examined. Furthermore, many preventative interventions that have been proved to be successful have been underutilized. However, we are aware of some successful interventions and others that we believe may be successful. In this chapter, we attempt to distill the essence of injury prevention by first providing an overview of the primary approaches. The specific therapies and strategies that have been demonstrated to work are then discussed. The larger context of the laws and cultures that effect injury is then explained. Finally, we connect the numerous threads in order to analyze what is still required for more effective preventive action in the UK.
Strategies for preventing injuries
Children and young people’s injuries are an issue because of how complicated and varied they are. Examples of such injuries include a toddler reaching up in a kitchen and dragging down a mug of hot tea, an 8-year-old breaking her leg after falling from a climbing frame in a playground, or a 12-year-old pedestrian suffering several wounds after being struck by a car. These various types of harm occur in various locations and each has a variety of potential remedies, according to NRS 434 Environmental Factors And Health Promotion Pamphlet. When examining potential preventative measures, it is important to keep in mind the complexity of the elements that contribute to injury, including the child’s or young person’s, parent’s, and family traits, as well as the environment, social deprivation, and risk exposure.
Although there might be a lot of overlap in practice, there are generally three main approaches to prevention: education, environmental alteration, and regulation and its enforcement.
Part II: Pamphlet Sharing Experience
- Share the pamphlet you have developed with a parent of an infant child. The parent may be a person from your neighborhood, a parent of an infant from a child-care center in your community, or a parent from another organization, such as a church group with which you have an affiliation.
NRS 434 Environmental Factors And Health Promotion Pamphlet - Provide a written summary of the teaching / learning interaction. Include in your summary:
- Demographical information of the parent and child (age, gender, ethnicity, educational level).
- Description of parent response to teaching.
- Assessment of parent understanding.
- Your impressions of the experience; what went well, what can be improved.
Submit Part I and Part II of the Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants assignment by the end of Topic 1.
Also Check Out:
Part I: Pamphlet
- Develop a pamphlet to inform parents and caregivers about environmental factors that can affect the health of infants.
- Use the “Pamphlet Template” document to help you create your pamphlet. Include the following:
- Select an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants.
- Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants.
- Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants.
- Offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. A minimum of three scholarly resources are required.
- Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each resource.
- In developing your pamphlet, take into consideration the healthcare literacy level of your target audience.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
according to NRS 434 Environmental Factors And Health Promotion Pamphlet, you are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Please use the attached Templates to the assignment.
NRS 434V Week 2 Discussion 1
Child abuse and maltreatment is not limited to a particular age and can occur in the infant, toddler, preschool, and school-age years. Choose one of the four age groups (infant, toddler, preschool, or school age) and discuss the types of abuse that are most often seen in this age. Discuss any warning signs or physical or emotional assessment findings that the nurse may notice that could indicate child abuse. Discuss cultural differences in health practices that can be misinterpreted as child abuse. Describe your state’s reporting mechanism and nurse responsibilities for reporting suspected child abuse.
NRS 434 Environmental Factors And Health Promotion Pamphlet
Assessment of environmental processes includes agents and factors that predispose communities and populations to injury, illness, and death. These factors are not always visible to those in positions to educate or affect change. View the video: “Lunchbox Differences in Decile 1 and Decile 10 Schools.” The video can be accessed using the following link:
Describe the concerns depicted by researchers. What relationship does this have to injury, illness, and death in the school-aged child?
Traditionally education in this field has been seen in an excessively narrow way. Critics of its effectiveness have chosen to focus on changing individual decision making by children and parents, such as campaigns to increase bicycle helmet use and road safety education programmes. But, education also encompasses the education of professionals and policy makers and can include lobbying and advocacy. It also shapes the culture by developing the beliefs and attitudes of the general public, that create the imperatives for governments to act.
Environmental modification or engineering involves the design of products or of the built environment to reduce the potential for injury. Large scale measures adopted in urban traffic safety schemes can include measures to redistribute traffic and reduce its speed, and safety improvements in individual roads can be implemented. On a smaller scale, physical barriers, such as window bars, can prevent children from falling. Bicycle helmets and protective equipment, such as mouth guards for rugby players, can reduce the consequences of head or facial injuries.
Legislation or regulation can be used to reinforce safety practices. At one end of the spectrum these approaches include a single action that offers passive protection to vulnerable recipients. Examples include the control of nightwear flammability and design changes to banisters. Avery and Jackson provide a useful summary of children’s products covered by regulations or standards in the UK. At the other end of the spectrum, legislative approaches can require repetitive action—for example, the use of car seat belts or bicycle helmets. Intermediate between the two are child resistant containers to prevent poisoning and fencing of domestic swimming pools, each of which offer a degree of passive protection when used correctly.
What interventions and methods have been shown to be effective?
In 1986 a World Health Organisation (WHO) report highlighted the fact that, despite the worldwide importance of unintentional injuries, there was a lack of studies that evaluated the effectiveness of preventive measures. In the decade since the WHO review there has been considerable growth, both in primary studies and in systematic reviews of effectiveness. NRS 434 Environmental Factors And Health Promotion Pamphlet states that this section draws on these reviews of the evidence and summarises what has been found to work in the road, home, leisure, and work environments, and in broader community based interventions.