Nursing inter-professional communication assignment: Nursing inter-professional communication assignment : Read the Met call Transcript bellow, prepare a written report (~1000 words) including:
- Identification of four (4) examples of effective or ineffective teamwork and/or communication in the scenario. This can be presented in a table or as dot points.
- Discussion, using the literature, about how each identified example of effective/ineffective teamwork and/or communication can impact on the:
◦ Patient (approx. 300 words, informed by 2-3 references)
◦ Staff (approx. 300 words, informed by 2-3 references)
Organisation (approx. 300 words, informed by 2-3 references).
Nursing inter-professional communication assignment
Read the transcripts bellow and uses these resources as your references to answer the report.
Starting references are provided below to assist you with beginning your student report/CAP. Please note, however, that you are expected to find and include additional references in your report.