Nursing Residency Program Essay

Nursing Residency Program Essay

Most individuals take a significant professional leap after graduating from nursing school. Medical professionals choose to follow various career options and areas of focus outside of the hospital. Many hospitals and clinics have residency programs for new nurses to ease their way into the workforce. Students transitioning into the nursing profession often find this to be a trying time. Newly qualified nurses can ease into their careers with the help of a residency program that offers continuing education (Perron et al., 2019). Examining the educational objectives, making suggestions for improving the curriculum, and evaluating the structure and methodology used all play a part in this evaluation of a nurse residency program. This paper aims to analyze the residency program target population, mission, professional standards in the program, and learning outcomes.

The Intended Learner Population

The nursing residency program targets new graduate nurses. The residency program for nurses is completed within a healthcare facility. This system covers four distinct medical facilities, each with its own unique set of fields. Nursing graduates work in such areas as medical-surgical care, oncology, psychiatry, the operating theatre, the emergency department, and gynecology and delivery. The newly licensed RNs have graduated and are less than six months into their careers. These nurses are put to work immediately in a hospital ward, after which they will have twelve weeks of training. Nurses will also spend the next nine months in a training program, including orientation and clinical rotations. This initiative is necessary to aid the healthcare sector in training and to keep recent nursing graduates (Wildermuth et al., 2020). Monthly classes covering different topics and skills help facilitate the journey from learner to a healthcare professional. These classes help recent nursing grads feel more comfortable in their practice responsibilities. The program’s goals are to reduce turnover rates in the nursing field, boost leadership abilities, and improve decision-making processes.

Mission Statement and Course Descriptions

The mission of this program is to help recently graduated RNs become productive members of society by fostering their potential in the areas of education, efficiency, competence, and career development (Wolford et al., 2019). A new topic will be covered each month in this course. The program coordinator, in consultation with clinical educators, decides curriculum topics. Normal topics include role-playing a code-blue situation, learning how to start an Intravenous and use a pump, and discussing legal issues in nursing. Covid-19 standards, safety practices, care, and multidisciplinary partnerships are other topics that have been addressed in light of current demand. The nurses in this initiative are expected to deliver an improved skill plan at the end of the program, comprised of evidence-based learning and small group discussions (Perron et al., 2019).

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Professional Standards, Guidelines, and Competencies

The Nurse Residency Program meets the criteria for a Professional Transition Program as established by the ANCC. The criteria, procedures, and competencies needed by the nursing profession are all laid out for the residency program. The American Nurses Credentialing Center establishes these worldwide requirements for residency programs that prepare RNs and APRNs for professional practice (ANCC, 2020). Nurses in this system are instructed to provide care based on the needs of their patients. To help new nurses learn about the value they bring to care delivery, the program facilitates their communication with leaders in the field. Nurses can think about a patient’s needs from various angles thanks to training in interdisciplinary teamwork and cross-departmental teams. Nurses need to learn several ways to interact to better comprehend patients’ dignity, individual needs, and priorities.

Modules centered on evidence-based practice are used to consolidate and direct education in the nursing residency program. When the nursing staff fully grasp the concept of evidence-based practice, they will be able to incorporate it into their clinical work effectively. In the course of their enhancement program, they will use various data sources to collect evidence. By sharing the results of their research, their classmates will have the opportunity to assess whether any modifications to current procedures are warranted (Wildermuth et al., 2020). It also enables the program coordinator to collaborate with the department’s instructors in pairing newly qualified nurses with a mentor for the duration of their training.  These mentors serve as a primary source of information for newly qualified nurses, but they are also able to provide information on supplementary resources. The student nurse can benefit from this partnership by receiving constructive criticism from her mentor, considering this information as they plan for their professional growth.

Learning Outcomes

The program coordinator developed the residency program curriculum in consultation with the department nurse trainers. In order for newly licensed nurses to be able to create objectives, it is crucial that the decided-upon information is effectively communicated. Learner objectives must be put into action if the priorities of the specified material and courses are to be communicated to students (Chant & Westendorf, 2019). These results serve as both a guide to the program’s structure and a benchmark by which its success may be measured. Upon completion of the residency program, newly licensed nurses will be able to recognize important players in the patient care team and use appropriate communication skills while interacting with them. Patient-centered care is displayed through the utilization of interdisciplinary team capabilities through the provision of course-related education.

A key component of the curriculum is the instruction of effective methods of communication for use by newly licensed nurses in their interactions with other healthcare team members. After finishing their training, new nurses will be able to successfully demonstrate their skill in presenting an evidence-based practice project and understand how to implement their plan (Wildermuth et al., 2020). This result is a direct result of nursing education that emphasizes the use of evidence-based practice. The newly graduated nurses study the application of evidence-based initiatives in healthcare and do independent studies on potential areas for enhancement. The new graduate nurse and their mentor will work together over the training time to incorporate input into practice and grow professionally. An experienced nurse can serve as a mentor to a recent nursing grad. As a result, the new graduate nurse is able to maintain contact with an experienced nurse on the same unit long after the formal orientation has ended.

Recommendation For Process Updates

Every healthcare program eventually reaches a crossroads wherein crucial decisions about what data to use moving forward must be made. Although the current curriculum needs to be adapted to new teaching methods, adherence to professional norms and the institution’s framework is essential. Using the Ottawa Model for Nursing Curriculum Renewal will facilitate an organic relationship between the nursing residency program’s curriculum renewal, institutional variables, and internal and external drivers (Jager et al., 2020). Nursing schools can use the Ottawa Model to pinpoint internal and external factors contributing to the revitalization process. Expenditures and manpower, existing collaborations and partnerships, intellectual freedom, internal program assessment, and organizational changes are all examples of internal variables that institutions must consider. These elements usually have something to do with the program’s surroundings (Jager et al., 2020).

Regulation, practice standards, program certification, national healthcare adjustments, demographic shifts, and evolving patient needs are all examples of exogenous forces that might spur revitalization. The program moves into a planning phase as a result of these considerations, during which time faculty interest is gauged, groups are established to set objectives and a timeframe, and a theoretical basis for transformation is developed. The panel will define its goals and priorities during this phase, as well as evaluate the current program and make any necessary adjustments, secure permission for such adjustments, and put them into effect. The curriculum’s efficacy in producing the targeted results and its influence on both the internal and external environments are evaluated during this final, non-definitive phase of the process (Jager et al., 2020). With the implementation of the Ottawa Model, the nursing residency program will be able to maintain a dynamic educational framework. The nurse residency program can place emphasis on the ways in which advanced degrees in nursing can improve the quality of care provided to patients, the nursing workforce, and the healthcare system organizing design and theoretical framework.

Organizational Design and Framework

Work-integrated education as a theoretical framework was used to provide the basis for the nurse residency program. The work-integrated approach allows students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-world situations by drawing on their skills. As a result of using this resource, newly graduated nurses can study in both the classroom and in their respective clinical settings. The nursing profession has evolved over time to focus more on individual patients (Berndtsson et al., 2020). Rising multiethnic and elderly populations have increased pressure on the nursing workforce. Increases in the cost of providing care, the number of people needing healthcare, the sophistication of that care, and the number of people expecting to pay for it all have put pressure on healthcare systems. As a result of this change, patients now have the status of engaged clientele in the healthcare industry. There has been an increase and encouragement of patient participation. Because of this, patients are seeing a greater number of doctors and nurses who work together to ease the transition from the hospital to home.

Nurses now have more authority to make determinations and instruct patients’ loved ones. The growing responsibilities of nurses underscore the importance of nursing education that focuses on preparing students to work in today’s healthcare systems (Berndtsson et al., 2020). Work-based learning integration is a common strategy for responding to this need. Using this notion, academic study can be applied directly to the business world. It integrates educational activities with work placement, giving students multiple opportunities to demonstrate what they have learned. As a result of work-integrated learning’s use in nursing school, newly licensed nurses are more competent and well-prepared. This idea enables the recent graduate to start building experience right away, to keep asking questions as they learn, and to receive constructive criticism on their work. Nurses are encouraged to use professional judgment by focusing on the reasons behind their actions (Berndtsson et al., 2020).

Overview of the History of Nursing Residency Program

A standardized nurse residency program for preparing bachelor’s degree nurses for the workforce was developed in 2000 via a collaboration between the American Association of Colleges of Nursing and the University Health System Association. In 2002, the first cohort of nurses in the Nurse Residency Program were trained at six locations around the United States. Before this, there were no standardized nurse training programs. The residency was designed after the program’s designers read extensively on the topic of first jobs for recent college grads and came to the conclusion that such individuals required at least one year of work experience to boost their chances of success. Individuals in the program get together once a month to talk about their progress and hear from a guest speaker, such a pain specialist. The residents also work on a patient care improvement initiative based on the best available scientific information.

Work-integrated education is utilized in this teaching program during the initial year of patient care and throughout any required orientation. In order to better serve patients, nurses are given the opportunity to broaden their understanding of nursing practices and theory through the nursing program. The nurses are able to practice their skills in a controlled setting where they can ask questions and act out scenarios. In addition, during their time with a seasoned mentor in the profession, the participants’ classroom learning is integrated with what they have learned on the job (Berndtsson et al., 2020). This means there will always be an experienced nurse on the floor for the new graduates to consult with and learn from. This program includes a skills inventory to help nurses connect classroom learning and real-world experience. Nurses can then use this body of information in their work.

In nursing, formation entails more than just teaching social skills. The process of becoming a nurse entails formation, which is the cultivation of nursing-specific thinking and behavior patterns. Nursing, like the clergy, the technical and medical fields, and even medicine, requires extensive training and education. Formation happens when students gain knowledge, skillful capabilities, and insights into the conceptions of the good that are important to nursing practice. Cultivation of a method of seeing, of drawing on one’s store of information and one’s expertise, of being and doing in one’s everyday life and the world. Transitioning into the position of RN is a lengthy process that encompasses all the ideas taught in the NRP curriculum.


The high turnover rate in the nursing profession can be reduced by implementing this curriculum, which will also boost nurses’ ability to think critically and take the initiative. Clinical guidance, improved performance through evidence-based initiatives, and patient-centered care development are all goals of the program. The program offers a wide variety of classes designed to help students achieve their goals by adhering to the ANCC’s criteria and recommendations. This program could see ongoing progress due to the interplay of internal and external influences. The newest members of the workforce are increasingly able to integrate their knowledge of theory and practice through the use of work-integrated learning as a pedagogical instrument. With the help of this residency program, recently graduated nurses can gain the experience they need to enter the workforce with self-assurance.



Berndtsson, I., Dahlborg, E., & Pennbrant, S. (2020). Work-integrated learning as a pedagogical tool to integrate theory and practice in nursing education–An integrative literature review. Nurse Education in Practice42, 102685.

Chant, K. J., & Westendorf, D. S. (2019). Nurse residency programs: Key components for sustainability. Journal For Nurses in Professional Development35(4), 185-192.

Jager, F., Vandyk, A., Jacob, J. D., Meilleur, D., Vanderspank-Wright, B., LeBlanc, B., … & Phillips, J. C. (2020). The Ottawa model for nursing curriculum renewal: An integrative review. Nurse Education Today87, 104344.

Perron, T., Gascoyne, M., Kallakavumkal, T., Kelly, M., & Demagistris, N. (2019). Effectiveness of nurse residency programs. Journal of Nursing Practice Applications & Reviews of Research9(2), 48-52.

Wildermuth, M. M., Weltin, A., & Simmons, A. (2020). Transition experiences of nurses as students and new graduate nurses in a collaborative nurse residency program. Journal of Professional Nursing36(1), 69-75.

Wolford, J., Hampton, D., Tharp-Barrie, K., & Goss, C. (2019). Establishing a nurse residency program to boost new graduate nurse retention. Nursing Management50(3), 44–49.


As a practicing nurse, you have been asked to present an evaluation of a nursing curriculum to a nursing leadership team at your place of employment. They are seeking input on coursework recommendations for CEU fulfillment. The curriculum you select should be of interest to you either personally or professionally.

In this assessment, you will select a nursing curriculum either from an academic setting, such as a school of nursing, or a clinical setting, such as a hospital staff development program. If you are currently teaching, you may wish to use the curriculum from your school or workplace. If you are not currently teaching, you may want to consider using the curriculum from your undergraduate program. If neither is an option, you are encouraged to look for a nursing curriculum you can use as a model for your assessments. One choice might be an orientation curriculum for a clinical facility.

You will evaluate the selected nursing curriculum in detail and describe the organizing design or theoretical framework on which your selected curriculum is based. You will also examine how this design or framework is demonstrated in the curriculum. Possible organizing designs or frameworks include simple-to-complex, stages of illness, nursing conceptual framework, concept-based, outcomes based, competency-based, interdisciplinary, and others.

As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.


How do the mission, values, philosophy, and goals of an institution inform the development of a nursing curriculum?

In your experience, what types of curriculum designs commonly used to develop nursing curricula?

What characteristics of the intended audience for a nursing curriculum should inform development of the curriculum?

What is the difference between curriculum design and a theoretical framework for a nursing program? Should both be identified?


Your overview and analysis of the curriculum should fulfill the following:

Identify an appropriate nursing curriculum, the intended learner population, and why it is needed.

Provide the mission statement and course descriptions for all courses in a selected curriculum.

Describe the established professional standards, guidelines, and competencies incorporated in the program.

Describe the student learning outcomes of a selected nursing program.

Recommend a process to update health care knowledge in a selected nursing curriculum.

Explain how an organizing design and theoretical framework or model is demonstrated within a selected nursing curriculum.

Provide an overview of the history of a selected organizing design and theoretical framework or model.

Describe the major concepts of a selected organizing design and theoretical framework or model.

You will use this assessment to complete Assessment 3. Be sure to incorporate the feedback you receive before adding this assessment to Assessment 3.

Additional Requirements

References: Include references from at least three peer-reviewed journal articles, cited in proper APA format.

Length of analysis: The analysis should be 5-7 pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page, and it must follow proper APA style and formatting.

Appendix: You may use an appendix for appropriate material, such as individual course descriptions. The appendix will not be included in the page count for the analysis.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.



The Practical Nursing program consists of 1596 hours of instruction (77 quarter credit hours) and is available in two sessions. The Early Day session requires fifteen months for completion on the basis of approximately 28 hours of instruction per week. The Evening session requires twenty-one months for completion on the basis of approximately 20 hours of instruction per week.

This program intensively covers nursing theory and clinical functions practiced by practical nurses. Students will develop an understanding of anatomy, physiology, medical terminology, nursing fundamentals, nursing skills, pharmacology, mental health, medical- surgical nursing, and maternal and child health. Concepts involving the Nursing Process, critical thinking, therapeutic communication, legal, ethical and cultural issues, the health care system and the role of the licensed practical nurse are explored. Health care, prevention and the wellness/illness continuum are integrated throughout the curriculum. Laboratory practice is conducted to enhance the learning process. Students will have hands- on experience to prepare for performance in the clinical settings and future nursing practice. Clinical rotations at various medical facilities are scheduled each term. The maximum number of students being taught in any one classroom or lab is 30. Clinical rotations are taught in groups of no more than 10.

The Practical Nursing lab classrooms are equipped with hospital beds and nursing skills mannequins and the same kinds of medical supplies currently in use in physician’s offices, hospitals, clinics and long-term care facilities. Students work with assessment tools and equipment for procedures, i.e. blood pressure cuffs, stethoscopes, catheters, needles and syringes, dressings, feeding tubes, IV therapy tubes, etc. A variety of anatomical charts and models supplement the learning environment.

Students must have completed (attended) a minimum of 1512 of the 1596 hours in their program in order to graduate. In order to practice as a practical nurse in the State of Connecticut, one must graduate from an approved Practical Nursing program and pass the National Council of State Boards of Nursing Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN).

Graduates of the Practical Nursing program will have sufficient knowledge and skills for entry-level employment as a nurse in long-term care facilities, medical offices, hospitals, clinics and other allied health environments once they pass the NCLEX-PN.

Required Instruments, Tools, Books, & Supplies

There are certain tools, books and supplies that students will need to successfully master the skills and information taught in their program. For the most part, this equipment consists of items that will also be used when the student graduates and begins work in the occupation for which he or she has been prepared.


The Student Services Fee covers all books, tools, instruments, uniforms, supplies, and other materials that the students will receive from PCI during the course of their attendance in their program. (Any E-books issued are usually permanent once the student downloads them to their device. On-line access is usually limited to one year commencing with the day the E-book is activated. E-book access limits are based on publisher requirements and not within PCI’s control. E-book license limits are subject to change by the publisher without notice.) The amount of the Student Services Fee is specified at the time the student submits his or her application. Even if costs increase, students will never pay more than the fee specified in their Enrollment Agreement.

Quarter Credit Clock

Hours Hours

Term I 15 317

Nursing Fundamentals I 2000 Life Science I 2002

Clinical Experience I 2003

Quarter Credit Clock

Nursing Fundamentals II 2001

Nursing Perspectives Throughout the Lifespan I 2100 Nursing Perspectives Throughout the Lifespan II 2101 Life Science II 2102

Clinical Experience II A 2103A

Quarter Credit Clock

Hours Hours

Term III 16 309

Medical-Surgical Nursing I 2300 Medical-Surgical Nursing II 2301 Pharmacology I 2104

Clinical Experience II B 2103B

Maternal-Child Nursing 2400 Clinical Experience III 2303

Quarter Credit Clock

Hours Hours

Term V 14 322

Mental Health Nursing 2401

Practical Nurse Seminar 2402

Clinical Experience IV 2403


Quarter Credit Clock

Hours Hours

Term I 12 222

Nursing Fundamentals I 2000 Life Science I 2002

Clinical Experience I 2003A

Quarter Credit Clock

Hours Hours

Term II 11 221

Nursing Fundamentals II 2001 Life Science II 2102

Clinical Experience I 2003B

Quarter Credit Clock

Hours Hours

Term III 12 233

Nursing Perspectives Throughout the Lifespan I 2100 Nursing Perspectives Throughout the Lifespan II 2101 Pharmacology I 2104

Clinical Experience II A 2103A

Quarter Credit Clock

Hours Hours

Term IV 11 234

Medical-Surgical Nursing I 2300 Pharmacology II 2302

Clinical Experience II B 2103B

Quarter Credit Clock Hours Hours

Term V 11 232

Medical-Surgical Nursing II 2301 Mental Health Nursing 2401 Clinical Experience III 2303A

Quarter Credit Clock

Hours Hours

Term VI 10 225

Maternal-Child Nursing 2400 Clinical Experience III 2303B Clinical Experience IV 2403A

Quarter Credit Clock

Hours Hours

Term VII 10 229

Practical Nurse Seminar 2402 Clinical Experience IV 2403B

Nursing Fundamentals I 2000 This course is a foundation for all nursing practice and skills. It combines the development of personal growth and transition to the Practical Nurse program with the exploration of the Practical Nurse’s role within the health care delivery system. It highlights basic nursing concepts from simple to complex. The Nursing Process will be identified as the basis for maintenance and promotion of physical, emotional, social and spiritual health in a multicultural society. The beginning concepts of health and variations that can affect a client’s ability to perform self-care will be explored. (5 hr.) Paired with 2003 (days) and 2003A (evenings)

Nursing Fundamentals II 2001 This course is a continuation of Nursing Fundamentals I and is designed to build on that

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