Patient Satisfaction Quality Improvement Project: Culture of Safety, Caring and Collaboration
Please utilize power point file as a reference for this assignment. If you have questions, please let me know. Thanks.
Patient Satisfaction Quality Improvement Project: Culture of Safety, Caring and Collaboration
Making detailed plans for implementation is crucial in successfully leading change. Taking into consideration how changes affect others promotes a caring and collaborative environment. For nurse leaders not only is the safety of patients of primary concern but also the safety of the staff.
*** Write 900 words and create graphics that depict the following:
- Stakeholders and departments affected by the quality improvement project.
- Interdisciplinary teams: physicians, HR, pharmacists, physical therapists, & other stakeholders to improve care.
- Work with administrators to help them understand nursing practice and how the initiative will improve patient satisfaction.
- Market nursing to other groups, the community, and professions through relationship building; market to the nursing division.
- Build trusting working relationships.
- Trend data that will be used in the action or evaluation phase of the initiative.
- Where and when patient-centered care fits into the implementation phase of the initiative.
- Next steps:
- Findings
- Recommendations
**** There are 4 main BULLETED items with a total of 6 sub-bullets above, all of which must be addressed and explained in detail directly and concisely. Please use examples to address questions.
Cite all sources and APA formatted.