PSY 301 Module 3 Assignment 2 Children and Violence in the Media Recent
Technology surrounds us everywhere. Most individuals, regardless of age, race, gender, or ethnicity, own some type of electronic equipment. This can be in many forms such as a cellular phone, computer, television, or videogame system.
For the past twenty years there has been a long debate on how exposure to violence in video games, television, and movies impacts society, particularly more impressionable young children. Each incidence of violence committed by a young child or adolescent has respired the debate on whether or not there was exposure to violence through the media and whether it had a role in the perpetrator’s actions. In this case, Greg, age 10, is no different.
This paper will examine the effects of media violence on children at Greg’s developmental level, risk and protective measures, outcomes, interventions, and the comparison of video game violence to other forms of violence