PSY 428 Week 4 Learning Team Environmental Proposal
In preparation for this assignment, use the link on the Week Five Course website to access information on the different virtual organizations. Select one of the virtual organizations as the basis for this proposal. It may be helpful to read the Week Five readings.
Prepare a 900 to 1,200-word paper (with an abstract) in which you utilize organizational psychology concepts to make recommendations to improve the environment within your selected virtual organization.
Use four citations, one of which may be from your textbook. Do not use the dictionary, encyclopedia, Wikipedia, magazine, or newspaper; use three additional peer-reviewed journals or academic publications for your other three sources; and remember to include a reference list.
Be sure to address the following items in your paper:
Recommend at least two strategies to create alliances between your selected virtual organization and its networked internal and external stakeholders. Include the strategies in your abstract.
Explain how the differences between leadership and management may affect networking within your selected virtual organization.
Propose an environment that is supportive of team functioning and learning and that allows for sustainable innovation and creativity within your selected virtual organization. Be sure to include the rationale for your proposal.
PSY 428 Week 4 Learning Team PowerPoint Presentation
Prepare a 10 to 12 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with presenter notes illustrating your Environmental Proposal.