HCS 542 WEEK 5
Research Study Proposal–Part III: Methodology Outline
In this week’s individual assignment, we consider the method section of our research proposal. This week, we focus on our sample of participants and what we’ll ask them to do, as well as what specific data we’ll collect and how we plan to analyze it. It can be helpful to read the Method sections of some of the empirical articles you’ve read for class to give you an idea of what this might look like.
Research Study Proposal – Part III: Methodology Outline Instructions:
Select the population, sample size, and data collection methods appropriate for your problem statement and research question.
Develop an outline describing each of the following:
- Your identified target population;
- Your specific sample of participants:
- What/who will comprise your sample(s)?
- How you will find and recruit them?
- How large will your sample(s) be?
- What is your rationale for these decisions, including method for determining your sample size?
- Method for getting the data from the sample:
- What general process will you use to collect the data? (e.g., Where will you collect it? Who will collect it? etc. What is the process you and the participant will go through so you can get the data, in other words?)
- What specific variables and/or comparison groups you will be studying, and how specifically will you measure those variables?
- What instruments or measurements will you use to get the data?
- What specific questions will you ask your participants, if you are using a survey or questionnaire?
- How did you decide on these particular instruments and questions?
- Ethical Considerations
- Plan for data analysis:
- What descriptive and inferential statistics you will gather and calculate with regard to the data?
- What is your rationale for choosing each of these different statistics to look at?
Include the rationales for the various methods and decisions you are using/making, throughout the Research Study Proposal–Part III: Methodology Outline assignment.
Provide citations/references as appropriate to support your ideas, rationales and decisions in the Research Study Proposal–Part III: Methodology Outline assignment.