Tolerating Errors Essay

Tolerating Errors Essay


The selected behavior is tolerating errors. The healthcare sector is one of the areas where there are multiple opportunities for mistakes (Afaya et al., 2021). Sometimes leaders end up tolerating errors, especially those that are minute and do not affect the patient care delivery in a significant way.

Fictitious Example

An example is when the nurses are used to having inadequate follow-up after treatment. There was a time a second-time mother delivered via C-section. However, the patient had a history of preeclampsia in her first pregnancy. However, the second pregnancy was all smooth, and she did not have any signs of preeclampsia all through the pregnancy. The mother had chosen to deliver the baby via elective C-section. Everything was successful during the surgery, and the mother did not have any adverse signs or symptoms. She was discharged on the second day to recover from home. However, the nurses were supposed to follow up on the patient and ensure that everything was alright. While at home, the mother started feeling dizzy and swelling in the legs. She tried calling the hospital, but the lines were always busy. The mother started bleeding profusely while at home. By the time she got to the hospital, it was too late for the doctors to do anything to rescue her. The mother had already lost a lot of blood and passed on. This is a fictitious example of tolerating errors since it is clear that the nurses were not following up on the patients. It would have been easy to learn about the changes after discharge and treat her earlier enough if there were proper follow-ups.

Use of Transformational Leadership

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According to Asif et al. (2019), a transformational leader involves the members in the decision-making process. In this case, the nurse leader should have done some follow-ups on the nurses to ensure that they follow up on the patient’s welfare. One of the techniques that a transformational leader can use to help develop the individual is idealized influence. Transformational leaders must act as good role models for their associates. As a result, it becomes easy for the people around them to trust and respect their decisions. Another unique technique that transformational leaders can use to cane an individual is effective communication skills. According to Asif et al. (2019), a good leader must effectively deliver all the information to the relevant parties. This helps reduce errors, hence no chances of tolerating mistakes like in the above case.

How the techniques are reflective of the transformational leadership style

Transformational leaders aim at achieving the set goals and objectives by following the proper procedures. By being influential, transformational l leaders ensure that others can work towards achieving the set goals. As a result, there is a collective responsibility, and everyone works in the best way possible to deliver the best (Poghosyan & Bernhardt, 2018). Effective communication errors reduce the chance of committing mistakes. Some mistakes in nursing have very severe consequences, like death. Following this, effective communication helps mitigate these errors and encourages everyone to communicate if there is an issue that needs any attention.


How will the techniques be helpful in your future role as an MSN-prepared nurse leader

The techniques will help me to deal with various activities in the future. Through practical communication skills, I will be able to mobilize my team and ensure that each member is aware of what they should be doing (Poghosyan & Bernhardt, 2018). I will also provide clear channels of communication to minimize communication breakdown. Besides, the techniques will help me guide the other nurses to deliver quality patient care to all the patients. In this case, I will ensure that I work toward achieving the set goals so that others follow my steps and deliver the best too.


Afaya, A., Konlan, K. D., & Do, H. K. (2021). Improving Patient Safety Through Identifying Barriers to Reporting Medication Errors Among Nurses: An Integrative Review. An Integrative Review. BMC Health Services Research21(1), 1156.

Asif, M., Jameel, A., Hussain, A., Hwang, J., & Sahito, N. (2019). Linking Transformational Leadership with Nurse-Assessed Adverse Patient Outcomes and the Quality of Care: Assessing the Role of Job Satisfaction and Structural Empowerment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health16(13), 2381.

Poghosyan, L., & Bernhardt, J. (2018). Transformational Leadership to Promote Nurse Practitioner Practice in Primary Care. Journal of Nursing Management26(8), 1066-1073.


Emotionally incompetent behaviors can destroy a team\’s ability to achieve a specific goal. Consider the following list of emotionally incompetent behaviors (Porter-O\’Grady & Malloch, 2018).

Acting as a devil\’s advocate
Displaying a bad attitude
Displaying a superior attitude
Tolerating errors
Failing to balance work and relaxation
Select one behavior from the list above, and complete the following.

1.State the selected behavior.
2.Develop a fictitious example that demonstrates the selected behavior.
3.Considering your selected leadership style- (Transformational Leadership) describe two techniques that a leader could use to help develop the individual.
4.Explain how the techniques are reflective of the leadership style you have identified.
5.How will these techniques be useful in your future role as a MSN-prepared nurse leader?
Include current, peer-reviewed scholarly support (outside of class resources) to validate your work.

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