Topic 4: Collaboration In Patient Education And Compliance With Older Adults

Topic 4: Collaboration In Patient Education And Compliance With Older Adults

Topic 4: Collaboration In Patient Education And Compliance With Older Adults

Topic 4 DQ 1
Assessment Description

How has the patient’s control over his own health care changed?


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Collaboration in Patient Education and Compliance with Older Adults
How The Patient’s Control Over His Health Care Changed
Patients taking control over their health care has deemed changed drastically. The most important aspect is to realize that patients are part of the decision-making processes by choosing to participate in health care or failing to participate. However, some patients want to avoid participating in their healthcare, especially older adults may find it difficult to fully participate. Still, healthcare professionals must understand that patients are deemed the co-controllers of their health rather than recipients of healthcare recommendations and services (Martinho., et al., 2020b). Notably, patients have been involved in decision-making regarding their health; thus, patients are required to take over their responsibilities for any form of health results. Technology is crucial for involving patients in taking control of their health.
The ability to ensure that patients also participate in decision-making regarding their health is deemed the best practice. For instance, the virtue that patients have the luxury of asking questions regarding their health and always require answers is exciting and makes health outcomes successful (Qudah & Luetsch, 2019). Significantly, healthcare systems need to perfectly redesign patients’ roles so that patients take responsibility and become accountable for any health results. Such will drive the best health results as expected.
Additionally, the fact that healthcare systems have adopted involving patients in decision-making and permission from the patients to carry on with the treatment procedure is interesting. Such empowers patients to be free to share their opinions concerning what they need and do not prefer (Qudah & Luetsch, 2019b). Therefore, understanding patients’ needs and accommodating their personal feelings is a good practice. Because acquiring an individual’s consent before performing any task, especially matters of health, is critical and is a professional ethic.
Martinho, D., Carneiro, J., Corchado, J. M., & Marreiros, G. (2020b). A systematic review of gamification techniques applied to elderly care. Artificial Intelligence Review, 53(7), 4863–4901.
Qudah, B., & Luetsch, K. (2019b). The influence of mobile health applications on patient – healthcare provider relationships: A systematic, narrative review. Patient Education and Counseling, 102(6), 1080–1089.

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