Understanding Discourse Community Essay

Understanding Discourse Community Essay

Communication is vital in all disciplines. Rhetoric/persuasive devices are vital communication devices in many conversations. Rhetoric is common in politics and business because persuasion is common in communication. Rhetoric in nursing is evident in various resources, as discussed earlier. This essay reflects on the evaluation of rhetoric in nursing.

Rhetoric or persuasive skills are useful in nursing. They are used in nursing education, nursing practice, and patient education. Rhetoric is an essential skill in communication, a pillar in nursing practice and nursing education. During the exercise, differentiating between rhetoric and other literary skills was challenging but interesting. However, explaining the intended use of these literary devices was rather easy and exciting. Finding meaning in the sources explored was also interesting.

Selecting the most appropriate sources was challenging. I searched for the most interesting and debatable topics in nursing and searched them from various recognized databases. I also looked from reputable nursing-related websites for interesting recent articles, speeches, posts, photos, and videos for insight. I then selected those directed towards a certain audience/ population using keywords such as education and nursing. I selected the most appropriate and exciting resources for the rhetoric assignment.

The examples are all similar to my past experiences. However, the attention employed to rhetoric in these resources is rather different. They use multimodal writing forms such as “providing empirical evidence, classification, contrast, process analysis, classification, description, narration, and illustration” (Mitchell, 400). These modes have superimposed effects in persuasion and make the resources more convincing. All these forms of writing are important, and I will utilize them in my future writing.

Understanding rhetorical situations and strategies will be helpful in various ways. It will help form good relationships with other workers and patients. In addition, it will help determine flaws in communication and help avoid them. Rhetoric will also help sway people to accept my opinions in my endeavors in politics and businesses. Thus, rhetoric will be useful both in my career and in activities outside my career.

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Works Cited

Mitchell, Kim M. “Constructing writing practices in nursing.” Journal of Nursing Education 57.7 (2018): 399-407. https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20180618-04

Please upload the three types or examples of writing that you will look at in your discipline(Nursing):
1. One must be a scholarly piece (choose a topic you will enjoy reading about)
2. One must be a multimodal/digital writing piece (video, website, podcast, etc.)
3. The last can be anything (from drawings, to memos, to emails, etc.)
**Optional, you can choose an interview about writing in your discipline with a professional/professor from your field

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