Statistical Analysis in Nursing

Peer support has been shown to have a positive effect on treatment engagement for opioid use disorder. Studies have found that individuals in recovery who receive support from their peers, such as through peer-led support groups or peer mentoring programs, are more likely to stay engaged in treatment and have better outcomes, including reduced opioid use and improved quality of life. Peer support may also improve adherence to medication-assisted treatment and increase social support, which can be protective factors against relapse. Additionally, peer support may help to reduce stigma and improve self-esteem and self-efficacy in individuals with opioid use disorder. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the article, The “Effect of Peer Support on Treatment Engagement for Opioid Use Disorder” by Zuccarini, M. M., & Stiller, C. (2022).


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Zuccarini, M. M., & Stiller, C. (2022). The Effect of Peer Support on Treatment Engagement for Opioid Use Disorder. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 10783903221128062.10.1177/10783903221128062
Goals and Purpose
The purpose of this study is to provide evidence for the effectiveness of peer support as an intervention for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), which can inform clinical practice and improve the care for individuals with OUD. The study aims to identify whether or not peer support is an effective intervention to increase engagement in OUD treatment and improve outcomes for individuals with OUD. In order to gauge relative treatment adherence, this study contrasts two alternative OUD care plans. The goal of this study was to determine whether a peer support-based therapeutic approach, together with enhanced medication-assisted treatment, offered by an outpatient clinic, improves client participation in recovery treatment more than treatment as usual.
Use of Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests
The article utilizes both parametric and non-parametric tests to prove the hypothesis and answer the research objectives. Some of the parametric tests that have been used include student t-test which revealed greater engagement in recovery services for the respondents enrolled in certified recovery services program. On the other hand, the non-parametric test used in this article is spearman rank correlation to determine the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The outcome of the Spearman Rank Correlation showed a strong relationship between peer support-based therapeutic approach and client participation in recovery treatment.
Parametric tests are statistical tests that assume that the data being analyzed follows a normal distribution and that the underlying population has a specific set of parameters (Hoermann et al., 2020). These tests are used to make inferences about population means, standard deviations, and other parameters based on sample data. Some examples of parametric tests include t-tests, ANOVA, and linear regression. From the article given, the use of parametric tests such as ANOVA are inappropriate for statistical analysis because the data collected did not show a normal distribution. For example, the histogram and the line graph showed that the data was not normally distributed. The normal distribution means that mean, median, and mode are all equal which is not the case in the article provided.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Research Study
Some potential strengths of this research study include a well-designed study protocol, a large and representative sample size, and the use of valid and reliable measurement tools. One of the main limitation/weakness of this research study in the limited scope. The study was limited to measuring specific variables and did not capture the complexity of a particular phenomenon. Also, the results of this research study may only be generalizable to a specific population
Results from quantitative studies may only be generalizable to a specific population or context, and may not be applicable to other populations or contexts, and may not be applicable to other populations or contexts (Rahman, 2020). Finally, the study had the limited ability to capture nuances and context: the research methods used in this study may not be able to capture the nuances and complexities of a particular phenomenon.
Contribution of Findings and Recommendations of the Research Study to Evidence-Based Practice for Nursing
The findings and recommendations of the research study on The Effect of Peer Support on Treatment Engagement for Opioid Use Disorder could contribute to evidence-based practice for nursing by providing nurses with information on the effectiveness of peer support as a tool for increasing treatment engagement among individuals with opioid use disorder. This could inform nursing practice and care planning for individuals with opioid use disorder, and potentially lead to the incorporation of peer support as a standard component of care for this population. Additionally, the study’s recommendations for future research could guide the direction of further studies on the topic, ultimately leading to a better understanding of the role of peer support in treating opioid use disorder and improving outcomes for individuals with this condition.
The purpose of this study is to provide evidence for the effectiveness of peer support as an intervention for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), which can inform clinical practice and improve the care for individuals with OUD. The article utilizes both parametric and non-parametric tests to prove the hypothesis and answer the research objectives. Some of the parametric tests that have been used include student t-test which revealed greater engagement in recovery services for the respondents enrolled in certified recovery services program.

Hoermann, R., Midgley, J. E., Larisch, R., & Dietrich, J. W. (2020). Who is afraid of non-normal data? Choosing between parametric and non-parametric tests: a response. European Journal of Endocrinology, 183(2), L1-L3. https://eje.bioscientifica.com/view/journals/eje/183/2/EJE-20-0134.xml
Rahman, M. S. (2020). The advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative and quantitative approaches and methods in language “testing and assessment” research: A literature review. https://pearl.plymouth.ac.uk/handle/10026.1/16598
Zuccarini, M. M., & Stiller, C. (2022). The Effect of Peer Support on Treatment Engagement for Opioid Use Disorder. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 10783903221128062.10.1177/10783903221128062

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An essential component of nursing education is ensuring students develop the competencies in the use of empirical evidence in their clinical practice. The fundamental goal of statistics courses is to teach healthcare professionals the proper uses of statistical thinking to enable them to effectively evaluate the literature and integrate evidence into their practice” (Baghi & Kornides, 2014).

How are research methods used in nursing? What particular methods are used in your area of nursing practice? Over the last few weeks, you have been exploring these questions, and you will continue this exploration examining the specific tests and methods that may be used in your particular area of nursing practice. Why might different methods be used based on an area of practice? Why is it important for DNP-prepared nurses to be familiar with various research methods?

For this Discussion, reflect on the tests and methods utilized in research studies, presented over the last eight weeks of the course, to consider the approach, impact, and purpose of these in conducting nursing research. Using a selected article, consider the approach used and reflect on how that approach might fits within your area of nursing practice.

Reference: Baghi, H., & Kornides, M. (2013). Current and future health care professionals attitudes toward and knowledge of statistics: How confidence influences learning. Journal of Nursing Education Practitioners 3(7), 24–29 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4239707/Links to an external site.


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· Review the articles presented in this week’s Learning Resources and analyze each study’s use of statistical and nonparametric tests.

· Select an article to focus on for this Discussion.

· Ask yourself: Which method is most commonly used in research studies that pertain to my area of nursing practice, and why this might be so?


Post a critical analysis of the article that you selected by addressing the following:

· What are the goals and purpose of the research study described by the article you selected?

· How are nonparametric tests used in the research study? What are the results of their use? Be specific.

· Why are parametric methods ( tests and ANOVA) inappropriate for the statistical analysis of the research study’s data? Be specific and provide examples.

· What are the strengths and weaknesses of the research study (e.g., study design, sampling, and measurement)?

· How could the findings and recommendations of the research study contribute to evidence-based practice for nursing?

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