Leadership And Community Health Project Essay

Leadership And Community Health Project Essay

My Personal Philosophy

Nursing is an essential profession in our societies. The nursing profession is built on caring, focusing on maximum patient benefits. The nursing profession requires extensive training, and more so, the recognition of it as a profession and not just a calling. My uncle was a nurse working in the army. One afternoon he allowed us to go with him to his workstation. The care units in the military were receiving wounded patients in distress. The nursing officers were running up and down caring for the patients. An accident occurred in the camp, and our uncle left us in his residence in a hurry to give them a hand and later came. He then gave us a tour of the ward before dusk. It was quiet, and many patients were asleep, all stable. It was impressive, and I developed a love for nursing due to the care I witnessed.

Caring and beneficence are my principles in nursing. Good leadership skills, determination, empathy, and creativity are my strengths, and integrity, compassion, and selflessness are my core values as a nurse. My goal is to provide the best care that benefits the patients, depending on their needs. As a nurse, I deliver empathetic care without discrimination. In addition, I can assess a patient (individual, family, or community) and accurately diagnose their needs to aid planning for their care. As a nurse, I plan to use my values for career development and to ensure the communities, families, and individuals receive the best interventions for their care needs.

The birthing place requires funding from grants, sponsors, and investors. It is a resource-intensive affair hence the need for financing. The first step in getting grants is understanding the general grant applications and the reward system-the maximum and minimums for various purposes (Stephens, 2021). The second step is determining the specific requirements for the funding opportunities. The demands may include providing a well-written budget, while some require an already running business to invest in. After understanding the eligibility of the available funding opportunities, the next step is determining the right opportunities for the for-profit community clinic. Healthcare institutions are long-term investments that take time to establish and return profits (Hunter & Murray, 2019). In addition, it is essential to select healthcare-related grants from internationally recognized institutions. The funding sources that focus on healthcare understand the requirements and provide funding relative to the specific needs. This step ensures adherence to the funding requirements from both the sources and the team seeking funds. The next step is learning the reporting requirements once the grant is awarded. Reporting is integral in ensuring the sustenance of funding for the business. The last step is applying for the grant. This step entails reviewing the project requirements and eligibility and reporting the requirements. Rereading the application before submitting it is also integral to remove mistakes and add details that might have been left out.

Sponsors are individuals or institutions who provide a specific amount, whole or all, to a project under development. The first step in getting funding from sponsors is determining the potential sponsors. The potential sponsors involve companies and institutions with overlapping demographics, such as medical funding institutions and medical equipment suppliers (Hunter & Murray, 2019). These institutions may have interests in new and developing clinics/hospitals, majorly for business development and networking purposes. The step also entails reviewing current sponsors and their possibility of sponsoring the new project. The second step entails presenting the idea to the sponsors selected using a well-prepared proposal plan encompassing the investors’ interests. The third step entails providing a winning offer to the sponsors to convince them to fund the business. It also involves presenting incentives to the sponsors to gain buy-in. These sponsors include suppliers of medical instruments with promises of private tenders or other incentives once the hospital is up and running. Gaining support from suppliers involves delicate consideration and compliance with the essential requirements before signing the sponsorship contracts terms.

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Investors are essential in many businesses. Unlike other funding sources, investment money may incur interest rates or require the sale of company shares and dividends to these investors (Gondi & Song., 2019). The first step is determining the investment needs and the available and viable investors for the business: developing a solid business plan. The second step is reaching out to the investors through an elaborate plan that entails the money need, the possibility of profits, and the preferred payment system, developing a good forecast model. Convincing this group of the possibility of making a profit is very important. The third step entails working together or a contingency plan if the investors do not verbalize interest in the project.

Convincing Sources of Fund to Invest

Convincing grantors, investors, and sponsors are essential for gaining business funds. The business has various advantages in this region. The major strength is that the hospital will be located in a sub-urban region, with a large population and fewer hospitals. The available hospitals are two public hospitals with limited facilities in the area. Building a clinic in this area will provide better services to the community, which will help create trust and a better client system. In addition, people seeking healthcare services will opt for the clinic instead of traveling far off for better services already available in the area. The clinic will also serve as a referral area from other clinics in the neighboring communities. The clinic will also provide antenatal services to mothers, hence building their confidence in getting services from the clinic. In addition, the antenatal clinics are also a source of revenue for the hospital. Prospects of expanding the birthing place to accommodate post-natal care are also underway, which will also be a source of additional income.

Public and private insurances have elaborate systems that generously fund women’s reproductive health, especially childbirth (Appleford et al., 2020). Childbirth involves low health risks, and thus, the insurance and other associated costs are also low. In addition, the specialization of the clinic as a birthing place only will ensure better focus and management, hence quality care and best services delivery. This factor will ensure a robust client system based on experienced merits.

The funding requirements are land purchase, local authorities’ licensing, building, equipment, and staff. The starts are about $300,000, considering the costs of running the hospital for the first year before the clinic can start bringing in profits (Hunter & Murray, 2019). Getting a good source of funding will thus ensure the business is up and running. The benefits are mutual; the community benefits from better access services while the hospital benefits from income generated from offering services to the community.



Appleford, G., RamaRao, S., & Bellows, B. (2020). The inclusion of sexual and reproductive health services within universal health care through intentional design. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 28(2), 1799589. https://doi.org/10.1080/26410397.2020.1799589

Gondi, S., & Song, Z. (2019). Potential implications of private equity investments in health care delivery. JAMA, 321(11), 1047-1048. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2019.1077

Hunter, B. M., & Murray, S. F. (2019). Deconstructing the financialization of healthcare. Development and Change, 50(5), 1263-1287. https://doi.org/10.1111/dech.12517

Stephens, K. (2021). US FDA Grants 510 (k) Clearance to Deep Learning Technology on GE’s Signa 7.0 T MRI Scanner. AXIS Imaging News. https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Industries/Healthcare%20Systems%20and%20Services/Our%20Insights/The%20silent%20shapers%20of%20healthcare%20services/The-silent-shapers-of-healthcare-services.pdf

NUR 417




You are a nurse leader and are planning to design and implement a new for-profit community based clinic that serves a specific high-risk population.  Using information gathered from data, credible online sources, local and state government, and personal interviews, address the following points:


  • A description of the population, problem, and issue. Include etiology, effect of the problem or issue, local statistics and data.
  • A description of the high-risk population and/or the extent and effect of the problem. Include who and how many people are affected on a local, state, and national level.  Cost, both individually and to society.
  • Describe specific population focused interventions that could be employed for this risk group. Describe specific resources/solutions (include local, state, and national programs).
  • Select an appropriate site for the new clinic. State and justify your selection of site.  Include cost and funding options, population aggregate.  Identify all stakeholders.
  • Identify the level of prevention toward which the services are directed.
  • Identify the number of patients/clients the clinic will serve on a yearly basis. Describe services provided by the clinic.  How are these services different than those at other locations?
  • Calculate the number of FTE’s needed for the clinic, specify type of FTE (RN, MD, etc.), describe common characteristics of newly hired employees, questions raised during the interview process.
  • Develop a template for a two-week schedule period identifying coverage of open hours.
  • Create an operating budget for a fiscal year, including all costs for employment, supplies, operating expenses, utilities, and rent.
  • Tool for evaluation of the clinic after one year in service.



Project Deliverables


The project consists of three deliverables:


  1. A written report with a maximum length of 25 pages not including title and reference page(s) addressing the above. Papers should include a minimum of fifteen scholarly resources, no greater than 5 years of age, appropriately referenced and cited using APA formatting.  One paper per group uploaded to Canvas and one hardcopy paper turned in prior to the date deadline.  (40% of total project grade)


  1. A presentation as if the group is presenting their ideas to possible stakeholders. The presentation should be no greater than 30 minutes in length, and no less than 25 minutes in length.  Students are encouraged to create and develop handouts, charts, graphs, etc., to accompany the presentation.  All students in each group are expected to participate equally in the presentation.  (40% of total project grade)


  1. Peer review of other group members. (20% of total project grade)

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